I started writing Biohazard Nation on September 9th, 2009 and posted it on ign. I don;t know how he got a hold of it, but he's claiming it as his own. My username on ign is zombiehunter121, and I can't believe he would try claiming it as his own.
Mods, is there any way you can ban him? I'm pretty upset over this, trying to take credit for something I spent countless hours on.
. I can understand pictures that are copyright being stole and being spread here causing a perma ban. But that looked more like a short story then a novel. Still think it's a drama.
. I can understand pictures that are copyright being stole and being spread here causing a perma ban. But that looked more like a short story then a novel. Still think it's a drama.
No, you don't get it. Any stolen art is an instant permaban, if there's proof beyond a reasonable doubt, as there is here. It's just how the AMW works.
Has anyone considered the fact, that no one has asked KoS about this, we're all going by ZH's story. For all we know it's ZH that is lying, while I abhor plagiarizing, if you're going to accuse some one of it, at least have absolutely concrete proof and both sides of the story...
Kyouzou- I'm near the end of the story already. I doubt you actually looked at the evidence, but how about you take a look? I'm 33 chapters in, and I posted this in 2009, 8 months before he copied the first chapter and posted it here. So, you think I went into the future and copied the first chapter? I don't think so.
im proof enoughkyouzou ive been reading zombie's storiesfor a while now, and i knowthat he is quite popular on deadfrontier (can please add me on that.)and on the IGN boards. he has been posting and asking advice about the story long before knockout eventhought to post. i justcant wait to see what knockout hasto say about this. excuses maybe? rages? denial? quit? i'm gonna love to see.