As most of us know, the last Tanka Contest died. This is the new Tanka Contest! Ta-daaaaa!
Tanka consists of five units (often treated as separate lines when Romanized or translated) usually with the following mora pattern: 5-7-5-7-7. The 5-7-5 is called the kami-no-ku ("upper phrase", and the 7-7 is called the shimo-no-ku ("lower phrase". Tanka is a much older form of Japanese poetry than haiku.
Rules 1) Must be original. NO PLAGARIZING ALLOWED! 2) Has to fit the Theme. 3) Submition deadline will be inforced. 4) Only one submission per user 5) The winner cannot win twice in a row. 6) The Tanka MUST be created for this contest.
Easy enough? And If you are questioning Rule #5, it is because some people may be Beastly at any type of poetry and have really good submissions every week, and I am sure that you would want to win too right? See? Fairness makes the world go round. (not really) And if you are questioning Rule #6, it is on here because if you made something beforehand, that is giving you a better chance at winning, and it isn't fair to the other participants *if any) The Frist Theme is...... ..... .... ... .. . .. ... .... ..... Music! Deadline is the May 29th, 2010 Judging will be Either the 30th or 31st.
Also, Me and Thepossum will be the judges. I am the first judge, Next week will be possums. Good Luck to all!
By few I wasn't refering to the number of quality entry, but the total number. Don't go thinking I'm a jerk lol, everyone's entry is pretty decent this time!
Honorable mention Avorne Flowing, falling free Rushing, roaring, running rain Cold, calm, clear crystals Waters beauty runs river deep Yet it can be so shallow
I like this tanka on the whole, but your penultimate line is 8 syllables isntead of 7. I get a real sense of motion from this. You get an honorable mention for a good composition, even if it's not quite a tanka.
!Runners Up thepossum The stream always flows Through time immemorial The water in it Has been on Earth forever H2O helps life to thrive
I like the nature-like feel to this. And your tanka highlights the essential need for water by making a connection between earth, life and water. This tanka 'flows' (XD) very well.
samy It's fluid motion Tranquility and power Ice, liquid, and gas Water; it powers thousands But it empowers us all.
I like your last line the most. It leaves an impression. However, I felt that your meter was rather choppy, which unfortunately left an impression, too. But I look forward to your next entry!
!Third Place! Teeheegirl123 Powerful arms merge, Enveloping you with fear Drowning you alive Till you're an empty body Blank eyes looking to the sky...
This one way quite a shocker, lol. The imagery is well-constructed and I can feel a connection with this tanka. You mostly get third place because I thought the flow was a bit choppy.
!Second Place! 1337Player It is H2O It's not carbon dioxide. Think it's H30? Well you're very, very, wrong. I like H2O, it's cool
The chemistry spin surprised me, and when I read the first line, I sighed a little. But, you managed to make it work, with quite a humorous well-made tanka. =]
First Place! FallenSky The quaint azure stream Ubiquitous in its bed Flows gently, with grace And though the water changes It is always there, serene
I thought that this poem had the strongest, most vivid imagery out of all of the entries, and lends itself to many interpretations. Nice job!
[b]Well done everybody! I look forward to the next contest! It's thepossum's turn to judge, right? Anyway, the next judge will decide the theme soon. Can't wait!
I hope I didn't leave anybody out. If so, I apologize. I didn't accept one person's entry because it was neither a tanka nor was it about water. XD
Well done everybody! I look forward to the next contest! It's thepossum's turn to judge, right? Anyway, the next judge will decide the theme soon. Can't wait!
Thanks everyone for all the formidable comments about my tanka, it means a lot to have won since it reflects ideas I've put in the essay I submitted to a litterature contest. Plus everyone did an amazing job this time around so it's all the more gratifying. Good job everyone, and good luck for the next one! I'll be having my contest results on the 11th of june so I'm pretty nervous but that sure gave me hope^^.