ForumsArt, Music, and WritingA.G.S. Explore [p.24]

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Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

First off, I'd like to let you all know to e-mail instead of my own e-mail. My co-host (when announced) will be given the password to the e-mail.

The entry organization-things will be similar to the WoM. You'll e-mail the e-mail and upon response, you'll be told if you can post it on the main thread or not.

  • 432 Replies
3,550 posts

I looked around the ship, everyone was chatting aloud, not really sure what was going on. I shook my head and started walking. I really dislike speaking in public, even if it is between 10-12 people I know. I walked up the podium and tapped the microphone. It made that loud irritating sound and everybody jumped and turned around, I chuckled alittle.

"Hello everyone, I'm Samdawghomie, just call me Sam, please. I can here because I thought this would be an interesting adventure, where I could meet people, and bring fun into my life. Which, haha, it has been lacking lately. I hope I get to know all of you soon enough."

I looked around and walked of the podium, everybody started chatting again. I started to get tired, I was up all day long, and kinda hungry too. I walked up to Thoad, "Hey, Thoad, is there anything to eat around here?" He looked vaugley at me and started for the podium. I shrugged, and walked off to my cabin.


Yay, the forums be back up. They really should tell us about sudden maintence of the site.

3,386 posts

No, not really. I might not want to see a doctor about that!

Docs do not help. Trust me. They just make you wanna rip their hair out. Then go for the throat.
I don't do karate or anything like that, even though I realllllly want to.
I do however play softball. I can't count the number of bats that I have wasted. When I got in a rage, I would take a bat and beat one of the old peices of fence we have in the back yard. We had a huge fence. It is no more. lol.

Anyways, I like the updates people! nice nice.
922 posts

[quote]No, not really. I might not want to see a doctor about that!

Docs do not help. Trust me. They just make you wanna rip their hair out. Then go for the throat.[/quote]

That's why I said not.
5,642 posts

DERF. Sorry guys, I'll get that round up A.S.A.P. I had to go get an unexpected haircut tomorrow and things, so yeah. If the new round isn't posted today (because I have to write an entry for the Way of Moderation), I'll post it tomorrow. So sorry about this.

5,642 posts

I'm posting this for Samdawghomie, since he was not able to get his entry out.

I looked around the ship, everyone was chatting aloud, not really sure what was going on. I shook my head and started walking. I really dislike speaking in public, even if it is between 10-12 people I know. I walked up the podium and tapped the microphone. It made that loud irritating sound and everybody jumped and turned around, I chuckled alittle.

"Hello everyone, I'm Samdawghomie, just call me Sam, please. I can here because I thought this would be an interesting adventure, where I could meet people, and bring fun into my life. Which, haha, it has been lacking lately. I hope I get to know all of you soon enough."

I looked around and walked of the podium, everybody started chatting again. I started to get tired, I was up all day long, and kinda hungry too. I walked up to Thoad, "Hey, Thoad, is there anything to eat around here?" He looked vaugley at me and started for the podium. I shrugged, and walked off to my cabin.

4,220 posts

I'm posting this for Samdawghomie, since he was not able to get his entry out.

Um, Thoad, *looks up*, he already posted it.
3,550 posts

Lol, sorry 'bout that thoad, I guess I found my way on a comp a little quicker than you did.

1,739 posts

Ok, posting my entry:

Ulimitedpower Part 2

limitedpower couldn't remember what had happened yesterday. In his fury, he'd walked briskly to Thoad's house at six in the morning and nothing happened. He banged the knob harder, until rage turned to power and a steel fist cracked into the door. Thoad must be a pretty hard sleeper, though Ulimitedpower... Looks like doing this quietly was not going to be an option. "Fine then, I'll just crash his little party," though the panda, and walked off to his house, to get some sleep before heading here again.

When the door of Thoad's little crumby mansion was opened by a fusion of black and white, no one took notice. Ulimitedpower was surprised: usually people stopped having fun when he turned up. They were either all very stupid or seriously enjoying this convention. His eyes scanned the crowd, and it was first then that the panda realized he had no idea how Thoad looked like. Oooooops... Major flaw in the plan. Lost in thought, Ulimitedpower picked a little blue glass from the nearest table and took a sip. Suddenly he heard something giggle. "What was that?" Ulimitedpower said. "What was what?" came out of the crowd. "Nothing..." He took another sip and stepped on something.

