This is a left 4 dead fanfic, I've been playing it a lot lately and decided it would be cool to write a story based off my favorite games. I hope everyone likes it, feel free to comment on it good or bad just please try not to bash it. The first parts a bit long. You can't claim this as your own work.
Spring was coming but where spring was a supposed bringing of new life it was replaced by the bringing of disease and death. There had been talk on news and radio stations all over the world of a new infectious disease. One with an unknown origin or cure. It seemed to be contained at the moment but what would come next would leave the world devoid of most life and what life still remained would be caught in a never ending battle of survival.
Chapter One: The Beginning of the End.
Darrell Winshaw looked down the road ahead, his small home town of Finlay was coming into view against the endless line of trees the sun was quite visible above them. He looked down at the digital clock its green letters reading exactly three thirty five. It had been a long trip and though his face and body were young; his mind and body were tired and in his eyes you could see worry. It had been three days since talk of the infection had begun, during that time Darrell, known to his friends as Shaw, had gone on an extended weekend hunting trip. Shaw owning the only gun shop in town was worried that in all the scare this infection was causing and his absence from the shop that the locals might have broken in and stolen his valuable merchandise. He slowed his speed as he passed the city limits sign scanning the buildings on the main strip of town as he drove by them. Everything seemed to be normal the parking spaces outside of the towns only diner was full as usual. He gave a sigh of relief as he pulled his truck into the lot of his shop to see that no windows had been broken and there was no visible sign of forced entry. He got out of his truck and went over to the main door unlocking it, as he stepped inside he switched the sign from closed to open flipping on the lights as he walked back behind the counter taking his jacket off. For though it was spring today had been much colder than usual.
Not ten minutes later the bell rang signaling a customer had entered. "How can I be of service to you Mr. Daily?" Shaw was standing behind the counter arms folded across his chest. Mr. Daily was an older man, Shaw wasn't entirely sure of his age but he figured somewhere in his late fifties. A country boy from birth and a retired Vietnam War veteran Mr. Daily was a kind man who loved to hunt and tell people about his battles in Vietnam. "I need me a weapon Shaw, I know I already got me one but with this zombie apocalypse and everythin I'm gunna need me a bigger one." "Zombie Apocalypse? Shaw raised an eyebrow. What makes you think thats what their talking about on the news?" Daily walked through the small gun shop, examining every last firearm. "Well I seen my grandson playin these things you all call video games. And this sounds exactly like one of them damn games, it's all fallin into place you see. He picked up a rifle and pointed it out the window looking through its scope. First they say its under control, just to keep everyone from panicken . The next thing ya know you got yourself some zombies chasin ya around tryin to eat ya alive." Shaw laughed. " I know you thinkin old Daily is crazy, everybody I done told that to look at me an laugh like I'm some kinda dumby. But we'll see whos laughin when you get your head bit off by one a them there zombies." Daily sat a pistol and the rifle he'd been looking through down on the counter. Shaw rang up the price tags. "If this is a zombie apocalypse or whatever you called it then I guess I'm set. Because I got all the guns I need right here. Daily laughed now, "you is the fool Shaw thinkin you can fight them zombies off here. You don't stand a chance, I don't care how many guns you got there ain't no way to stay alive here they will git you in a coupla days." "Where are you going to go Daily, if your right that is?" Daily picked the pistol up, sliding it into a holster concealed under his camouflage jacket. Picking up the rifle, "Well since I is right, and you is wrong I'm goin towards the east coast, gunna get me a boat. I'm takin a fishin pole and a lot of canned food. When I get that boat I'm gunna sit on the ocean till all the damn zombies is dead or I'm starvin." Shaw smiled, "You are crazy, just don't shoot any people that aren't zombies. I don't want to get blamed for giving you a weapon when I knew you were messed up in the head.." Daily took his guns and headed for the door. Pausing and looking back one last time at Shaw. "If you need my help you'll know where to find me. Hopefully I'll see you again and lets hope your not one a them." The bell rang, as he opened the door and disappeared around the corner of the building. It sounded again as the door shut.
Shaw stood arms folded shaking his head, that man has lost it he thought. But for some reason Shaw found himself reaching for the magnum he had taped to the underside of the counter, hidden from even his view. He went over to the radio sitting on the empty book shelf wiping the dust from the top of it; turning the radio on he spun the dial searching for some sign as to what was going on. The first three stations were nearly silent, only the static sound could be heard. Next had a country song playing that he knew the words to but couldn't remember the name of. But the next was what he was looking for. A man was speaking, he was in the middle of a sentence. "to remain calm. Keep yourself away from anyone you suspect to be infected and anyone who is infected. Remain indoors at all cost, for the cause of this infection is unknown. Please follow these instructions and tune in for further updates on the situation. What if Daily is right? Shaw asked himself as he unlocked and opened the door to the shop basement. He pulled the cord on the overhead light, it was weak but it served its purpose. This is where he kept his real weapons. The wall opposite the stairs had a couple machine guns mounted upon it. He grabbed the M16 slinging it over his shoulder adjusting the strap until it sat about waist high. Then he picked up an uzi slinging it over his should it fell about waist high on his right side. He was praying that Daily was wrong about this apocalypse as he pulled the light off and headed back upstairs in the dark.
