There you go that should be all of them up to this point.
What they sell at the stores in ArmorGames City, mayhaps?
I am liking this idea.
The soup is hands-down the best one.
Well the image was the easiest to shop after all. There was absolutely no shading on the can so it was all one color on each side. Though I kind of agree that it was probably the most authentic.
Wow that is pretty good. Love the way you faded it in.
Well actually all I did was turn the AG logo into an Overlay, which for me is hard to explain what it is, but my point is it only took maybe a few clicks to get the effect of it fading in. The perspective effects were a bit more difficult then that, but even then this was probably one of the easiest images of them all including the syrup.
Well actually all I did was turn the AG logo into an Overlay, which for me is hard to explain what it is, but my point is it only took maybe a few clicks to get the effect of it fading in. The perspective effects were a bit more difficult then that, but even then this was probably one of the easiest images of them all including the syrup.
Hmm that is actually quite simple. I remember spending a day on this stupid project I had. Eventually I learned what I was doing and finally managed to make it work.
Right well here is probably the last one I will do for the day. There is nothing more generic then spam on AG, and so thats the look I was trying to go for here.