All you do here is post pics. that you made a long time ago. If you're a cruddy drawer, or an artist now.I think it would be cool if you posted what you were like when you were a kid,Were you better, or worse then you are now!?!?
Stupid is stupider than stupid. If you disagree, your life get's harder. -- Unknown Like my favorite quote ever. Haven't actually drawn anything, but I found one paper drawn picture, and it is pretty sweet.
This is one of the first, if not the first drawing I created when I got my tablet. Did this one for the Monster Contest on AG back in '09. I've got a lot of comics from Grades 1-6, as well as some drawings from even earlier. I might post them later.
This is the oldest picture (2004, so I would be... 6. I was better at actual drawing, not compy art [in Paint especially], and I didn't have a tablet.) I could find in my files, I got older, but they were deleted in the transfer from my PC when I got a Mac. Sucky Man
The next one is the best old one I could find (2005) and is again, done in paint. Yellow Man 2 (and yes, there is more.) I think the lightsaber looks really good.
I made this (on paint) when I was 6 I was smart to call it what I did =D This is Bad Drawing 1 (I thought I would have more bad drawings)[img[/img]