Good story so far but a few grammar errors understandable due to length of post, and I like how you didn'y launch into there being zombies in the first paragraph or sentence.
Here is the next chapter, hopefully I caught all the spelling and grammar errors this time. I apologize for those in the last chapter. Well anyway here you go, enjoy.
Chapter 2: Terrible Realizations.
It was dark now, and as the day had been cold the evening was colder. Odd weather Shaw thought pulling into the drive way of Daily's house. On first inspection someone seemed to be home, every light in the house was on and all the curtains were drawn back to reveal the inside of the old two story cabin, that Shaw believed Daily had built with his own two hands. He left the truck running, climbing the porch steps with caution he noticed the door was ajar. Shaw pushed the door open completely his right hand rapped around the M16 ready to fire. He could hear the news report blaring in the living room. A loud crash made him freeze. Standing completely motionless Shaw listened closely, nothing except the voice of a woman listing the same instructions as the radio man had earlier. Then another loud noise, it was coming from upstairs. He moved down the hall slowly and then up the stair way. Taking his time trying to avoid creaking the planks. Reaching the top of the stairs he looked around. There were three doors, one was shut the other two were wide open. Shaw studied the rooms carefully as he edged closer to the closed door. Another sound, he knew it was behind the door now. Holding his breath he grabbed the knob and turned it slowly, peering inside as more of the room came into view. At the far end of the room a figure in black was rummaging through an open drawer. Shaw picked his weapon up with both hands rushing forward he twisted his shoulders. The figure shuffled around, revealing a familiar face. But Shaw could not stop the blow, his momentum carrying him forward. A loud cracking sound errupted as the gun butt connected with skull. The man lurched backward with a low moan his body slamming into the dresser. Sliding down the side he finally hit the ground back resting against the piece furniture. While the body was unconcious Shaw examined the face. He laughed, realizing it was Daily's nephew whos name he had forgotten. But he knew that Daily wouldn't leave any family behind. Something was wrong, where was Daily? Shaw sat down on the bed, waiting for the kid whos name he couldn't remember to wake up. It took almost an hour for the kid to wake up. When he finally did open his eyes it was almost 10:00 p.m. "What the hell was that for Shaw?" The kid looked up at him rubbing his newly obtained wound. Unlike Daily, his nephew wasn't southern or paranoid about any apocalypse. But unfortunately the kid couldn't tell the difference between a hand gun and a hunting rifle. "Whats your name again kid? I can't remember what your uncle told me." Shaw held out a hand. "My name's Jimmy, you can call me kid if you want to. Unlce Daily always has." Jimmy was now standing and brushing the dust from his black sweater and jeans. "Where is your Uncle?" Shaw asked sitting on the bed looking out the window on his right. "I'm not sure, see he's a crazy old fool. He was going on about some zombie thing, told me to go with him. I told him he was a stupid old man and he stormed out of the house. Why are you carrying those guns?" Shaw looked at Jimmy then down at the weapon that sat on his lap. "Well Jimmy if you must know, I think your uncle was right about the whole zombie thing." Jimmy began to laugh, "Shaw your as nuts as my uncle." Shaw stood up grabbing Jimmy by his shirt collar pushing him against the wall. "Listen Jimmy, I know your uncle is right. He may be old but he isn't stupid. Your television down stairs will tell you everything you need to know. Come with me." Shaw let go of Jimmy and walked back out into the hall. Jimmy followed closely.
The two men sat on the sofa, horrified by what they were seeing. Disfigured bodies charging at innocent people. Ripping flesh from bone, showing no fear as they were shot down by soldiers protecting the reporter and her camera man. The reporter turned back to the camera and began talking. "As you can see the infection brings with it violent acts of hostility and cannibalism. The cause of it is still unknown, and scientist are doing extensive tests on living people who have been exposed to the infection to find a cure. Orders have been given to all within the infected areas to stay indoors, and refrain from any contact with any who have been infected." The scene behind her was escalating. The military personnel in full gear were standing with their backs to the camera. Unloading magazine after magazine into the horde of infected. But finally the soldiers were overrun, their bodies disappeared inside the mass of arms and legs rushing toward the camera. The camera fell to the ground losing signal as the zombies over ran the one holding it. The screams of the young reporter could be heard still. Along with the sounds of cracking bones and tearing flesh. Awful moans and shrieks could be heard as well. Shaw turned off the television. Looking over at Jimmy who was still staring at the black screen, mouth wide open in horror, shocked at what he had seen. "Now do you believe your Uncle?" Shaw asked, lifting himself from the sofa.
have you posted a new chapter yet? This stuff is pretty good. Like PanzerTank said, you aren't just rushing into a mindless zombie rampage. It is very believable.
