ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Adventures Of ArmorGames: The Search

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Hi I'm Moatarmorgamer, a.k.a. Moat, and I'm bringing you The Adventures of ArmorGames book 1: The Search.
Here are the characters of The Search:
Protagonists: Nico (Nichodemus) Riou (Rion Fangblade)
Antagonist: Daytime (Ping)
Creature: TSL3_needed (Wileix)
Henchman: Jdogg (Shank)
God: Moabarmorgamer(Moat)

Chapter 1: Moat Has Spoken

Nico and Rion Fangblade walked silently through the forest. Both were quiet and solemn, for they had a solemn duty. To hunt down and kill evil creatures that plagued Aegisl. Nico tapped Rion on the shoulder and pointed. There was their target: a Frost Wyvern. It had been assaulting the peaceful northern town of Caline for a while, and the famous duo had been brought in. Rion hefted his huge Broad Sword and approached the creature. The Frost Wyvern sent a column of freezing ice his way, but he deflected it easily with his Broad Sword. Using his temporary sword, a thin rapier, Nico ran up to the terrifying creature, and while it was distracted by Rion, jabbed it hard in a gap in its frost armor. It roared in pain and reared up, giving Nico the chance to slash at its unprotected belly. Then, Rion ran up and, while it was disoriented, stabbed it in the throat. Finally, the Frost Wyvern keeled over and died. But Rion and Nico did not celebrate. They were both quiet, serious young men, and had done this hundreds of times before. Literally. But suddenly, the two saw a glowing light descending from the sky. They both fell to their knees bowing to the lord, Moat.
"Oh, come on you two. Must we really go through this every time I have to talk to you?" Moat said exasperatedly, the young god's armor glinting in the sunlight. The two heroes got to their feet.
"So...what do you want?" asked Nico.
"A few weeks ago, I lent you my Spam Hammer to hunt an ArmorGamian Dragon, did I not?" Moat said
"You did," Rion said, wondering where this was going.
"Well, it seems you did your job incorrectly. Not only was my Spam Hammer swallowed, the Dragon is still running amok," said Moat
"There was a civilian in the way-" Nico started to explain, but Moat shook his head.
"I don't care what excuses you're going to give me," he said. This was so unfair that Nico and Rion wanted to talk back: but Moat was known for his fiery temper and was liable to burn them to a crisp if they angered him. Just ask the poor citizens of Atlantis. "Just go back to ArmorGames, kill the dragon, and get my Spam Hammer. Do we understand each other?" said Moat. The two men nodded.
"Good. I've gotten you both passes to ArmorGames, but other than that, I have no power there. The gods there are Moderators, and Admins," Moat said, handing them both a platinum-plated card. Then, Moat disappeared in a cloud of dust.
"Well," said Nico, glancing at Rion "Looks like we're going to ArmorGames."

Hope you liked it! Part 2 will continue with Nico and Rion, and Part 3 will introduce the villains. Keep reading!

  • 121 Replies
5,860 posts

Wow thats great Moat. I like my character Shank hes a beast! hehe great story

8,570 posts

Thanks jdogg

20,591 posts

How many chapters do you plan?

1,107 posts

Wow! I never knew the story would come this fast. I really like how you portrayed my character Papi. I forgot to mention in his description that Papi is also a very good swordsman =D Great job!

8,570 posts

How many chapters do you plan?

I have no idea. Until the story is finished, I suppose. Judging from the current chapter size, I'd guess at least 10 chapters, perhaps more.
Thanks, Papi.
20,591 posts

All I can say is, very descriptive and suspenseful. At the end, you should post all chapters in one large post (or maybe 2, considering post maximum size)

