ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Adventures Of ArmorGames: The Search

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Hi I'm Moatarmorgamer, a.k.a. Moat, and I'm bringing you The Adventures of ArmorGames book 1: The Search.
Here are the characters of The Search:
Protagonists: Nico (Nichodemus) Riou (Rion Fangblade)
Antagonist: Daytime (Ping)
Creature: TSL3_needed (Wileix)
Henchman: Jdogg (Shank)
God: Moabarmorgamer(Moat)

Chapter 1: Moat Has Spoken

Nico and Rion Fangblade walked silently through the forest. Both were quiet and solemn, for they had a solemn duty. To hunt down and kill evil creatures that plagued Aegisl. Nico tapped Rion on the shoulder and pointed. There was their target: a Frost Wyvern. It had been assaulting the peaceful northern town of Caline for a while, and the famous duo had been brought in. Rion hefted his huge Broad Sword and approached the creature. The Frost Wyvern sent a column of freezing ice his way, but he deflected it easily with his Broad Sword. Using his temporary sword, a thin rapier, Nico ran up to the terrifying creature, and while it was distracted by Rion, jabbed it hard in a gap in its frost armor. It roared in pain and reared up, giving Nico the chance to slash at its unprotected belly. Then, Rion ran up and, while it was disoriented, stabbed it in the throat. Finally, the Frost Wyvern keeled over and died. But Rion and Nico did not celebrate. They were both quiet, serious young men, and had done this hundreds of times before. Literally. But suddenly, the two saw a glowing light descending from the sky. They both fell to their knees bowing to the lord, Moat.
"Oh, come on you two. Must we really go through this every time I have to talk to you?" Moat said exasperatedly, the young god's armor glinting in the sunlight. The two heroes got to their feet.
"So...what do you want?" asked Nico.
"A few weeks ago, I lent you my Spam Hammer to hunt an ArmorGamian Dragon, did I not?" Moat said
"You did," Rion said, wondering where this was going.
"Well, it seems you did your job incorrectly. Not only was my Spam Hammer swallowed, the Dragon is still running amok," said Moat
"There was a civilian in the way-" Nico started to explain, but Moat shook his head.
"I don't care what excuses you're going to give me," he said. This was so unfair that Nico and Rion wanted to talk back: but Moat was known for his fiery temper and was liable to burn them to a crisp if they angered him. Just ask the poor citizens of Atlantis. "Just go back to ArmorGames, kill the dragon, and get my Spam Hammer. Do we understand each other?" said Moat. The two men nodded.
"Good. I've gotten you both passes to ArmorGames, but other than that, I have no power there. The gods there are Moderators, and Admins," Moat said, handing them both a platinum-plated card. Then, Moat disappeared in a cloud of dust.
"Well," said Nico, glancing at Rion "Looks like we're going to ArmorGames."

Hope you liked it! Part 2 will continue with Nico and Rion, and Part 3 will introduce the villains. Keep reading!

  • 121 Replies
169 posts

ok ty for makeing

2,492 posts

Uh... did you ask these people for permission to be in the story before you wrote it?

Anyways, it seems good so far.

20,591 posts

Uh... did you ask these people for permission to be in the story before you wrote it?

