All you do here is post pics. that you made a long time ago. If you're a cruddy drawer, or an artist now.I think it would be cool if you posted what you were like when you were a kid,Were you better, or worse then you are now!?!?
I havent really started doing art until secondary school :/ The earliest piece i could find was something i made at age 11;
I decided a few years ago that I would one day make my own huge RPG or atleast do loads of the graphics for it so I drew a lot of weapons and armor. I managed to dig up a few of them;
I don't think I improved since then. And I also had the confidence to draw in pen, whereas now I draw in pencil and do a lot of rubbing out.
I've been glancing at this thread, it turns up some very cool stuff. It's also taking me down memory lane a bit.
I remember all those fluoro marker drawings I used to do as a kid. I was pretty average. In fact I had nothing on the seriously arty kids and prodigies when I started drawing more often... recently I actually started sketching out some oooold characters I used to draw for nostalgia's sake. The following's actually me trying to copy the approximate level of detail and skill I had back then... also I was going really quickly so it's a bit messy so...
I remember I started this project called "Maximum Violence" when I was being an angry kid one day in 1999. I just realised I felt angry for no apparent reason. And I also wanted to draw lots of gruesome death, guns, swords, fast cars and big explosions. Over the next few days, I churned out about sixty pages of really REALLY badly drawn people who looked pretty much the same and were thrown in a plot that consisted of vigilantes trying to clean up a town of crime... yeah, real dazzling plot. The following year I teamed up with a friend and reinvented the characters in the inventively-named "Cyborg Wars", set 150 years in the future where global overpopulation was such a problem that all the nations had amalgamated their populations into nine high-density "megacities", all controlled by various corrupt representatives who had vast armies of cyborgs at their disposal... filled a few exercise books with that before we got assigned to different classes and yeah, the project kinda died.
Er yeah, hormones kinda kicked in the following year and I started creating female lead characters. Note that I was completely hopeless at drawing female characters, to distinguish a male from a female actually required some anatomy of knowledge and a know-how-to-draw-curves which, well, I didn't have. Similarly the concepts were pretty much the same as before. May (top-left) is a lone teenaged crime-fighter trying to fulfill the legacy of her parents, when the loser who has a persistent crush on her (Aiden) convinces her that he can keep up with her double-life, they discover a much more sinister truth behind the disappearance of her parents, wrapped up in the secrets of the organised crime syndicates that plague her economically-troubled city. I thought I'd switch it up a notch in the next project I attempted, starring a significantly older heroine (with a penchant for old-school fashion), and instead made the "sinister scheme" a government one. Only problem being I had no way of going from point A (woman in dead-end job) to point B (discovering plot to something something cancer-causing drugs something-something.)
The next year I was all like, "I like horses". So I wanted to draw something with lots of horses in it. Being a guy I did not want to go the way of The Saddle Club or Barbie Goes to the Ranch you get the idea. What was I left with? Seeing as I lacked the literary capacity to do something like Black Beauty, I decided I'd make a story about a mounted police unit, with, yep, another female lead character. Eva's the young academy graduate who has such a diverse range of interests she doesn't really know what she wants to do with life, and her adventures with the barely-in-control Ken, permanently-cheerful Dan and old wrinkly mentor-guy Jorgen, don't really help her make a decision about it either. At least that was the premise, but I had no plot whatsoever, so that put paid to that project!
Everything changed when the angst of adolescence hit me full force. I wasn't just occasionally angry, it was like I was permanently bitter and feeling alienated and suddenly everybody was stupid (except me) and the world was unjust and I could never smile ever again in my life and I wanted to grow wings and fly far away and never come back. Or something like that. So I created these two characters above. Note that I can't draw these characters seriously anymore, as I've since grown well out of that angsty stage and am back to my eternally optimistic self. These are the first two non-human characters (well anthropomorphic actually) I created, which I guess would be fitting, they're half-dragons. The one on the left was the personification of my feelings (so he was generally angry and grumpy and pensive and always trying to look like a bad*** loner when really he just wanted somebody to understand him), and the one of the right proves that I was never really all that misanthropic, since I created her to be a partner to mister grumpy. She always got the better of him, and I never ever worked out whether she was actually a figment of his imagination or a character in her own right. Either way I sent the two of them on a rollicking adventure that starts off with them as humans who gain the ability to transform and after that everything just goes pear-shaped as I attempted to make the project a vehicle for my pseudo-philosophical ramblings. Ugh. I guess when I finally abandoned the project several years later it was a sign of growing up. If you look hard enough you might find one or two pictures which feature these characters... but otherwise I've never used them since. There's just no need to.
There's a ton of other characters I have, but most of them are more recent, and I suspect another story for another time in another place!
Aah! How do you draw horses so well Strop? And from different angles! I tried drawing a horse recently and it was all out of proportions, but maybe if you squint at it I might be able to pass it off as a really muscular pony. I was thinking of taking a picture of it and posting, but I'll save myself the shame. Also I think you drew Eva very well. Something about it makes me think her demeanor is portrayed very efficiently.
lol lots of practice, driejen. I think I've had a few righteously disastrous attempts at drawing them without reference, but by now I musta drawn several hundred of 'em, so. There are a few shortcuts and cardinal rules, maybe I'll do a page of my quick dirty sketching sometime.
Also I forgot to draw Jorgen's horse's hindquarters. Oops.
I can draw horses too! There are some pretty good horse-drawing guides out there and with some practice its not that hard. In my opinion women and dogs are impossible to draw. One of my first horse-drawing attempts. And this is probably my best:
Nah, not exactly. It's just an extremely overused image, there are hundreds of such drawings and photos, so I kind of recalled to mind a few of them. Plus, I have to say that the guide I had helped me a lot. It explains very well and thoroughly the anatomy of horses.