As most of us know, the last Tanka Contest died. This is the new Tanka Contest! Ta-daaaaa!
Tanka consists of five units (often treated as separate lines when Romanized or translated) usually with the following mora pattern: 5-7-5-7-7. The 5-7-5 is called the kami-no-ku ("upper phrase", and the 7-7 is called the shimo-no-ku ("lower phrase". Tanka is a much older form of Japanese poetry than haiku.
Rules 1) Must be original. NO PLAGARIZING ALLOWED! 2) Has to fit the Theme. 3) Submition deadline will be inforced. 4) Only one submission per user 5) The winner cannot win twice in a row. 6) The Tanka MUST be created for this contest.
Easy enough? And If you are questioning Rule #5, it is because some people may be Beastly at any type of poetry and have really good submissions every week, and I am sure that you would want to win too right? See? Fairness makes the world go round. (not really) And if you are questioning Rule #6, it is on here because if you made something beforehand, that is giving you a better chance at winning, and it isn't fair to the other participants *if any) The Frist Theme is...... ..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... ..... Music! Deadline is the May 29th, 2010 Judging will be Either the 30th or 31st.
Also, Me and Thepossum will be the judges. I am the first judge, Next week will be possums. Good Luck to all!
If he can't, I'll judge. Since there are three official judges, I doubt you have to worry about there not being a judge. If he doesn't judge the day he says he will, the next judge will judge the next day.
SHE!!!!!!! SHE!!!!!!!!! I AM A GIRL SMARTNESS. WHAT DUDE HAS THE USER NAME MOONFAIRY!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! use your brain a bit dude ">.>
And I will have a laptop in the car with computer access I will be closing the Entry Date in the afternoon, so people need to enter them before then. And I will judge em probably on the same day.
I get it when people call me a dude in person ( I am a tom boy XP ) BUT ONLINE?! REALLY?! and the only thing that would let me come across as a dude is because I say dude. I call everyone a dude. I have called my cat a dude. I have called a bench a dude. I called a poster a dude. DUDE. Now it sounds funny saying it... ah geez.
Mhm > > riiight. A GIRL CAN'T BE A REGULAR ON HERE TOO?! HUH?! HUH?! HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! wow. im hyped. But yeah, there aren't many Girls on here. Asherlee was one, but she isn't on as much as I am, that sakitty or whatever the name was isn't on as much as I am. Why are most gaming communities only guys? goodness.
Alright people. I am really sorry, but I must close it early, as in now. I will do judging right now, cause my air card for internet on my laptop is broken, so that means no computer for a while. ENTRIES ARE CLOSED AS OF NOW Sorry for bein 2 days ahead of schedule. If you didn't get to enter, just go in the next theme alright? Sorry again~
Time for Judging! Taaaa daaaa! I will give everyone an award (you are all special in your own little way and then have the Top 3 and maybe a runner up or two. It all depends. LET THE JUDGING BEGIN! >
1337Player The First Entry Award I listen to it. Sometimes, it gets very old. Like your old mama. But it can be super new. But then it gets old again
Congratulations you were the FIRST ENTRY EVER. Be proud man. Be proud. Anyways, I like it. It describes the new songs perfectly. BUT MY MAMA AINT OLD! XD
beastahayes The Hater Award I love all music May it be rock, rap, or jazz I just love music Although I don't love all artists Retarded Justin Bieber
Hatin on the youngins! Shame! But the Tanka was still good. If it was in the right format of course. the 4th line had one too many Still, nice stab at it!
FallenSky The Can't Dance Award I step on your foot Even though I try my best Your toes are all red But I'm not a bad dancer I'm just a good listener
A lol'd at this one XD I can't give any advice on this one, it is pretty much awesome.
EnterOrion The Metallica Award The screaming guitars Pyrotechnic explosions Extremely loud sounds The metal armies marching Death to the nonbelievers
I don't know metal that much, but I do listen from time to time. I like this one, it is a good Tanka. I like your vocabulary XD
Dazepiece The Nature Award A bed evergreen Resonates sublime music A lost melody. But the tacet of the land Is forgotten except here.
I like this one alot :3 It just gives a.... Nature-y feel to it. I like the last line. It is hopeful, and not depressing Nice Job!
Elitemagical The Pretty Award Mellifluous tune, Euphonic lyrics, pleased ears. Reverend melody. A concord of elegance, A work of grace and beauty.
It is pretty. The award says it all XD Good Job
Kingryan The Sencond Try Award Forever playing Harmonious melodies, In wait are my ears. Deafening cacophony, Roaring like the winter seas.
This one is really good. Cept the Winter Seas confuzzled me. Still, nice first tanka. keep it up.
ALRIGHTY! ALL OF THE ENTRIES! WOOT. Many more entries than I expected 7 total, may seem like a litle, but it is hard to judge them. DON'T HATE ME IF YOU DON'T WIN OKAY?! please and Danke!
2nd Runner Up 1337Player I listen to it. Sometimes, it gets very old. Like your old mama. But it can be super new. But then it gets old again
As I said before, It is good, just missing a little flow.
1st Runner Up Kingryan Forever playing Harmonious melodies, In wait are my ears. Deafening cacophony, Roaring like the winter seas.
This one is also nice. Just a bit confuzzling when you say winter seas. It just makes the whole thing seem cold after you say that. But if it was intended, then good job!
3rd Place FallenSky I step on your foot Even though I try my best Your toes are all red But I'm not a bad dancer I'm just a good listener
I like this one alot too. Nice job Fallen! Please rmemeber that I tried my best to judge fairly People!
2nd Place EnterOrion The screaming guitars Pyrotechnic explosions Extremely loud sounds The metal armies marching Death to the nonbelievers
Nice one Orion. I think it is really good, and it would of been first place, but I felt like the third line was stressing to be 5 syllables.
1st Place! Elitemagical Mellifluous tune, Euphonic lyrics, pleased ears. Reverend melody. A concord of elegance, A work of grace and beauty
This is an amazing tanka. Worthy of being published really. It is just....Majestical really. That is how I describe this. Great Job!
As you all know, Dazepiece has joined us in judging for this contest. That is kind of why I left you out for placing... (sorry) And Either Daze or Possum will be your next judge! Let them decide. First come, first serve! Please Be good while I am away people! Please! I don't want to come back and see fighting in my thread! So, yeah. That ends it for the First Judging of the Non-Dead Tanka Contest!
The new theme will be set by the next judge, as will the entry closing, and judging (of course) So the Next judge will need to contact a mod and get the name changed alrighty? ~stares at Daze and possum~ That means you two ya know....
Good Luck to you all with the next theme! See ya later!
I contacted a few mods. But just in case, if you're a mod and reading this, could you be thoroughly awesome and change the thread title to: 'Non-Dead Tanka Contest Theme: Water' please? =]
Done. Next time, please post a link to the thread as well. I might be running around a lot in this section, so it shouldn't be a problem, but out of politeness, at least? That way I don't have to try and find the page the judging was on as well. Thanks.