*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
Zophia has exclaimed before that she sometimes try and look at my pictures when drawing something. (at least back when I was a regular at the club.)
I did? Heh~ Well, I've definitely tried to learn how to draw humans from you, and also how to do better shading... And we know our styles blend together well (should really finish that co-op).
Of course, there are some differences in your styles, but there are some similarities.
Actually there are both similarities and differences between pretty much every style available...
There always will be. We drew a lot together back then. It was right about the time when my style decided to change into something that was not manga...
And I can hear not many of you have tried to be really ill to your stomach or had a hangover where you camp besides the toilet either because you still feel ill after puking, or because you are too weak to get up
i have been sick to my stomach but not hangover sick cause i am kinda underaged
Cen, I think (THIS IS NOT A REQUEST!) you should make a Cen, in armor, like a mid-evil knight. (has a thing for Furries and Knights)
I am a bit scared now...
Anyway, asked Zophia is I should upload this, and she seemed to think so. Short description would be "Darn, I wish Cen was a evil ba.tard sometimes". That version is awesome. He could shoot you in your face, but it is much more fun to hunt you down and beat you to death with a pipe.
What the fudge ups with his crotch? I mean I'm not gay but that was the fisrt thing I noticed.
Lol, yeah, he has a deadly package...
I assume he is carrying the sledge hammer so where is the head to the hammer? If it is pn the end that we can't see, well then that is a very awkward way to carry it.
I seemingly lack the ability to make it look less.... deadly, considering it is either "OMG tightpants!!" or that...
I assume he is carrying the sledge hammer so where is the head to the hammer? If it is pn the end that we can't see, well then that is a very awkward way to carry it.
Iron pipe, actually. Evil version did not have a sledge hammer near him when scared guy ran off.
holly crap i just had the most random idea you should draw freddy mercury and cenere having a chugging match lolol i think freddy would win though *evil grin here*
holly crap i just had the most random idea you should draw freddy mercury and cenere having a chugging match lolol i think freddy would win though *evil grin here*
And gay jokes are back. I have fixed it now (but I do not care to upload it again), Zophia says it is better (though she never said it was a problem, though).
And I am trying to remind myself why I posted the Lyra one, but I fail to remember.
Note to self: Posting images when you are depressed and hate yourself is a bad idea.
Don't be scared baby... you know I wouldn't do anything... (get's punted outta the thread)
But Honestly, there are many who are scared of me, though I wonder why you are scared of me now, and not about the things I was doing in you Commentbox...
Also, about that girl picture, it is a really well drawn character, and I was just wondering why you didn't draw her from the front.
Wow, my first comment started a very strange discussion, but really although the art styles are different the general kind the most active about posting their art here seems similar