ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHow to Enjoy War With Others

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323 posts

No offense but i'm getting boerd reading zombie stories and etc. Now it's my turn to be the author


By the time the year 2020 arrived, mankind had recovered from a massive depression. On March 17, 2012, Stock markets across the globe crashed to a low of about -1500. During this period, Iceland declared
bankruptcy, the United States was not able to aid Africa any longer due to the financial stress, China's money was quickly depleting and on the verge of another revolution. It was the largest international depression ever and it left everyone in the dust when it the economies healed 6 years later.
The 2020 decade was called the "Tech Twenties". Between 2020 and 2027, there had been so many technological achievements that no other decade could match it. But all that technology will now meet it's test, and possibly final. You see, Japan was one of the countries that didn't recover from that nasty depression while other nations did. Australia, being the obnoxious one at the time, decided to choose a rather horrible decision. Invade the Country of the Rising Sun. Japan wasn't a fan of war right now and fought back the attackers. This was the perfect time for Russia to attack Japan. Due to the tangled web of alliances, the major countries took sides. The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and other small nations formed the Rising Global Guardians or RGG for short. Australia, Russia, China, North Korea, and others formed the Nuclear Alliance or NA for
US wasn't part of this but had a really bad feeling. Since it's 2027 and most countries probably secretly stockpiled their nuclear weapons, it would maybe turn out to a nuclear war. North Korea was it's main power source for these missiles. Congress decided to stop this by creating it's own side with Canada called the Saviors. Since any country that stockpiles nuclear weapons closely relies on them, they will not like any country defying these "wonderful" missiles and blast them to pieces. Meaning US and Canada had to do this
Their objective? Send in secret squads to sabotage and destroy missiles or assassinate any major official that is part of the making and production of the warheads.
Chapter 1 coming up tomorrow.

  • 25 Replies
1,416 posts

I'm in an editing mood.

China's money was quickly depleting and on the verge of another revolution

Was the money on the verge of revolution, or the country.

But all that technology will now meet it's test, and possibly final.

its test. Final what? Final test? You just leave it hanging out there, all alone. Adjectives can get lonely you know.

You see, Japan was one of the countries that didn't recover from that nasty depression while other nations did.

You talking to me? No really, what am I doing in your story? This is third person, correct? At least, you don't use "you" in any other sentences, so why start now?

You said Japan was "one of" the countries that didn't recover, but "other countries did." That's a little redundant. It's like saying: "this ball is blue, others balls are blue, not all balls are blue." Just keep it simple:
Unlike other countries, Japan never managed to recover from the economic crisis.

Same info, almost half the length.

decided to choose

"Decided to make" sounds better.

decision. Invade the Country of the Rising Sun.

decision: invade the Country of the Rising Sun.
This gets rid of the sentence fragment.

Japan wasn't a fan of war right now and fought back the attackers.

Then they ARE a fan of war. If they weren't, they would have surrendered. Or used diplomacy.

You could say:

Despite loathing war, the Japanese were forced to defend their country.

The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and other small nations formed the Rising Global Guardians or RGG for short.

I know what you are trying to say, but it sounds like you are implying that UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan are all small nations. You should say smallER nations, to clarify.

Also, get rid of "for short".

US wasn't part of this but had a really bad feeling.

Comma after "this"

Since it's 2027 and most countries probably secretly stockpiled their nuclear weapons,

Do they or don't they? Until now, you have been an all knowing narrator. Also, what does the year have anything to do with nuclear weapons? We've been stockpiling for quite a while. Just say:

Most countries were stockpiling nuclear weapons,

would maybe

"might" is the word you are looking for.

turn out to a

Become, escalate into, etc.

North Korea was it's main power source for these missiles.

Its. Nuclear instead of "these"

Congress decided to stop this by creating it's own side with Canada called the Saviors

Don't say "side", say Alliance.

Since any country that stockpiles nuclear weapons closely relies on them, they will not like any country defying these "wonderful" missiles and blast them to pieces.

Don't say Since, unless you are referring to time. You say "any country" twice. Blast who to pieces? the missiles? the countries?


Solution seems a better fit.

All in all, to soon to tell. You got some cliches going on, which is a bad thing. Avoid cliches like the plague.
If I got too critical, you can always return the favor.
4,196 posts

Why is Australia being obnoxious? If this is based on any fact...which is implied by the realistic countries...then why is Australia starting a war?

Only place Australia might invade is New Zealand - just so we can have another day off work...

1,739 posts

day off work...

You'd have to bring an army of translators along though, otherwise invading would be a bit of a problem.
Australia, being the obnoxious one at the time, decided to choose a rather horrible decision. Invade the Country of the Rising Sun.