8,570 posts

The Adventures Of Armorgames: The Search
Chapter 4: Guilty

Nico and Rion allowed themselves to be shackled and chained. They were taken to the A.G. Courthouse soon afterwards. They sat respectfully at the defendant's seats. The judges: Papi, the youngest, sitting on the right, Hammy, as the medium judge, sat on the left, and Graham, as the oldest and wisest judge, sat in the middle. In ArmorGames land, the Mods act as officers of the law, defendants of the people against creatures, spammers, and flamers, and as judges and jury. The bailiff walked coolly up to Graham.
"This is case #97B in the matter of the land of ArmorGames v.s. Nico and Fangblade," said the bailiff, sounding bored.
"Very well," said Graham, dismissing the bailiff. "Would the prosecution proceed?" After an hour of legal court juju-magumbo which Rion and Nico understood nothing of, it was time for the jury to give their verdict.
"Would my fellow members of the jury please give their verdict?" said Graham. Papi stood first.
"Guilty," he said, his voice clear, but filled with hatred. He sat down, his knuckles white. Hammy stood next.
"Guilty," he said. He then sat back down, humming Metallica. Graham stood last.
"Guilty," he said. His voice was calm and collected. It showed no emotion.
"The jury has made their unanimous decision that the defendants Nico and Rion are guilty of the murder of a young user. Therefore, I, Graham, supreme Mod, declare their punishment execution by hanging. Case dismissed," and with that, Graham banged his Ban Hammer, and Rion and Nico were escorted out of the courtroom. They were to be hung...tomorrow.

1,107 posts

Shouldn't Papi be on the left, not Hammy? Papi is 144, and Hammy is 14...So how is Papi the youngest? Even his body age is older than 14, it's 26. I'm confused.

8,570 posts

The Adventures Of Armorgames: The Search
Chapter 5: Escape

Nico and Rion were led to a prison cell deep underneath the Help thread building. Their chains and shackles were undone, then they were barred in. The bailiff left, and a guard, dressed in a khaki uniform with red stripes, and armed with a sabre, walked in.
"Hi," he said cheerfully. His face looked young and friendly: he must've been around 20. "My name's Ping."
"Hi," said Rion. "I'm Rion." Nico just sat in the corner.
"I don't want the other guys to hear this; but I believe you," said Ping.
"Really?" said Rion
"Yeah," said Ping "And I want to help you escape."
"Truly?" Nico said, standing up hopefully.
"Really," said Ping. "Here's the plan." and he whispered it to them.

A few hours later, it was time for the changing of the guards. J.J, the replacement guard, walked in. See, guards are mods in training.
"Ping!" he yelled "Where are you?" Then, suddenly, he was hit on the back of the head and knocked out.
"Go!" cried Ping to Rion and Nico, who bolted out of their unlocked cell. Ping ran with them. A few minutes afterward, a groggy J.J. got up and sounded the alarm. Shouts and cries of battle were heard as the entire city and all its Moderator guards went into turmoil looking for the so-called murderers.

8,570 posts

What I meant by youngest was most junior member. Hammy's been a mod longer than Papi, even though Papi is older.

1,707 posts

lol you are posting new stories a bit fast, there is no suspense :P

8,570 posts

The Adventures Of Armorgames: The Search
Chapter 6: The Power Of Blood

Shank crept quietly behind the Metallica. His claws were out: even though his orders had been to protect the creature, it gave off such a scent of power it made him uneasy. He felt that it would be much easier simply to kill it and have done with the threat, but master said to protect it, so that's what Shank was doing. Suddenly, he got a telepathic link(Shank is a familiar, so he and his master can communicate telepathically)
Shank said his master. Do you see the Metallica?
Yes, master. I've been following it for hours said Shank
Good. I want you to capture it and bring it to me, said his master
Capture it? But you said the mods would be watching for it and that it wouldn't survive in the city! said Shank
No questions! Just capture it and bring it to me as quickly as you can! The Moderators are distracted right now! And don't spill a single drop of its blood! said the master sharply. Then, the link was broken. Shank crept closer. Then, being careful to sheathe his claws, he pounced on Wiliex.

198 posts

Dude this is awesome!!

8,570 posts

Thanks. I shall post the next addition tomorrow, to increase the suspense.

1,107 posts

What I meant by youngest was most junior member. Hammy's been a mod longer than Papi, even though Papi is older.

Oh I see. Okay then. That makes more sense.
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