There was a sign-up in the tavern.
8,570 posts

The Adventures Of Armorgames: The Search
Chapter 2: A Slaying

Nico sighed. He hated chariot travel. The ride was bumpy, and every turn made it feel like he would fall right out. They gripped their stamped AG passcards. They had arrived in ArmorGames land about an hour ago, and had since been riding from town to town searching for the creature. Because, you see, ArmorGamian Dragons aren't always dragons: that's just what the citizens of ArmorGames call them. This particular one had been made entirely of metal, very thin, and had spikes on the top of his head. It was named Wiliex. But once they located Wiliex they had to get a Slayer's License from a Moderator to attack it. Rion tried to start a friendly conversation with the chariot driver, but the elderly man craned his neck and gave Rion such a look he clamped his mouth shut.
"I can't wait until we reach civilization," said Rion. He used his red bandanna to wipe the sweat off his forehead: it was really hot in ArmorGames.
" No joke," muttered Nico, grimacing as they went over a particularly jolting bump. The young hero, who definitely had his mettle, felt sick. He'd almost prefer riding a bucking rhino; and he'd had experience in that field. Finally, they reached the capital of ArmorGames: Help Forum. The driver stopped the chariot abruptly and the daring duo got out. As they walked by, they admired the beautiful stickied thread buildings. But they went straight to the Contact thread building, the largest in town. There they were greeted by Hammy, a slightly tanned Moderator with a guitar slung over his back.
"Hi. I'm Rion Fangblade, that's Nico, and we'd like to get a Slayer's License," said Rion, extending his hand to shake and offering a friendly smile. It was ignored by Hammy, who walked them briskly over to a wooden bench and indicated for them to sit.
"We'll need to have you go through an evaluation for the Slayer's License. That'll probably last about a day or two, so you'll be getting a tavern room with other would-be heroes. Until then, sit here and I'll tell the other Mods," Hammy instructed, then walked away, strumming lightly on his guitar.

A few hours later, Nico and Rion were sitting in a crusty room with three wannabe heroes. Nico shook his head impatiently.
"I'm going out to stretch my legs," he said to the group, and added to Rion in an undertone "And get away from the noobs." Rion got up to join him, grabbing his broadsword on the way, and they walked out of the tavern. Suddenly, they saw a young child lying on the ground. Several large sword slashes were present on his chest. Rion shouted for help and ran over to the chariot driver, who was covered in scarlet pools of blood. He put on hand on his neck to check his pulse. Nico looked at him anxiously. Rion bowed his head.
"Nothing," he said. Suddenly, a member of the Moderators: Papi, the youngest and lightest on his feet, came running over. Papi got in a combat stance.
"What did you do to that child?" he demanded.
"Nothing!" said Nico "We went out for a while to stretch our legs and we found him!"
" A likely story," Papi said sarcastically "So why is there blood on your hands?"
"How would you know? You're blind," said Rion, getting angry. He and Nico had done nothing!
" I can see more than you know. Now, why do you have blood on your hands?!" exclaimed Papi.
"Rion checked his pulse," Nico explained.
"Of course he did," snapped Papi sarcastically. "You're both murderers and liars and you're going to come with me. You're in trouble." Rion and Nico glanced at each other nervously. Should they fight him? Or should they allow themselves to be taken? What had happened here?

20,591 posts

Not bad, not bad at all.
Typical of you to be god

97 posts

Your a good writer

8,570 posts

Lol well what can I do? I only am going to have about 2 cameo appearances though, and you've already seen one of them.
And thank you.

20,591 posts

Stories like these usually turn out to be 90% dialogue :/

8,570 posts

Really? Hmm.

8,570 posts

I am hoping to see a mention of this in the next edition of the A.G. newspaper.

20,591 posts

Suggest it to whoever is running the AMW section.

8,570 posts

I would but there is no one running AMW lol.

20,591 posts

I guess TSL3 took over that section than, ask him.

8,570 posts

The Adventures Of Armorgames: The Search
Chapter 3: A Dark Revelation

Shank crept quietly up on the child. His dark gray pelt blended well with the cobblestones, and the child never knew what hit him. Shank pounced and bit him hard on the back of the neck. This put the child into unconsciousness. Shank used his sharp, long, deadly claws, slashing at the boy's chest. Soon, blood was welling out of the wounds and Shank could not hear the steady rise and fall of human breathing. He shook the blood off his pelt, splattering scarlet droplets everywhere. He then sped into the shadows and left to report to his master.

"So, Shank...the mission was successful," said his master, his face concealed by his long black hood and the dark shadows.
"Yes, master," growled Shank, licking his paws.
"And the heroes. Did you see them?" the master demanded
"No, master. But I scented them," Shank said, feeling uncomfortable, as if he'd failed his master.
"It matters not. I will be at that trial. And they will be found guilty," said Shank's master.
"Yes, master. And what shall I do now?" Shank asked
"Take the beast. It must be protected at all costs," said his master.
"Yes, master," said Shank, leaving, his gunmetal gray pelt blending into the shadows as if he was never there.

8,570 posts

I will be posting the next chapter...whenever I feel like writing! See ya! And pray that TSL writes the next chapter of Spam Wars quickly, with no more problems.

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