"Ouch! Watch were you're stepping!" came a little squeaky voice far below the eyesight of the giant panda. "So sorry about that! Won't happen again" Then Ulimitedpower saw this was his chance to get some info. It wasn't like the little teddy could say no... "Listen up, I was wondering if you could help a bit. I'm wondering if you direct me to Thoad," Bueno told him and then went off through throng. As he walked, little blue horns started sprouting out of his head, and he grew a scaly tail. What? Ulimitedpower blinked and it was gone. He pushed people out of his way and walked up to Thoad the zombie-slayer.

"Uhm, can I help you?" this panda dude had been standing nearby for the last five minutes, staring at him as if he'd done something. At first the giant didn't respond. His eyes lost focus, and his mouth fell slightly open. "Is something wrong?" That snapped him back to reality. "No, nothing is wrong. I have a complaint to make," his deep voice was sort of commanding and Thoad didn't exactly like it. "A complaint about what?" "About..." The panda's eyes did that thing again: They glazed over and he had a dreamy expression. "I want to join your crew on your little boat" he blurted out. "And you're complaining about what?" This conversation was getting sort of weird. "Complaining? I wasn't doing that." Confused, Thoad decided to just follow along, and pray he wasn't about to let a lunatic on his boat (He'd just newly had the paint redone!). "Uh OK, if you say so. I'm fine with you joining the crew as long as you introduce yourself when the time comes."

Ulimitedpower was confused. One minute he was going to hit Thoad with a wine glass, the next he seriously wanted to join the adventure. And every second, random blue horns and a reptile tail grew on someone, before quickly vanishing. Whatever had been in that glass was not a fizzy drink... He blinked and suddenly noticed that without noticing, he was on top of a chair and bellowing:
"My name is Ulimitedpower. You may refer to me as U-he-lee for short. I like astronomy, and generally I'd have brought my compact telescope on this journey, but it was confiscated due to Thoad's flier hitting me in the head and me walking into a night gaurd." Thoad winced at that, and Ulimitedpower tried to stop, but now he was tinglish all over, leading to him speaker faster and faster. " I live alone, and I try to spend every night in the open so I can record the constellations. My favorite drink is chocolate, and I despise coffeeeee..."

Ulimitedpower's last sentence drifted off into oblivion. Thoad saw that glossy eyed stare again, but this time he didn't continue talking. Ulimitedpower's head tipped forward, and then his entire body followed, squashing a poor gnome who couldn't get away. "OMG! Iz he dead?" someone in the crowd cried. Thoad kicked him. "Owwwwww... What happened?" the furry panda's dark eyes opened slowly, and this time they looked more awake. Thoad smiled a very toothy grin, and replied "Welcome to the club, kid."


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Love it.

Lol, I thought it was cruddy. Due to a tight schedule, I rushed it, and to replace good writing (Which takes time), I decided to take sarcasm and drippy humor.

Do you mean it?

NOoooooooo, the first word in my essay is missing a letter... Copy -paste mistake
1,739 posts

And upon rereading my post, i see many errors. Especially 'though', which is supposed to be 'thought'. If I have time, I might someday post a corrected version of it. Am I allowed to do that?

1,766 posts


NOoooooooo, the first word in my essay is missing a letter... Copy -paste mistake

Lol, that was funny, limitedpower. I loved your entry also. But you have to tell us, what was in that drink?
5,642 posts

to replace good writing (Which takes time), I decided to take sarcasm and drippy humor.

Congratulations, you are now a professional writer.

Am I allowed to do that?

I think that would be fine. It's ag's own fault for not having enough munny to get an edit function made.

...JUST KIDDING. We should all buy more sh*t.
261 posts

Who else has to post their entry? D:

5,642 posts

Oh no one, I just haven't gotten the round done yet. Almost.

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