[quote]Nice story
Ouch, that's gotta sting.[/quote] If you ask me, comments like that have no point. Because, you know, he didn't end his sentence with a period. Thanks for the compliment anyway, Yellowsubmarine.
WTF humor is always fun.
I assume you're referring to Zahz's cameo appearance. He was almost a regular member of the cast, but...
It's hard to resist a poke at the rules.
Pretty much, yeah. Still, I try to resist, because, to be frank, making rules jokes about 3.5 D&D is like boxing Stevie Wonder.
And Zorthar appears, or acts, less sharp than he is.
Dang. You're on to me.
Anyway, now it's time to meet some of our supporting cast. In case you're one of my players, DON'T READ THINGS MARKED INTERLUDE! If you aren't, go ahead and learn a thing or two about kobolds and the villains.
Three and a Half Elves: Interlude One: A Tail of Two Branches A kobold with dark brown fur and yellow eyes paused near the door. He was deciding whether or not he should bring his bow to the hearing. He soon decided to leave the bow, but keep his sword. With that, Rattail entered the freezing auditorium. He found nine kobolds standing before him, eight of which were dressed in red, one of which wore white.
"High Priest?" Rattail exclaimed in surprise. "I was expecting to speak with the Circle of Magi."
"The Circle is otherwise occupied." said a red robe wearer with a note of disdain. He had short, white fur, small horns, yellow eyes and a wide mouth of sharp teeth.
"The clergy will hear what you have to say, Captain Rattail." announced the one in the white robe.
"Just a status report." said Rattail. "Humans intruded again." The tribunal remained silent. Rattail blinked expectantly before continuing.
"So three humans intruded." he picked up awkwardly. "We, uh, chased them away, but we lost Sez and Howlin' Wolf. We also lost a barrel of grease, but..." he trailed off, as though to let the news of death sink in.
"Were the humans killed?" asked the High Priest sharply.
"No." answered Rattail. "We let them go." The High Priest paused.
"Apostles, you are dismissed." he finally said with a wave of his hand. The red robe wearing apostles got up to leave hesitantly, with one exception: The kobold who had announced the Circle's busyness stood up quickly, as though he couldn't wait to leave.
"Apostle Grippli, Apostle Amidantu, remain." the High Priest commanded. A sparse haired, bronze skinned kobold dropped out of the group of those leaving. The smiling kobold ceased his escape and adopted a scowl.
"But High Priest, the Circle-" started the vexed kobold.
"The Circle can wait, Grippli: They do not need every Sorcerer for a meeting." said he High Priest calmly. He waited for the other Apostles to depart before continuing: "Rattail, why did you allow the humans to live?"
"I saw no reason to kill them. The penalty for trespassing is not death." Rattail explained. The High Priest sat in silence.
"Grippli?" he finally asked.
"You should have slain them yourself, Captain." said Grippli without hesitation.
"Why?" asked Rattail defensively.
"Is the penalty for murder not death?" Grippli sneared.
"Apostle Grip- er, Sorcerer Sage, this was not murder, this was battle. They killed in hot blood and in self defense." Rattal argued.
"Sez was a friend of mine." Amidantu cut it. "Are you saying that humans should not be killed in battle and kobolds should?" Grippli narrowed his eyes and glared at Amidantu.
"I'm saying I would prefer to avoid killing unnecessarily!" Rattail exclaimed.
Amidantu opened his mouth to speak, but the High Priest cut him off: "Grippli, Amidantu, the two of you have just volunteered for support duty. Mr. Sage, please alter your schedule with the Circle accordingly. Mr. Queyim, report to Captain Rattail tomorrow. Rattail, write your official report and send it to the Circle, for what it's worth. These incidents are starting to become all too common. You three are dismissed." The three bowed hastily, saying "Serpent's Blessings" to the High Priest in unison.
"May she watch over you." responded the High Priest politely. "Now get out of my office." The three kobolds turned and left through the door Rattail had used to enter.
"That was short." remarked Rattail once the High Priest was out of ear shot.
"I should not have been so audacious." Grippli said frustratedly.
"Your boldness will vex you until your death, Sorcerer." said Amidantu, grinning.
"You both fouled up pretty bad." said Rattail. "Ami, when you become High Priest, you will need to learn to trust Tiamat, not your feelings. Grippli-" he paused.
"I should sleep more." Grippli concluded grumpily. Rattail took a prolonged look at Amidantu before continuing.
"Your duel position becomes less advantageous by the moment. I hope, for your sake, you either pull your nose out of a book or make a move, and quickly." Rattail advised, paying no mind to Amidantu.
"Don't worry, Swift." said Grippli, his wide, wicked smile emerging. "It will all come together soon."
Three guesses as to who the main villain is.