As most of us know, the last Tanka Contest died. This is the new Tanka Contest! Ta-daaaaa!
Tanka consists of five units (often treated as separate lines when Romanized or translated) usually with the following mora pattern: 5-7-5-7-7. The 5-7-5 is called the kami-no-ku ("upper phrase", and the 7-7 is called the shimo-no-ku ("lower phrase". Tanka is a much older form of Japanese poetry than haiku.
Rules 1) Must be original. NO PLAGARIZING ALLOWED! 2) Has to fit the Theme. 3) Submition deadline will be inforced. 4) Only one submission per user 5) The winner cannot win twice in a row. 6) The Tanka MUST be created for this contest.
Easy enough? And If you are questioning Rule #5, it is because some people may be Beastly at any type of poetry and have really good submissions every week, and I am sure that you would want to win too right? See? Fairness makes the world go round. (not really) And if you are questioning Rule #6, it is on here because if you made something beforehand, that is giving you a better chance at winning, and it isn't fair to the other participants *if any) The Frist Theme is...... ..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... ..... Music! Deadline is the May 29th, 2010 Judging will be Either the 30th or 31st.
Also, Me and Thepossum will be the judges. I am the first judge, Next week will be possums. Good Luck to all!
Lulz hahaha... Even advice won't do the trick... Now if it was me, I'd totally vote for...*Psst Psst*...Oh ok I can't vote for me....ummm well.... - Awkward Silence - Talk about chemistry you've got there player...Original Tanka^^!!
Well yours is not bad too Samy, in fact it's actually pretty good except for the fact that it misses some flow. I like how you speak so reverently of water though^^. My Tanka is based on some ideas I put together for an essay I submitted to a litterature contest.
AND DAZE YOU LIVE IN JAPAN?!?!?!?!?! do you know japanese O.o
Yeah, I'm not fluent, but I'm advanced and can read newspapers fairly well. Btw, you keep calling me Daze, but the name is actually Dazpiece, or Daz (no 'e'!). Ah well. =)
You're not, but maybe you're faster than me because we have different time zones? Anyway possum is right - it's not a tanka, strictly speaking. Anyway, it's 12:10 midnight here so I'm going to bed. Night night.
Judging is pretty soon, I can't wait to see this thread up again so we can have new poetry to enjoy... It seems as though people are not interested at all in this *Sob*
I don't know about the time where you guys are, but for me it's now evening on the 3rd so...Submissions for the 'water' theme are no over! Look forward to being judged on the 4th or 5th (most likely the 5th).! Muahaha....
Next judge is thepossum, n'est-ce pas?
It seems as though people are not interested at all in this *Sob*
I wouldn't say that. We've had quite a few entrys. ^^
Yeah but it's still only a *few* from regulars of the Maw section, you see what I mean... We need new people to come here and write a lot of poems, we need to discover new talents! Well anyhow, good luck to everyone.