Right so I was just looking at some stuff on AG when an idea popped into my head and I had the sudden urge to make this so here it is:Yeah Its That Important!!!Anyways hope you guys like it.
What are you using to edit the pictures?
Must've missed it, where...
Crimson's last post...
Oh, Photoshop.Meh. It must've taken a while.Good work.For the canned spam, should've added the picture of the man in a burger suit.
Ouch! That armorcookie looks like it will hurt my mouth if I eat it!
For the canned spam, should've added the picture of the man in a burger suit.
Well it is an ARMOR Cookie so it has to protect itself somehow.
Well I meant that the swords might cut the roof of my mouth.
Then what kind of cookie is that? Lol I want to eat it! Not let it cut my head off lol
Alright now is time for a new image I guess. I call this one Armor Eggs. Eggs with the AG Logo painted on them.Eggs
omg, armor eggs.
Hmm. How about Armor Pizza? And instead of toppings it can have the logo and whatnot.
How about Armor Pizza? And instead of toppings it can have the logo and whatnot.
Ooh, nice eggs. There aren't any little chicks with swords and armor in them is there?
Yummy armor eggs. The spotted egg looks the best.
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