I started writing Biohazard Nation on September 9th, 2009 and posted it on ign. I don;t know how he got a hold of it, but he's claiming it as his own. My username on ign is zombiehunter121, and I can't believe he would try claiming it as his own.
Mods, is there any way you can ban him? I'm pretty upset over this, trying to take credit for something I spent countless hours on.
ugh knockoutsloth seemed like such a cool guy too..... it's sad him plagerizing and all i kinda thought he was above that. im glad i could help you find this site and notify u n stuff. this sucks
Well, he did. Some of the characters in Biohazard Nation are even based off people I actually know. If you look in the link I posted to my thread, he even copied my comments I left at the bottom of the updates.
I doubt anything he's written is actually his own work.
There's a link to my Biohazard Nation posted on Dead Frontier. For even more proof that it's mine, later in the thread a user obsessed with Reese Witherspoon began giving me writing advice. In the last ten updates, I added in a character named "reese withers" for all the help she's given me.
I'm not sure how else to prove this bastard stole my story, but I have the entire word document saved on my computer, including future updates that he didn't even post yet. Can't get any more proof then that.
Huh deadfrontier I wonder why that thing just doesn't leave my character alone so I don't have to log in every 2 month. I'll get to it eventualy.
I doubt anyones gonna get banned. I also doubt many people care your making this into a big drama. Next thing you know you'll want lethal injections.
I'm not sure how else to prove this ******* stole my story, but I have the entire word document saved on my computer, including future updates that he didn't even post yet. Can't get any more proof then that.
That's not much proof anyway anyone can copy text from a webpage and paste it into word then make some updates.