I'd like to see 22 million defeat 127 million. Even the Russians would have a problem...
During this period, Iceland declared

Always picking on the little ones... Just because the only McDonalds there closed down half a year ago doesn't mean they're poor.

I'd like to see how this story continues...
13,817 posts

Only place Australia might invade is New Zealand - just so we can have another day off work...

Not on our watch, Aussie b*******. Excuse me for that. Oh, and NZ really is the only suitable country for Australia to invade. Though both countries are friends, so I don't see much.

Always picking on the little ones... Just because the only McDonalds there closed down half a year ago doesn't mean they're poor.

I have to agree.

You'd have to bring an army of translators along though, otherwise invading would be a bit of a problem.

Um, we too here in New Zealand speak English.

My advice would be to refine this excerpt. It's rather rough, to be honest, because of all which aknerd pointed out.

Sounds interesting. I still don't know why Australia would join China, North Korea and Russia against Europe and Japan.

I'd like to see how this story continues...

I too.

I'd like to see 22 million defeat 127 million. Even the Russians would have a problem...

3,937 posts

Nice story. I also am bored of Zombie Attacks and Endless Zombie Rampage and All.

715 posts

omgomgomgomgomgomgomg ima write a zombie rampage book now! kimichi, you have inspired me thank you .

3,035 posts

Answer to title question: Get Xbox live and some war games. LOL. In reality though, the story is good but could use work. I love that Canada and the US became the "Saviors".

183 posts

I m not tired of zombie apocalypse and that story is so expectable what makes it boring and regular.

5,061 posts

Plot's not bad, but since everyone's pointed out the mistakes already i'll just comment that it seems very rushed, if you'd slowed it down it could've been a lot better.

13,817 posts

I'm tired of zombie apocalypses. It's rather clichéd and clichés aren't good. That's why I might write my own story, when I get the time.

323 posts

Chapter One: How To Get Used To The Army

Why the hell am I in the army? If I wasn't sitting my ass on the sofa watching TV and playing video games, then my name isn't Micheal Lake. Yet, it is and right now, I'm not doing my everyday job that don't get paid for. Every single day, I have to go through that annoying morning bugle and have to get up at 4:30 in the morning. I get ten minutes to ready myself and be outside for another grueling
What I hate the most about this camp is Sargent Sykes. This guy is like my tenth grade teacher but ten times the more asshole. "Do you know why I'm here?" Sykes yelled. The soldier replied, "Yes we do sir!" Now, you think that he's going to talk about something else since we knew why he is here. Nope, he just continued like we ignored him or said no. "I'm here because USA's and Canada's objective is to destroy those warheads so we don't exterminate ourselves and humanity. I am looking for the best of the best of all from you to form the 5th Black Ops Squadron." Good god it's hot out here. Oh, did I mention that were at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona? What's worst is that it is in the summer with 110 degree weather and the "welcoming" sun will be shining all month. And no, we are not going to fly planes since it is an air force base. The Sargent continued, "I will be the strictest of the strictest. I guaranteed to make you shed tears out of your sockets, cry for your mommy, and kick the crap out you. You know why? Because I'm. Your. Worst. Nightmare." If you ask me, that guy struck our hearts with a bloodied up stake and his soulless body. To be honest, some people were already crying;curling up to the fetal position and sucking their thumbs. I feel real sorry for them but on the other side--I didn't give a rat's ass. Sykes gave a real look at the line to see his process. He smiled like he loved the way how he could tear us up. Finally he finished,"Okay guys, right now, I want you to run this whole base ten times. Go! Now!" Well thats stupid. This whole base is about four miles long and he expects us to run it ten times? Great. All I need is exercise to make me pass out, getting my whole body cooked by the Arizona sun like an egg.

323 posts

Forgot to post this last post:

I have acknowledge your corrections and advices. I knew the Prologue would get problems because, yes, I did rushed since I was running out of time and had to immediately jump into something else when time's up.

I also love your guys encouragement too and would probably continue the story.

5,061 posts

If I wasn't sitting my *** on the sofa watching TV and playing video games, then my name isn't Micheal Lake.

Something just doesn't seem right about that sentence...I can't quite put my finger on it....
715 posts

it just seems all a little rushes to me.. almost like you're not really giving time to think about the character. you're trying to set up his story too fast for my liking. now thats my liking others may like a quick explanation.

323 posts

Chapter 2: How To Get Used To The Army Part 2

After about five sweaty hours, we returned back to the line. We were near the mess hall, which was great so I can easily run to the front of the line so I won't have to wait my whole lunch time by standing in line. In front of us was these huge hangers with fighter jets the size of my house. I would give anything to learn and fly those bad boys. Our barracks were nice too. Except that i had to bunk with this paranoid frick. I'm serious, every time he hears a sound his head will twitch to the direction where it came from a the speed of light.

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