I would think most people know what they are, but if you don't know, here is a short example:
Hello all you people I am a nice person
That one was really bad, but that is just an example.
Rules 1. The poem relates to the theme, so if the theme is life, here is what it would look like L I F E 2. You must use complete sentenses. 3. Only one entry per theme, if you mess up, fix it. 4. You may win twice in a row, just not 3 times. (This might change if a merit is awarded. 5. It must be your own work.
Thats the rules! This theme is Life The deadline is April 18th
I am looking for a judge, and in process of getting a merit for the winner.
Sorry for the double double post but now only 4 words for each sentence.
I think a bit like Kyo, namely that entries should have no word limit. How about it changes to 3 word minimum per line? I'm just suggesting, but I recommend you listen to your participators.
And Kyouzou if your trying to win a contest do you think you would with a one word sentence.
Obviously that poem will not win (Unless it fits). But I'm pretty sure that not everyone will post poems like that.
Uh, hockey... I'll have to think this one through, it's a topi I'm blank on...
I will make a different acrostics thread if you are going to be so unfair about it. You can't just add rules. You should of listed it from the the beginning. And it isn't fair to anyone if YOU get to pick all the topics. Whoever judged last should... If this thread doesn't get better, I just gonna drop it all together and make my own. I will not be posting anything on here for this week.
Destruction of all sensible rules Establishment of a certain puritanical truncation of sentence length for Acrostic poems in the acrostic poem contest The protest lashes out Happily, the 'new rule' is poopooed and trampled, and ironman is pwnt
Yes it is hockey. Why did you enter a death one? It was already judged. Iron man if you want this contest to start getting popular try to get a merit awarded.
And Kyouzou if your trying to win a contest do you think you would with a one word sentence.
Ever heard of a haiku, I'm 110% positive that there are words that have more than seven syllables so there are definitely poems that have had lines that were only one word. But I digress, I don't advocate the use of one word sentences; however poetry comes from the mind, if you bind it with strict rules it's more like something forcibly created and won't be nearly as good. So when's the deadline?
Hell freezes over if the Maple Leaves win Ovetchkin just lost his chance at the Cup Complete upsets and piss offs are common place Killing the opposition with every goal Entertaining me all the while Yelling at my TV cause the f*cking Red Wings just pwned the Coyotes
Hydroceles were never more prevalent. Ouistitis pounding their fists, gnashing their teeth. Cesspools of perspiring blood. Karsts lead down to these primordial coliseums ruled by Ellipsing players; with Yads irreligiously exploited.
there are definitely poems that have had lines that were only one word