This is a thread where Fallen'll be posting his pencil works. Fallen is very open to constructive criticism, and will refer all impolite people to the rules of conduct of this Ag section. Without any further ado, Fallen will post a Blazingly hot Flareon upon this page.
Fallen is sure that if you try you can do it. We all the capacity to draw like this, we only miss the technique. The only thing in drawing that is a little more...innate, would be the sense of proportion. FallenSky to all: Keep drawing and reading, it's important!
Beautifully done, you have a talent for shading! The Flareon is the best I find, as the cubone has it's legs partly cut off, giving him the appearance of a rolling stone.
Wow! That's really good! Is it just me or are all people on AG good at art except for me...
It's just you No, I'm not that good... You will find many users who aren't good at art everywhere, because they don't post any art.
Fallensky, have you planned to draw anything next?
FallenSky has a little stock of old art he will post here but he'll also mix in some new stuff along, just keep coming and Fallen will keep it to date. Now for the cubone legs, was that a compliment? It was strangely formulated. You know that the other leg is hidden because of the perspective...Ohhhhhhh unlimited must be talking about the tail, which Fallen's scanner gruesomly cut off...yeah that was just the tip of tail^^.
Here's a little something for you all to wait until Fallen posts some older stuff. It's a drawing he made in very little time and with very dark pencils, which is new for him.
There's a Solid Snake Drawing coming up! Stay Tunned!
I mean your pictures are great and all, but your third person referring to yourself is pissing me off. Like no offense really, it makes you seem like you are 7.
Solid Snake is in the place. Fallen wanted to keep the genius of the artworks of the mgs games, did he do it right? Lucifer, Fallen is sorry to have pissed you off but strongly advises you to post more about Fallen's drawings than his way of speaking. He also thinks you may have a little anger management issue, no offense meant of course.
The next one is for his good friend Alt. Also, FallenSky would like to say that if this thread becomes big enough, he might want to make a refernce contest out of it. The contest would go like this: Fallen draws a referencial piece of art -> Everyone is invited to guess from what it is inspired -> the one who guesses correctly will get a shot at asking Fallen a drawing on the subject of his choice. Of course Fallen'll wait until this thread gains some notoriety. - MM Fans, here's for you
its pretty good, but I'd like to say, that you probably should smudge less.... like in the art world smudging = aidstacular, and involves little skill, is what my professor says.
you should practice hatching as it would increase the quality of your work greatly.
If Kyouzou searches for Mgs's original art he will understand. Fallen's aim was to respect the original style. Thanks a lot though, and keep on coming^^. Fallen'll be posting a kingdom heart pic next time, one he drew some years ago.
I can't wait for the Kindom Heart one! all of these are really good! I can't draw like this stuff, But I draw anime. And Luicifer, He is in the third person club, he HAS to talk like this lol. I am too, but I don't talk in 3rd person on the Forums.