But you better fix those Squares and crap, cuz it is getting annoying.
Lol. Okay I will.
Here's the next part of chapter 2.
Kristina walks up to Daniel 10 minutes after the test had started.
"What now?" she asked.
"You're fast. Proceed to the next room. The door is over there."
Kristina looks at the door for a while thinking something bad behind it but changes her mind and walks toward it. She opens the door to find another room, only two people were in here. They were waiting, for what?
She walks up to one of them, "Hey, do you know what we're doing?"
"Not right now," he said.
He was an elf, he immigrated from Elvish to Darkla in his first week dead.
"You're an elf!" she exclaimed.
"Yeah, so?" he said, "I wasn't like this when I was alive, idiot..."
"Don't listen to him," the girl said, "He's just miserable. Who are you?"
"I'm Kristina, Kristina Glaze."
"It's nice to meet you Kristina, sorry that youâre here. You know, the fallen angels and stuff. My name's Alyson, you can call me A, and he is Xavier," Alyson came closer and whispered into Kristina's ear, "Xavier had a harsh childhood, parents died, had to fend for himself. You know, that type."
Kristina nodded.
Suddenly the door vanished and a devil appeared in front of them.
"Hell-o, my name is Fan, most people call me⦠well Fan. I am a Moderator of Darkla and you are now part of my team for the rest of this test. Each team consists of 4 people, the Moderator and the three trainees. Now, any of you have any skills that would be considered "abnormal" in a human standard?"
Xavier walked toward Fan.
"Your name is?"
"Xavier. Give me some throwing knives, a blindfold, and some targets."
Fan gave him those items. Xavier tied the blindfold over his eyes, got ready and threw the knives.
Dead on.
"Okay, nice," Fan wrote something on his clipboard, "Anyone else?"
Alyson stepped forward and said, "I can fly."
"Really?" Fan said doubtful.
"Yeah, give me some open space."
The roof opened. Alyson opened her dark, almost ghostly wings and took off at 200 mph. She did a twirl, a loop, and some other tricks until she landed.
"Interesting," Fan wrote on his clipboard once again, "What about you?" He pointed at Kristina.
"I'm Kristina and I can⦠I can turn invisible."
Could she?
"Can you now?" Fan looked at her, or where she was standing, "Where are you?"
"At the same spot."
Fan wrote some stuff on his clipboard, again, "Well, that was good, very good. You all passed. Now grab on to my shoulder."
They all did and went into a state without light. Then they were at someplace that looked like a battlefield.
"What now?" asked Kristina.
Soon one by one, more teams were coming in.
"Be right back, STAY HERE," Fan said.
He vanished. Then reappeared hovering everyone, "Hello all Moderators and fellow Devils. This will be a quick test, the rule is simple. When the first one to die by another person's hand the test will be over . If you die, you will have to take the test all over again. There are weapon's all over this field. Good luck, and may you die."
All the Moderators vanished.
All of Hell exploded.
All of the squares should be gone.
I used moderators because well, the synonym is referee and moderator sounded much cooler.