I'm in an editing mood.
China's money was quickly depleting and on the verge of another revolution
Was the money on the verge of revolution, or the country.
But all that technology will now meet it's test, and possibly final.
its test. Final what? Final test? You just leave it hanging out there, all alone. Adjectives can get lonely you know.
You see, Japan was one of the countries that didn't recover from that nasty depression while other nations did.
You talking to me? No really, what am I doing in your story? This is third person, correct? At least, you don't use "you" in any other sentences, so why start now?
You said Japan was "one of" the countries that didn't recover, but "other countries did." That's a little redundant. It's like saying: "this ball is blue, others balls are blue, not all balls are blue." Just keep it simple:
Unlike other countries, Japan never managed to recover from the economic crisis. Same info, almost half the length.
decided to choose
"Decided to make" sounds better.
decision. Invade the Country of the Rising Sun.
decision: invade the Country of the Rising Sun.
This gets rid of the sentence fragment.
Japan wasn't a fan of war right now and fought back the attackers.
Then they ARE a fan of war. If they weren't, they would have surrendered. Or used diplomacy.
You could say:
Despite loathing war, the Japanese were forced to defend their country.
The UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and other small nations formed the Rising Global Guardians or RGG for short.
I know what you are trying to say, but it sounds like you are implying that UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan are all small nations. You should say smallER nations, to clarify.
Also, get rid of "for short".
US wasn't part of this but had a really bad feeling.
Comma after "this"
Since it's 2027 and most countries probably secretly stockpiled their nuclear weapons,
Do they or don't they? Until now, you have been an all knowing narrator. Also, what does the year have anything to do with nuclear weapons? We've been stockpiling for quite a while. Just say:
Most countries were stockpiling nuclear weapons,
would maybe
"might" is the word you are looking for.
turn out to a
Become, escalate into, etc.
North Korea was it's main power source for these missiles.
Its. Nuclear instead of "these"
Congress decided to stop this by creating it's own side with Canada called the Saviors
Don't say "side", say Alliance.
Since any country that stockpiles nuclear weapons closely relies on them, they will not like any country defying these "wonderful" missiles and blast them to pieces.
Don't say Since, unless you are referring to time. You say "any country" twice. Blast who to pieces? the missiles? the countries?
Solution seems a better fit.
All in all, to soon to tell. You got some cliches going on, which is a bad thing. Avoid cliches like the plague.
If I got too critical, you can always return the favor.