Well here is the fourth chapter I apologize for any spelling errors before hand, and any messes with the italics I can't seem to get them right. But I hope everyone likes it.
Chapter 4: A New Friend.
Shaw was just pulling out of Daily's driveway when the door to the house flew open. Jimmy was running toward the truck waving his arms. "Wait for me!" Shaw put on the brakes, as Jimmy ran up to the passenger side. He opened the door and slid in smiling as he pulled the rifle he'd grabbed from his uncles gun cabinet off his shoulder. Shaw looked back towards the road as he pulled out. "Do you even know how to use that?" Jimmy was silent for a moment. "Well no, but I'm sure I can learn. How hard could it be to use one of these damn things, hell my uncle does and he's not to bright." Shaw didn't answer, he knew Jimmy had to learn quick or he'd be dead within the week. And with the way things were looking he wouldn't even be alive for much longer. He thought about the soldiers that had been slaughtered so easily. If trained soldiers were such easy targets for those things then there was no chance for anyone else. It was 10:45 p.m. when they got back into town. Shaw pulled into Butch's gas station, which to Shaw's dismay was closed. Shaw found it odd though that there was a light on in the office behind the counter. Butch, though he was way past his prime never forgot to shut down the station entirely. Shaw put his truck in park and got out. "Stay here Jimmy." Shaw had his m16 ready as he pushed open the door. "Who's there?" Shaw sighed in relief as he recognized Butch's voice. "Hey Butch, its just me, Shaw." Butch appeared in the doorway his face was masked in darkness. Shaw could only make out his silhouette. "Hey Shaw, iss it true? What they are saying on the television?" Shaw could see Butch was afraid his body was shaking faintly. "Well I don't think they are making it all up." Butch coughed into the crook of his arm. "Well what are we suppose to do? If its as bad as it sounds we can't just sit here." He coughed again this time more severely. Shaw smiled, "You are more than welcome to come with us." Butch stepped up to the register and flipped a switch under the counter top turning on the pumps. "Thank you Shaw go ahead and fill your tank up, I'm gunna go grab my cane." Butch disappeared through the office doorway but Shaw didn't wait on him. Instead he walked back out into the lot, the passenger door was open and Jimmy was no where in sight. Not to worried Shaw shut the door and stepped around the truck. He'd just begun to pump gas, when Butch came out the door of the station, walking with his cane. At the same time the sound of running feet behind him caught his attention. Jimmy appeared between the two pumps and jumped into the back. Out of breath Shaw couldn't understand what he was saying. But he noticed Jimmy was carrying a brown sack Shaw couldn't see what was in it. But he knew what Jimmy had done. "Shaw we need to leave now, the sheriff will probably be coming around here soon." Jimmy spoke still gasping for breath. Shaw could here the sirens as he finished and climbed into the truck. Butch got in the passenger seat next to Shaw. Jimmy knocked on the back window of the truck. "Where am I going to sit?" Shaw looked back laughing. "Since I'm letting you come with me on the road. And your now a wanted criminal you're staying right there." Jimmy groaned in protest but hadn't a chance to respond as Butch had another coughing spasm. As they pulled out onto the road Shaw turned on the radio, another broadcast was beginning signaled by a high pitched beeping. A man spoke. "Scientists in their search for a cure have discovered that this outbreak is spread not only through physical contact with the infected, but through the air as well. The government is issuing a curfew for all of the United States. Anyone outdoors after the time of 8 o' clock p.m. will be shot on sight, no questions asked. Masks are being handed out in many hospitals to help prevent spreading. The infection is worse than earlier anticipations and everything is being done possible to control it. Please stay calm and tuned to this station for more news." The station went back to one of the many annoying talk shows on the radio. Shaw turned it down. It was 11:30 p.m and they were just leaving Finlay heading east toward the Indiana border. Jimmy had stuck his head through the open window to listen and the three shared the same fearful glance it was going to be one long trip.
Time for things to get a little more violent, sorry its not a very long chapter. I hope you like it anyway.
Chapter 5: The First Bullets.
Jimmy fired his rifle again hitting his target in the head as Shaw drove down the road. Jimmy though he hadn't had much experience with fire arms had a knack for the rifle. Moving at 75 miles an hour he could hit just about any thing he aimed at. The time read 3:27 a.m. and the zombies had been coming nonstop for a couple hours now. Jimmy sighed with relief as the lights of a town ahead caught his attention. He looked down his scope and shot another zombie this time in the shoulder. Shaw smashed into it flipping the creature up and over the cab and into the back end where Jimmy was standing. The zombie got to its feet and started to move toward Jimmy.
