I would think most people know what they are, but if you don't know, here is a short example:
Hello all you people I am a nice person
That one was really bad, but that is just an example.
Rules 1. The poem relates to the theme, so if the theme is life, here is what it would look like L I F E 2. You must use complete sentenses. 3. Only one entry per theme, if you mess up, fix it. 4. You may win twice in a row, just not 3 times. (This might change if a merit is awarded. 5. It must be your own work.
Thats the rules! This theme is Life The deadline is April 18th
I am looking for a judge, and in process of getting a merit for the winner.
I write for the heck of it. Even though I would enjoy an award worth value to the common goal ( ranking up ) I would still write poetry cause I enjoy it. I like to win, but it isn't something I would stop writing for if there wasn't a reward for it. If you only write for the reward, I think you should stop posting it on here. I think poetry is for people who love it as an art. Not a way to get some easy AP by rhyming with a purpose.
Wow,this is doing really good only on the second theme and 12 pages and I am not judge so I can make on.
Death haunting my whole life. Ever lasting nothing,once you die. At the end of life is always death. Trying to kill you evry day. Haunting me every second of my life.
Deep Within Man's Hollow Heart Ever darkness reaches with cold hands At the moment of final pain Thou shall not falter Hail those who have the strength to withhold their last breath!
You know, poems come out stronger when you don't mention the topic clearly, don't they? This art thread is pretty fun actually. Merit or no merit, users are writing pretty good pieces.
Deadly darkness is death, waiting for you. Everyone is scared of it. Always lurking behind the corner. Tearing apart your mind bit by bit. Has anyone gotten away from it? No.
Judging is here! Here are the awards! So Close Awards xKimichix:
Deavestation of one's life even though your not expecting it a danger is always lurking about the evils searching for sacrifices happiness is not always a gold-xKimchix-
It was really good, however the last line was a bit off topic. Chitown:
Deadly darkness is death, waiting for you. Everyone is scared of it. Always lurking behind the corner. Tearing apart your mind bit by bit. Has anyone gotten away from it? No.-Chitown
It was pretty darn good, however it seemed similar to the other ones. Gloominess Award KnockoutSloth:
Death is the darkest part of life Eating away at your soul As the wait makes you paranoid Trespassing into your everyday personality Hating everyone around you â"KOSLOTH
It was very good, however it seemed a little too sad for me Bad Boy Award Beastahayes:
Death shall befall us Every person will go All of us will leave at our time Too bad it's not our choice Holy sh*t here I go -beastahayes
Not bad, however for some reason, the swearing made it less appealing. Most Improved XVERB:
death is always a subject evade it we can not avoiding it is impossible and depressing it may be the agent is unknown and unforgiving hope is all we can do, but it may not do a thing-XVERB
This was a LOT better than your first try, I was considering it in the top 3. Bronze Medal
Kyouzou and Graham Death is inevitable Eternal Sleep A part of life Til the end of time Heavenly abodes await-Kyouzou
Death just feeds da liiiiiving. eating it plain is no funnnn. attach the limbs, *raise voice* look alive! ta. ta. ta. ta. *sounding off to metronome* *gasp* hey, they need sommore salt!-Graham
These 2 were very original, they stood out. Silver Medal EnterOrion[i]
Destruction of our human race Electric pulses tear us down Atomic bombs shall destroy us all Time is at an end Hell is the final resting place-EnterOrion
Very intelligent, however the last line is not exactly, true, not EVERYONE goes to hell xD GOLD MEDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNlimitedpower Dying is not a particular accomplishment I wish to acheive. Especially when people obssesed with death are my pet peeve. And if I was to die today. Then I should really get off now to go pray. Halleluja and all that stuff, I hope that was I good enough! You obviously put a lot of time into to this. Sorry if it was bad, it was my first time judging/
Very intelligent, however the last line is not exactly, true, not EVERYONE goes to hell xD GOLD MEDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNlimitedpower Dying is not a particular accomplishment I wish to acheive. Especially when people obssesed with death are my pet peeve. And if I was to die today. Then I should really get off now to go pray. Halleluja and all that stuff, I hope that was I good enough! You obviously put a lot of time into to this. Sorry if it was bad, it was my first time judging/
I don't get it: you say I won, but that's not my entry. Did I win?
Ok, if I did, I will let the theme be 'hockey' then.