Well. This is a thread where you can post your art.
Here are the rules:
1. No claiming a piece of artwork if it isn't yours. 2. No copying images from Google Images. 3. No making bad comments on other people's artwork. 4. No posting the same image unless it is edited. 6. No inappropriate pictures.
Did you notice I skipped number 5?
Anyway, I don't have a picture right now but I will post one, later.
By the way if there is another thread on this... oh well.
fallen's thinkin he is all snazzy cuz he is older > > anyways, all ya gotta do is just run around really. Like around a track or the neighborhood. Its gonna hurt yeah, but no pain no gain. then just eat metabolism boosting foods.
Sorry to delete your posts, but I saw no reason in keeping them, considering the obvious context had been lost. Remake the comments on the other drawings as you wish.
If people remember right, I drew a cheap image of Ditto for the pokemon contest. I drew this afterwords as a compensation to make myself feel better. Personally, I like the leg and shoe, but the rest is pretty bad.
I like the string-one.
Me too, it's pretty awesome! Did you take the original picture yourself? Then you're a pretty good photographer.
The flame dude is pretty cool. The guitar one hurts my eyes cause it gets all blurry at the end T T lol The line one is good. I like it. The comedian watchmen thingie is a bit creepy o.o
little big
Contradiction And did you draw the last one shamash?