Show off your age even if your not that old. All I ask you to do is to reminisce some of your first happy gaming experiences. What did you play it one and what was the game? Maybe talk about what you liked about it.
I remember the first game system I ever played was the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System). We only had threee games for it (which were on ginat cartridges that'd you'd stick into the big grey box =p). In order, my favorite games for it were The Legend of Zelda, Mario Bros., and Gradius.
Another old experience was always playing with my new green Game Boy color Pokemon games with everyone else at school.
The first game I played was Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Genesis. I even still play that occasionally. The next one I remember is Pokemon Red on GameBoy Color, but I'm pretty sure there were some PC games between the two.
GameBoy Advance, playing Pokemon Emerald with a bunch of level 100 characters, now Pokemon is ruined
Lol, pokemon RuSaEm is the what started the ruin of pokemon. GSC where the best pokemon games ever, and gamefreak actually made a pretty good job with the remakes.
The first game I played was Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Genesis. I even still play that occasionally
That has just made my day...I first played sonic the hedgehog 2 when I was like 4 or 5. Of course I was bad then but now I'm one hell of a good gamer, all thanks to the speedfull gameplay of sonic. These 2d games were so awesome.
Now my favorite gameplay experience would be tales of destiny 2 on the Ps1. I often made threads here about it but I was pretty sadened to see that no one could relate to that masterpiece. It's the most perfect real time/ interactive Rpg ever made so I suggest that you search it on ebay if you've got a Ps1 or 2. I played modern warfare 2, God of war 3, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 but my favorite game is still Tales of destiny 2, a Ps1 Game ^^.
Sonic The Hedgehog was a classic. I'm quite young so alot of my young life was spent on the Playstation 1. Game's I played on the PS1 was Destruction Derby, and Crash Bandicoot. I have got most of the older consoles from my parents, like the Amiga and the Megadrive, and have played alot of really old games, and I tend to like those more than the games they are bringing out these days.
God bless you conzi94. Crash bandicoot is an awesome game. I also remeber the time of my youth when pokemon was at the center of every conversation. My parents wouldn't buy me a gameboy back then so I borrowed every one I coukd find to play pokemon red/blue hahaha...
That has just made my day...I first played sonic the hedgehog 2 when I was like 4 or 5.
Believe it or not I started playing shortly after I turned two. Unfortunately I have no idea if I got anywhere because my memory doesn't go back that far.
First games I have played where on ZX Spectrum, they had very bad graphics, gameplay and they didn't had sound, but back then I have enjoyed them alot, I think becaose I played them with my dad and now my dad don't play games anyomore (only call of duty sometimes) and that where best ages in my