Well. This is a thread where you can post your art.
Here are the rules:
1. No claiming a piece of artwork if it isn't yours. 2. No copying images from Google Images. 3. No making bad comments on other people's artwork. 4. No posting the same image unless it is edited. 6. No inappropriate pictures.
Did you notice I skipped number 5?
Anyway, I don't have a picture right now but I will post one, later.
By the way if there is another thread on this... oh well.
I cant concentrate at anything without music lol. Ive had my mp3 taken like 8 times T T /offtopicness. Pretty snazzy. When my camera battery gets here I reallllllly wanna upload some pics of my drawings. I do airbrush and stencils alot.
This thread seems to be mainly for notepad doodles, so I thought I'd join in. After all, I still have to attend lectures and when they go from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, one's attention tends to drift...
So here's two sets of doodles I did, introducing two characters I'll be using in a comic project: Salty and Frosty!
I think I was listening to a talk on bed-wetting and skidmarks (it's paediatrics). I think I was thinking, how do you make a crocodile breakdance?
And this one during a seminar on child psychiatry. Psychiatrists love to talk. A lot.
wow strop, i love the poses... that's something i should really improve at lol and about my "little big" .... xd sorry i'm spanish, sometimes i translate literally and that's the result! :P