ForumsArt, Music, and WritingA.G.S. Explore [p.24]

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Thoad the toad, the green-clad zombie slayer, the epidimy (sp?) of stupidity, was sitting in his room one day. His condo was still getting worse and worse by the day. "I wish my rank was better, maybe there wouldn't be a mold problem now... oh well, not as bad as the slums though." Thoad sat on a small wooden stool, and looked at the walls, the wallpaper peeling off.
Suddenly, he had an idea. A marvelous idea. He got up with a wide smile, happy, energetic symphonic music in his mind. He ran to his window and shoved it open. He yelled out at the populace: "ARMORGAMES. I AM GOING TO EXPLORE THE LAND WITH A CREW. JUST YOU SEE, WE'LL HAVE OUTPOSTS EVERYWHERE!," after a few seconds, he pointed his finger at the moon, still in the sky. "MY SHIP WILL BE.... THE A.G.S. EXPLORE!"
He brought up a sheet of parchment and wrote a shotty flier.
<image pending>
(Thoad wants YOU, to be apart of the Exploration team. See <insert adress here> on wednsday to see what the job entitles and what you can do, for your sity (OOC: Get it? Site? City? Sity?)!)
He copied it and pasted it onto several other pieces of paper and threw them out the window, since there was a breeze. On a single piece of parchment there was another footnote. "You have been chosen to be my 2nd in command! Bring this flier to me and you'll be able to do everythign I could do, if I'm not there!"
"FOR ADVENTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE" Thoad yelled once more out the window. Someone finally looked up at him, put his hands out, and simply said: "Dude, wtf?"

First off, I'd like to let you all know to e-mail instead of my own e-mail. My co-host (when announced) will be given the password to the e-mail.

The entry organization-things will be similar to the WoM. You'll e-mail the e-mail and upon response, you'll be told if you can post it on the main thread or not.

  • 432 Replies
1,739 posts

But you have to tell us, what was in that drink?

Errrrrrr... (Secret!)

Congratulations, you are now a professional writer.

I see that award comes with neither a certificate or a giftcard to McDonalds. At least a sticker saying 'You're a champ!' ?
Oh no one, I just haven't gotten the round done yet. Almost.

You know about my problem with that, right? It was in the last email.
5,642 posts

'You're a champ!' ?

Would "You're a chump!" work?

