ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMayfest -- NEW Tournament! CANCELLED: Please read pg. 2

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11,891 posts

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap

The hammering struck clearly on the balmy Spring day two weeks past the official start of the season. Of course, no one would heed the diminutive rabbit as he hastened to the next post with rodentlike fluidity. But he wasn't a rodent. He was a rabbit, or possibly a hare. No one knew for sure which, but that didn't matter. What mattered were the posters he had posted up all along the ways and thoroughfares of Armor Games.

~~~Mayfest 2010~~~

Yes! Mayfest is coming! This is a new tournament for characters like you to participate, have fun, and be creative. So what is the point of this Mayfest? I'm sure there's a pamphlet somewhere around here. Hmm... Rotten Parsnips! I left them at home. But be prepared for 7 rounds of challenges that will award one winner the Grand Pies!

- Mayfest is hosted by the Rabbit Guy, and yes, he can ban you for inappropriate behavior. In-universe actions do not necessarily translate to real world actions unless you blatantly break AG rules.

- Mayfest is set up entirely within the Arts Plaza, so there's lots of space to move around and no blockage of streets. The layout of the Festival and activities will be detailed in the Mayfest pamphlet.

- Mayfest challenges will start before May 1st and run until about mid-August real time, so please make sure you have time to participate before you apply. In-universe time is 7 days, however, so it will start on May 1st and end on May 7th even though it's August. That means each round is one day.

- Deadline to apply for the main plot will be Saturday the 17th. This is a strict deadline, as the first challenge starts before the start of the Festival. All other deadlines are flexible (but I wouldn't encourage being late for the first challenge. ;D) due to final exams and whatnot because I've got exams too!

- Writing, drawing, animating, etc. (any or a mix of all) is a must for contestants. Creativity is encouraged all around.

- There will be eliminations. The process of elimination may change depending on the challenge.

- There are perks for non-contesting participants and eliminated contestants, such as King/Queen for a Day.

*** Did I mention hidden prizes? Yes, there will be hidden challenges that may earn you extra points, so keep an open mind and a wary eye out.

~~~For Contestants~~~

Contestants will enter into the official competition for the grand prize and face challenges that may result in their elimination!

Please include the following in your application:
- Image of your character - basic and distinguishing physical features of your character
- Physical description of your character - height, weight, fitness, etc. and more detailed information on physical appearance and physical attributes
- Identity of your character - name, age, etc.
- Personality of your character - Include favorite and least foods of your character, include types of pies, reasons for like and dislike are a bonus and can be added to background
- Background of your character -

Basically the official AG characters template, but please do not post your character there even if you are approved for Mayfest. That thread is managed by the Ninja Horse, not the Rabbit Guy. You will need approval from Strop to post there.

