ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMayfest -- NEW Tournament! CANCELLED: Please read pg. 2

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11,891 posts

tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap

The hammering struck clearly on the balmy Spring day two weeks past the official start of the season. Of course, no one would heed the diminutive rabbit as he hastened to the next post with rodentlike fluidity. But he wasn't a rodent. He was a rabbit, or possibly a hare. No one knew for sure which, but that didn't matter. What mattered were the posters he had posted up all along the ways and thoroughfares of Armor Games.

~~~Mayfest 2010~~~

Yes! Mayfest is coming! This is a new tournament for characters like you to participate, have fun, and be creative. So what is the point of this Mayfest? I'm sure there's a pamphlet somewhere around here. Hmm... Rotten Parsnips! I left them at home. But be prepared for 7 rounds of challenges that will award one winner the Grand Pies!

- Mayfest is hosted by the Rabbit Guy, and yes, he can ban you for inappropriate behavior. In-universe actions do not necessarily translate to real world actions unless you blatantly break AG rules.

- Mayfest is set up entirely within the Arts Plaza, so there's lots of space to move around and no blockage of streets. The layout of the Festival and activities will be detailed in the Mayfest pamphlet.

- Mayfest challenges will start before May 1st and run until about mid-August real time, so please make sure you have time to participate before you apply. In-universe time is 7 days, however, so it will start on May 1st and end on May 7th even though it's August. That means each round is one day.

- Deadline to apply for the main plot will be Saturday the 17th. This is a strict deadline, as the first challenge starts before the start of the Festival. All other deadlines are flexible (but I wouldn't encourage being late for the first challenge. ;D) due to final exams and whatnot because I've got exams too!

- Writing, drawing, animating, etc. (any or a mix of all) is a must for contestants. Creativity is encouraged all around.

- There will be eliminations. The process of elimination may change depending on the challenge.

- There are perks for non-contesting participants and eliminated contestants, such as King/Queen for a Day.

*** Did I mention hidden prizes? Yes, there will be hidden challenges that may earn you extra points, so keep an open mind and a wary eye out.

~~~For Contestants~~~

Contestants will enter into the official competition for the grand prize and face challenges that may result in their elimination!

Please include the following in your application:
- Image of your character - basic and distinguishing physical features of your character
- Physical description of your character - height, weight, fitness, etc. and more detailed information on physical appearance and physical attributes
- Identity of your character - name, age, etc.
- Personality of your character - Include favorite and least foods of your character, include types of pies, reasons for like and dislike are a bonus and can be added to background
- Background of your character -

Basically the official AG characters template, but please do not post your character there even if you are approved for Mayfest. That thread is managed by the Ninja Horse, not the Rabbit Guy. You will need approval from Strop to post there.

Please also include the phrase "My name is _____ and I want the pies!" in your application to denote your status as an applicant for the contests. Fill in the line with the name of the character. This also proves that you have at least read this portion of the post. :P

~~~Other Participants~~~

Mayfest is open to everyone, not just challengers! There will be opportunities for cameo roles, but you still need to submit an application. Participants are not part of the official competition for the grand prize.

Contestants have until Saturday the 17th AG time to apply, to allow for character tweaks and the first challenge, as the first round of Mayfest will start on the the 1st of May.

  • 46 Replies
9,821 posts

Ninja'd. D:

Anyway, I'll just stuff that character sheet somewhere for later . . . .

3,137 posts

when the time comes, im going to bring out "MR. SANDY BLOCK HANDS"


374 posts

Could someone tell me what Ninja'd means? haha its been bugging me

10,816 posts

Ninja'd: when you post something only to realise that somebody else has preempted or mooted your post after you started, but before you finished writing it.

Besides, I've been using way too many fantasy characters lately. People might be starting to get the impression that that's all I write.

I like your use of understatement >


Aw come on. You're using a gnoll in the WoM!
9,821 posts

Aw come on. You're using a gnoll in the WoM!

What the hell is a gnoll anyway? Some kinda funky misspelled hill?
10,816 posts

What the hell is a gnoll anyway? Some kinda funky misspelled hill?

My layperson's understanding is that it's a race of tall, gangly anthropomorphic hyenas with a penchant for robbing and pillaging and other forms of brutality and barbarism. To be found in the D&D universe.
5,860 posts

I'm using one of my animations, is that okay?


Physical description:
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
He is strong and very quick because he is a ninja. He has electrical powers, and is good at fighting.
Identity of your character
Name: Sade
Age: 17
He either likes someone/thing or hates them/it. He has 3 lines burned into his face, everyone notices him by this scar
Likes: Chocolate Pies, Cinnamon Apple Pies, Hershey Pies, Oreo Pies, Ice Cream Pies, Pudding Pies, Chicken Pot Pies, Nut Pies, and Cream Pies
Hates: Strawberry Pies, Banana Pies, Coconut Pies, Peach Pie/Cobler, and Blueberry Pies
Background of your character:
Grew up in Japan with his parents, who were killed in a terrorist attack. The terrorists took Sade, and trained him. When he tampered with some machines, he was electrecuted, and the energy has stayed with him ever since. He then killed all the terrorists in the building with an explosion.

5,860 posts

Screw you Gantic.

I should have read the thread.

*copies character sheet*


11,891 posts

Aw come on. You're using a gnoll in the WoM!

Says the guy who doesn't want to be pigeonholed.

You guys mean to say that you don't have extensive profile sheets already stored somewhere? Neither do I, but I suggest making comprehensive and accurate character sheets and storing them somewhere for current or future use. You never know what might come up... should anything happen to Strop or some mysterious Labyrinth pop's up.
4,220 posts

should anything happen to Strop or some mysterious Labyrinth pop's up.

Was that an obscure hint?
1,495 posts

It's funny how people are still entering xD People can't even read the names of the threads these days? :P

11,891 posts

Since when were obscure hints accompanied by winks? Obscure is talking about sly rabbits then going onto carrots and mentioning Sai and Strop. You can trust that you wouldn't know it was a hint if it was obscure. And who says it's a hint? Maybe there's something wrong with my eyes.

It's funny how people are still entering xD People can't even read the names of the threads these days? :P

I changed the name after he posted.
13,344 posts

Hey Gantic, are you British?

1,495 posts

Oh, nevermind then. And that was a pretty good April Fools joke- I totally believed it along with the other people :P

2,301 posts

I like your use of understatement >


Aw come on. You're using a gnoll in the WoM!
I won't deny that I am particularly fond of fantasy. I will, however, deny that one must be a fantasy junkie to know what a gnoll is. I knew what a gnoll was from when I first got into fantasy. See, my introduction to fantasy was some old PC game (I wanna say "Heroes of Might and Magic", but I think that's wrong), so I assumed everything in the game was par for the course. The races I was presented in this game (IIRC): Humans, gnolls, minotuars, troglodytes, those forest tossers, skeletons, orcs and demons. There may have been elves and dwarves, but I wouldn't have known them from humans. Long story short, gnolls were my favorite race. After that, I was surprised and annoyed to find gnolls grossly underrepresented in fantasy games and literature.

My layperson's understanding is that it's a race of tall, gangly anthropomorphic hyenas with a penchant for robbing and pillaging and other forms of brutality and barbarism. To be found in the D&D universe.
Yeah Alt, listen to this guy. He knows way more about gnolls than I do. All I've got is: Hyena dudes, have neat flails.

Also, I don't get all my fantasy material from D&D. I get all my D&D material from fantasy.

...and yes, I write things that aren't fantasy! Now that I've got all of that out of the way, I'll get back to the WoM.
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