*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
Also, your shading it amazing nao. Teh hair was really good, and so were the folds in his clothing. *bow* Funnily enough my lineart get crappier by the day.
Moar picturez? Uhm, I have one (or two, actually) but I am not sure of posting them here would be such a good idea.
Why does everyone on Armorgames seem to use a very similar art style... well everyone who actually has skill
I am taking offence by that.
The beauty of the face would blind them.
Cen and Zoph are somewhat similar, but that's where the similarities stop between good artists . . . .
Zophia has exclaimed before that she sometimes try and look at my pictures when drawing something. (at least back when I was a regular at the club. But Idk. I will still take offence of Bug's comment.
Well drawn, although I'm really not fond of long hair.
Well, he stares at me when I try to cut it > > (Yes, I do imagine my characters staring at me when I suggest something stupid > > )
Of course, there are some differences in your styles, but there are some similarities.
There always will be. We drew a lot together back then. It was right about the time when my style decided to change into something that was not manga...
*opens tab to dA*
From what I've hard, Cen (character Cen) doesn't like short hair. >.>
He does not mind it, he would just kill anyone that tried to cut his short > >...
Hurrah for long replies. The attention makes me feel awkward...