Please also include the phrase "My name is _____ and I want the pies!" in your application to denote your status as an applicant for the contests. Fill in the line with the name of the character. This also proves that you have at least read this portion of the post. :P

~~~Other Participants~~~

Mayfest is open to everyone, not just challengers! There will be opportunities for cameo roles, but you still need to submit an application. Participants are not part of the official competition for the grand prize.

Contestants have until Saturday the 17th AG time to apply, to allow for character tweaks and the first challenge, as the first round of Mayfest will start on the the 1st of May.

  • 46 Replies
9,821 posts

Hmmm . . . perhaps I can unveil some more of Chill's Cult of George contemporaries . . . .

2,301 posts

My first reaction is... confusion, I guess. This seems a bit... out of nowhere. Obligatory: So it's kinda like the MWT, but... like the MWT?

I'd love to participate. Sounds like fun. I'd also like to use the character I thought about using for the WoM. The problem: That character will be appearing soon in Three and a Half Elves, which wouldn't be an issue, except that Gantic happens to be the one person who reads (or at least acknowledges) it.

I can't believe I'm asking this, but: Will teams of two or more characters be permitted?

11,891 posts

D: Out of nowhere? Mayfest is awesome! I've been planning this for a while now because pies are awesome. But I'm not sure how this is like the MWT.

I can't believe I'm asking this, but: Will teams of two or more characters be permitted?

There is at least one challenge (designed for humor value) where having a team will give a significant advantage or otherwise confound the outcome. That can be circumvented if there were no more than two as a team and each individual has a different but similar goal, i.e. each participates as an individual, but their individual achievements count as one weighted equally.
1,828 posts

Struatz The Ogre

he loves pies, Apple pies, lemon pies, chocolate pies, cream pies, he loves them all but his favorite is meat pies...

349 posts

Where do you apply? I want pies....

I can't wait to be a bigger part of AG!

11,891 posts

Thats not a complete application, Hectic. :P

Where do you apply? I want pies....

You can link to your application or post it here.
2,301 posts

D: Out of nowhere? Mayfest is awesome! I've been planning this for a while now because pies are awesome.
I didn't hear of it until this thread, unlike both the WoM and the MWT.

But I'm not sure how this is like the MWT.
I mean, there are characters and rounds and stuff. That makes it "Like the MWT, but..." I'll have to wait around to see the but.

As for a team, I was thinking, like, two characters (only two) who would participate together as one (IE I would only have to write one entry for the both of them), like, you know, the MWT. Or, more recently, the WoM. Ah well, as said, I'm already using those characters in something else right now, so I probably won't use them here. Besides, I've been using way too many fantasy characters lately. People might be starting to get the impression that that's all I write.
349 posts

Image of your character- Wears purple Ozzy Osbourne glasses. Has a black robe with gold trim in some spots. Black robe has a picture of cheese in the center. Carries a flaming spoon about 6 feet long (same height as him). He is not to slim, but not fat. He has mustache-beard combo.

Physical description of your character- 6 feet tall. 145 pounds. He has fairly strong legs and arms. Moderate torso strength. Hair color- dark brown, almost black. Race- Caucasian.

Identity of your character- The Cheese Maker. Also known as TCM. He drank from the fountain of immortality, but later found that it just means he looks young and his life span is increased by 250 years (source-his friend who drank from the fountain who died after living 343 years). It doesn't keep you from dying. Looks 25-ish. Is actually 120.

Personality of your character- Normally happy. Has a good sense of humor most of the time. Favorite foods- sushi, grilled cheese sandwiches, Pad Thai, most indian dishes, and chicken parmesan. Least favorite foods- olives and tuna sandwiches. Favorite pies - apple pies and cheese pies.

Background of your character- Was born in Russia. Was taught in the art of comedy. Has a doctors degree in genetics and surgery. Learned how to make cheese, sushi, and pie at the age of 12. Learned about cheese-pie from his friend, The Pie Maker.
Wow that was one of the longest posts I ever made.

1,828 posts

Thats not a complete application, Hectic. :P

well if you dont know what an Ogre is then maybe

So about 9 feet tall...500 lbs or so, likes to eat things, smells terrible and is always get it a classic type ogre except his heads a bit bigger then normal Ogres...
11,891 posts

I didn't hear of it until this thread, unlike both the WoM and the MWT.

My marketing is terrible. I'm not known to announce what I'm doing unless I have to and usually I never follow through. And heck, when have the OP's in my threads ever made sense. :P I'll be sure to drop hints on any future events, but I don't post very often anyway...

Besides, I've been using way too many fantasy characters lately. People might be starting to get the impression that that's all I write.

If you write magical realism, no one will question you.
4,220 posts

I can't draw. D:

I can write well enough though.

I'll post a somewhat drawn version of my character later. It'll be worked on before I post it.

Name: Orion Stellus
Age: 18
Weight: 175lb
Height: 6ft
Physical Description: Average height, weight, etc. He has green eyes and a scar across his right cheek. He's really strong.
Personality Description: Quiet and cold. Highly intelligent, and even headed. He doesn't overreact. Ever. He doesn't under react either. Ever.
Background: No one knows anything about him except he plays a bass shaped like an ax, which it is, and absolutely loves pie.

11,891 posts

As long as an entry can communicates the creator's intent effectively, it doesn't matter what medium is used to present it.

11,891 posts

Oh yeah, before I forget, one more important thing: Due to other commitments and lack of interest, I have cancelled Mayfest. However, due to certain other obligations, I can't do that, because this is all one APRIL FOOLS joke! There is no Mayfest tournament coming up at the end of this month!

The Way of Moderation should resume shortly... I think. I'm not privy to the details because I'm a contestant.

4,220 posts

Gantic, you're evil!

*sulks in a corner*

9,821 posts

As long as an entry can communicates the creator's intent effectively, it doesn't matter what medium is used to present it.

Hell. Yeah. Imma do a team of two characters.

Name: Jay
Age: 14
Weight: 130lbs
Height: 5ft 5
Physical Description: Tallish. Doesn't necessarily look 14 - he looks like a tall child. Long hair, dark, auburn, slightly tousled, wavy. His face is childlike; round, dark green eyes, a thin nose, a small mouth usually twisted into a youthful smile. His shoulders are thin. He tends to stand with his left side leaning slightly towards the front. His left arm is much stronger than his right. No real handicaps, though his right knee is prone to wavering when put under sustained pressure. Tiny scar coming off the corner of his mouth at the right - this adds to the illusion that he always has a sarcastic smirk on his face. Light on his feet, seems to be able to control air currents - however, what is suspected to be his power is, in comparison to Chill's, for example, so underdeveloped it may as well not be there. As of now, he is only able to thin the air around him while fighting so as to allow him to move faster and hinder his opponent. He could probably 1HKO the Demon King on a good day.
Personality Description: Fairly social, extroverted. Enjoys the company of intelligent people, as he is intelligent himself. Tends to under-react to major problems. In general, he never suffers from eustress or distress - in essence, he never has a competitive edge, but he never melts down. When in combat, he concentrates deeply. He's aloof to those who don't know him - he only thinks it's worth knowing people who can stand up that aloofness and go past it. Of course, this is only one-on-one. When a lot of people are involved, he talks up a storm. He's fairly sensitive to social issues, his own and others. If, for example, he goes to the funeral of someone he knows, he will most likely bawl. Lives life to the fullest he can, through his own unorthodox methods. Refuses to rely on his skill completely. Has a bit of an obsession with games of chance because of this. He hates being late for anything.
Background: Fellow grandmaster of George along with Chill, they are best friends. He's more combat oriented whereas Chill focuses more on his manipulative abilities. Jay was raised to be a messiah, but when a significant other stepped forward, Jay was deemed a grandmaster. Fights with a sword - he is known for being fast and deadly, though sometimes oblivious to his allies. He always fights with a wootz saif that has a diso-hilt on it. His style of swordsmanship is best likened to that of the Middle East.

Second one is Chill. Info on him is already in the thread. If I need to repost the sheet here, I will.
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