Shaw saw this scene in his rearview mirror and slammed on the breaks. Jimmy knocked the back window of the truck out completely while the zombie hit the hood. Shaw leaned out his open window pistol in hand. The zombie was hitting its head against the wind shield. With a single shot its blood splattered across the front of the truck. Shaw climbed out the window and pulled the body off of the truck leaving it in the middle of the road. He got back in and started his wipers. Only making the blood spread more making it almost impossible to see. Jimmy was sitting in the back trying to stop his head from bleeding. Butch was breathing hard, and Shaw thought he could smell urine. Not really wanting to know if thats what the smell was or not Shaw pushed on the gas pedal heading toward what would surely be another small town. The sign read 4 miles to Harrisburg, hopefully there they could find some help Shaw thought as he pulled closer. Jimmy's rifle was sounding again, firing at the zombies giving chase to them. If they didn't find help maybe they'd at least find some ammo and hopefully fuel. Making this trip on foot would not be fun.
Here is the next chapter hopefully a little better than the last. Enjoy.
Chapter 6: What the Hell is That?
When they finaly reached the town of Harrisburg the three men were exhausted. The only problem was that the zombies seemed to come in endless torrents. Butch was all but dead, his coughing didn't stop and now he was running a fever. Shaw looked at the sleeping man next to him, a streak of blood ran down from the corner of his mouth. He was very pale and the sweat was rolling off his skin. Jimmy poked his head in through the now windowless back end of the truck cab. "I'm nearly out of ammo, I saw a sign for a gun shop its at the end of this road." He pulled back out and began firing again. His eyes were tired and his aim was starting to slack. If he didn't rest soon he'd be useless and a sitting duck.
Shaw pulled up onto the sidewalk outside of the gun shop. He turned the truck off and got out m16 blazing as zombies charged at him. Jimmy was already helping Butch out when Butch began to scream in pain. He fell off of Jimmy's shoulder writhing on the ground. Digging his nails into the concrete sidewalk. Jimmy tried helping him up but Shaw grabbed him by the arm. "Forget it, we can't risk getting killed, leave him here." Shaw and Jimmy pushed into the gun shop. The two pushed it shut quickly. "Hold the door shut while I get something to barricade it with." Shaw looked around the room. The walls were lined with guns, Shaw opened one of the many cabinets along the east wall and threw out all the ammunition and guns. Then he began pushing it toward the door. Jimmy was having a rough time the zombies were beating against the wooden door. The wood was beginning to crack he could here it breaking. Shaw finaly reached him and the two pushed it into place. Then they pushed a desk up against the cabinet. Shaw went through the only other door to find it full of zombies. He was backing out of the room when he kicked a gun lying on the floor. The zombies heads snapped up and all their eyes were upon him. Shaw turned and bolted for the door slamming it as he came back into the main room. The monsters were beating against the door. Shaw aim his gun and fired it through the door. Cries came from the other side Shaw unloaded an entire clip into it. And then reloaded, the pounding stopped. Shaw sat down in a chair behind a gun case. Jimmy sat down on the floor against the case next to him. "Well we'd better get some rest kid." Jimmy nodded and rested his head against the gun case, he was out very quickly. Shaw looked up at a clock on the wall. It was 5:08 a.m. He could see the first rays of light coming in through a very small high window. And he too fell asleep.
Jimmy awoke hearing a loud yelling outside the shop. He'd been asleep for 5 hours. And the sun was well past up. Curious to know what the noise was he climbed ontop of the desk pressed against the cabinet blocking the door. And then up onto the cabinet itself. He could see clearly through the small window out into the street. A large muscle bound creature was running through the street throwing cars, and knocking down street lights. "Shaw wake up."
Shaw heard Jimmy's call, and he also heard the noises outside. "What is it Jimmy?" But Jimmy didn't answer his attention was glued to something out in the street. Shaw stood up wiping the sleep from his eyes. He climbed up to where Jimmy was at and looked out. And then he saw why Jimmy had asked him to get up. The large beast was rampaging the street. "What in the hell is that thing?" Jimmy asked not taking his eyes off of it. Shaw did the same. "I don't know but it isn't something we want to mess with." Jimmy, seeing the creature was of no threat as of right now started to climb down. But he lost his grip and fell onto the desk with a loud crash. Shaw looked down at Jimmy and then his eyes shot for the window. The creature had stopped making noise. Shaw found it standing in the center of the road. Staring directly at him. Shaw froze, not even breathing. Maybe if he sat still the thing would leave. But he had no luck, the creature slammed its muscular arms on the ground sending ripples out along the pavement. And then it charged toward the barricaded gun shop. Shaw couldn't move, shock was overwhelming him. He just hoped the barricade would hold out against the monstrosity.