Madolin tried to get some sleep. He couldn't. His red eyes were wide open, watching the moon from his cave. Madolin was sure he wouldn't sleep again. He thought he was the last Dragon. The others had been hunted down, as he was now. His Red eyes watched the forest and the cave entrance. A man was standing in the entrance. "Another challenge... When will these peaple give up?" "Dragon!" The knight cried out loud. "I am here to hunt you, and put an end to you, worm! Fear me! Beast of the Underworld!" "Another hunter. These guys are crazy." "Come out and fight me, if you will!" Madolin stood up, tall and proud. His eyes put fear into the man. He walked slowly towards him. "Dare fight me?!" the Dragon's voice blasted out "If you will, say Aye!" The knight stood speechless. "No" he finally blurted out. "Good. Now go away if you wish to live another day." The knight rushed away, never to return. Madolin was sad he had to behave that way, but the Hunters were always coming and he needed to scare them. Hours passed without number. Madolin woke up at the sound of cries and shouts. He peered out. Several men were fighting. "Look, I will kill him!" a small one said "No." the oldest man said "We're in this together." The Dragon was patient, and he waited for them to decide who would "kill" him. "You woke it up!" The fight continued, each time more violent. Finally they went away. Madolin liked to take walks in the forest. He admired nature. The squirrels were always interesting, the rabbits, fast and small. The river's water was like candy to him. The trees, high and proud, resisted strongly the winds. The grass yielded like paper in a tempest. The foxes were about, crows high in the air. Fish swam in a nearby lake, and crocodiles. He especially liked chatting with crocodiles.
"Well, hello Madolin!" Jork the Croc said. "It is always nice to see you around here!" He turned around to yell at the other Crocs. "Hey, look who is here!" "No, it is my pleasure." Madolin was always polite to animals, but not to men."They tried to hunt me down. Twice." "I see they have failed. Who can hunt you down? If the great bears, the wolves...the great animals cannot, then who?" "Men" The Dragon watched the crocodile look at him with a smile. "Men cannot. They will never hunt you down, you will see." Jork looked at the other Crocs nearby." How about a swim?" "Nah, I can't right now. At this hours, peaple come to my lair to challenge me." the Crocodiles swam happily, waiting for the others to come. The Dragon looked around, watching endless ants build their Anthills. He was carefull. He didn't want to stomp them. He respected nature. He heard men approaching. He rushed to his cave.
It'll take some time. I'm far away from the computer (I'm using a mobile browser) so I might not be able to post it in a while. But I allready know what the next istallment will be about. And btw the story wouldn't have a point if I just revealed all about him in just one chapter, the story is about a dragon discovering what happened to his kind, and to his family. The 'facts' I told about his family earlier are what the dragon thinks that happened.
A strong centaur was before the lair. He had long brown hair, a big green bow strapped to his back and a quiver. He saw the two, the shape shifter and Madolin. "Ghornad, is that you?" asked the Centaur "Yes" Ghornad replied. "Why are you here?" "Ghornad, who is he?" asked Madolin. "None of your business." said the shape-shifter coldly. "Come with me!" The centaur said. Ghornad followed him. They took a walk around in the woods, and they were talking about something, but Madolin didn't know what they were talking about. Then he heard a strong noise, as if a great stone had fallen to the ground. Then he heard a horn. He ran to the place where the sound came from. A very big branch of an old tree had fallen from its original place and hit the Shape-Shifter in the neck. The Centaur was doing all he could do to get the branch off. Madolin did it in seconds, his strong head pushed the log away. "I owe you one!" the green 'dragon' said to the Centaur. Then the centaur laughed. Then he revealed to Madolin his name. "Hier" the Horse-Man said. "okay, Hier. Madolin!" The dragon said. Then the centaur asked Madolin to leave to continue talking to Ghornad. They talked for about ten minutes. Then Ghornad returned alone. "Hier allready left." Said Ghornad "Back to the lessons, shall we?" Replied Madolin. "Yes" said Ghornad with a sigh "If you want to be a dragon you must learn how to be a dragon. Shape isn't the key to it all." "I know, allright!" replied the shape shifter. In the rest of the evening the Dragon continued teaching the Shape-Shifter about dragons. "Why aren't there any other dragons?" asked the 'student' "They were all hunted down. Me and my brother were the last ones. That evil knight killed him twenty-five years ago. I will never forget that!" "Who told you you were the last ones?" asked Ghornad "My brother. He always flew around to search for any survivors and he never found anything. "Oh. Allright." "Hope you look like another dragon. The knights will be worried sick when they see twice the dragons!" "But one will be clumsy!" replied the student.
im sad nobody commented besides me, and simply because i am looking for my "we are humanity" idea and happened to see this.
to me the new characters are introduced rather quickly and suddenly.
i believe if there was a last dragon hed be more distrustful of all these other shapeshifters and centaurs and the like. not like.... "hey ill teach you! lets be friends!"