This is a thread where Fallen'll be posting his pencil works. Fallen is very open to constructive criticism, and will refer all impolite people to the rules of conduct of this Ag section. Without any further ado, Fallen will post a Blazingly hot Flareon upon this page.
Wowza. The hand is awesome. And so is the last one! I might have to steal your hands Fallen... How can so many people draw so awesomely and even when I practice, I can BARELY get it right. T_T geezus. and for a fight, I vote Kirby Vs. Toon Link. I was playing super smash bros brawl a little while ago XD
Yeah ^^ suggestions. I'll get on something right away, I mean riiiight after my french class dissertation -_-. Duhhhhh, what my teacher makes me read is soooooooooo AWFULL!
This is what people are looking for, your work in pen, but if you can translate that into pencil, people who have an in depth background in art can appreciate it more. it's not that people don't appreciate shading/smearing, but it should be mimicked? I wanna say with hatching.
Sorry, I'm in the exam rush so it'll take maybe a few more days for me to update. One thing is sure, you've got a ninja eevee coming up for the draw that pokemon contest. *tribute to strop*
Here's the Eevee I submitted for the draw that pokemon contest, it has to be one of my worst ever drawings...Hope DDX don't get to see that one. I made it in an hour or so, it's supposed to be a tribute to strop the ninja maniac.
Well the fact is that I'm nowhere near an art connoisseur, technically speaking. I never took any art class, I learned all for myself so I don't have any idea of the value of my art...I guess I have somewhat of an above average talent but I'm nowhere near a drawing genius...I'd be curious to have specialised art class in pencil though... I'm sorry for the suggestions, as I mentionned, I'm almost finished with school this session so I'll work on it. To satisfy everybody, I'm tinking about making a toon link battle a kirby who swallowed iron man.