5,642 posts

Thoad saw Cenere step down, and gave an appreciative smile to Cenere. He didn't exactly expect Cen to say more than a sentence or two, so he wasn't dissapointed. After he saw Cen blend back into the blob of 10 or so passengers, he noticed something. There was only 9 of them.
He then heard a sploosh. "OKAY WHO WAS THAT." Thoad screamed, startled. The crowd mumbled a bit and Ulimitedpower, the astronomical navigational panda stepped forth and said that ThePossum had fallen into the water! (OOC: This excuses possum from this round).
Thoad sighed and stepped up to the podium, with a sleepy look in his eye. He expected a little more from everyone, but apparently they intended not to speak to each other for m ost of the trip. "Lemme tell you guys 1 thing, and then you will never have to listen to me again," Thoad said, a serious tone in this voice. "We must all work as a well oiled machine a great force to be reckoned with. We must be able to look to our crewmates, shake hands, and laugh about how we got mad at each other about getting our telescopes taken away," Thoad referenced to his upset navigator.
"But, please, let me tell you about myself, so that you get to know me a little," Thoad pulled out a huge book, at least 6,000 pages, and opened the hard cover. The spine read: "The Memoirs of Thoadthetoad". Upon seeing this, some of the users moaned a little.
But Thoad was cut short. He sensed a great disturbance in the farce. Something was calling him. A whisper in the ear, that he couldn't quite make out. He was entranced by the feeling, when a shiver went up his spine. The blob on his ship stood in awe of something, but for the life of him thoad couldn't think what.
"Oh yeah, I wrote a book! Did I forget to mention that?" Thoad said, thinking that's what they were so astonished of. But then, the only girl on board the A.G.S. Explore, except for maybe our slightly indrogenous (sp?) moderator, Cenere, stepped forth. Moonfairy, the well-figured lunar fairy pointed up at the sky.
Thoad looked behind him, and saw a huge black cloud, with a bright center. It looked as if it was a smoke-like god with a single eye. It was tremendous. It was a Cumulo Nimbus, one of the biggest darn clouds nature could throw out of it's hideous maws.
Thoad started barking out orders but was too late, the crew was already doing what they were supposed to do. Except for Ulimited panda, Cenere, and Bueno. Though Bueno was urgently trying to do something. He was just too tiny to actually help much, save for moral support and being adorable. Cenere was talking to himself, having a blank stare at Thoad, saying how this was probably the most stupid decision he has ever made and that we were all going to die. Ulimited panda was desperatley trying to find a star so he could say where to go.
By the time they were going to go away from the storm, it hit them with terrible rapids. Lighting and wind, with some form of wooden shrapnel somehow stuck in it, tore the sails. We were now without any way of wind transportation. After the sails were shot, we quickly began trying to stay afloat and alive. Luckily there didn't seem to be any form of wildlife in the water.
Then, Thoad was mysteriously knocked out. It was likely a golf-ball sized rock going in the monstrous wind. Thoad woke up for blips before evidently fainting or being knocked out again. In those blips, he noticed land, and several snake like creatures in the water.
Finally, after an unknown amount of time in the water, thoad was washed ashore with his fellow crewmates standing above him. He saw Cen to his left, and decided to make a witty remark. "What? No hug?". Cen didn't reply. People began looking for shipwreck stuff. Things that might be used for whatever. They were on a strange island and didn't know what to do about it.
Thoad was still a little dazed but heard some commotion from the gunslingers of the crew. "What the f--- do you mean there's no bullets? How are we going to survive without bullets? That's impossible! Impossible!" the unknown gunslinger yelled to another crewmate.
Thoad looked around, "Where's samy?" he asked to everyone. He didn't appear to be anywhere. Thoad feared the worst... it was a sad idea, that Samy, a crewmember, died. Thoad thought for a moment and shed a single tear. "Not even a week on sea and we've lost a crew-member... does that make me a bad captain?"
The green-clad boy looked at the surroundings. It was a tiny shore with rocks on both sides, and the A.G.S. Explore was tipped over. People were using their hands and their bludgeons in order to break through the ship's hull so they could see if their stuff was inside. The area around the shore was dead. It looked as if it was fire-bombed. It was just rock and sand. A little ways ahead he could make out some palm trees and coastal flora, but the other side held fire, and more rock. It was likely that there was a volcano on the island.
He remembered his training with strop, and the way of moderation he participated in a while ago (OOC: Keep in mind that this does take place AFTER the WoM). He had to act mature, be like a mod. He had a chance to get there, but he had to start somewhere.
"Alright crew! First thing's first, let's buckle down and wait for some more supplies. We'll make a temporary outpost here on this unnamed space and call it the new Armorgames Outpost. Or, if you want it abreviated. A.G.O.," Thoad yelled at the rest of the members.
KingRyan spoke up against the green-clad boy. "Hay wait a minnut thoad! Our main priority is to get off the island! Now back when AG was a beta, they would have gotten off if they were ill-equipped!" KR critisized thoad. Thoad looked KR in the eye with daggers.
"I'm captain of this ship, KR. I think it would be best if we stayed here." Thoad was obviously angered by this, and power tripping a little. But he cooled down after a moment. "Okay, fine. KR, if you want to go and find a way off the island, go ahead. But I'm staying here with my crew."
KR scowled, and began to get outraged. "Thoad! I have been here since the beta and I know that with my wisdom I can lead this crew to great things!" Kr yelled. Thoad noticed some of the crew members moving towards KingRyan's side of the argument. They walked beside him. "I am getting off this freaking island, whether you like it or not!"
"Fine, you go get off the island in some un-named way! You'll die in minutes. Who knows what dangers the internet has for you out there? It could be infested with trolls!" Thoad yelled back.
"Or it could have fellow gamers, willing to get us back home!" KingRyan yelled back. "You do what you want, but me and whoever wants to come with me, will follow me to our salvation!"
Suddenly Cenere chimed in, "Cool, my hardcover copy of 'Lord of the Flies' survived the shipwreck."
Ignoring that, Thoad stormed off in the other direction, dragging a confused cenere by the wrist with him.

OKAY. This is a part 1 for this round. Sorry that it's so long everyone. There will be another part that will also have an entry to it, but this one is needed.
What you need to do
I need you guys to split up into even teams (this is out of character) and decide who wants to go with who. By default, Thoad is kidnapping Cenere to go with him. I want it to be devided evenly. Samy is not dead, but is taken out of the OCT until further cameo.
Essentially, this is what you are to do.
A: You can go with KingRyan (who is soopud, and old) to find help (or harm) in order to get off the island you are currently shipwrecked on,
or B: You can go with thoad and buckle down, and then go and find help or harm.

IF YOU CHOOSE A: Then you love old people (just kidding).
No really, you must write your entry based upon why you made the judgement and what you do with KR, like, do you make suggestions as to what direction you go (cannot be in same direction as thoad. Bad things happen), or what to do if you come upon bad forces. Remember, we lost bullets. If you use a weapon, better hope it's melee or it is magic.

IF YOU CHOSE B: Then you are awesome.
But seriously, just do what you would do with KR, only with thoad.
Remember that thoad is a quirky weird guy who is slightly perverted. But can probably also be more strategically better than KR. But is not as mature or wise. (He was also not there since beta)

A side note: In order to balance the teams, a new person will be met next round for whichever team is imbalanced. One team is allowed to have 4 crew members while the other has 5. I will make an in-game character to balance this.

You see why I am having trouble getting this monster out?
BTW, kingryan I will give you briefing as to what you are supposed to do through e-mail.

4,220 posts

Well, I'm in with Thoadsy. So long as you don't kill me for calling you that. A loyal guy like me doesn't abandon his captain unless he will get us killed.

1,903 posts

indrogenous (sp?)

The correct spelling is 'androgynous', and I really wouldn't have thought of him like that. O_o.
Moonfairy, the well-figured lunar fairy

"Well-figured"? Pervert... Although for noticing that, I guess that makes me one as well...

Aside from that, this one will actually make me think a little... Curse you for forcing one such as me to work in a team, even though you did say we were to be "...a well oiled machine...".

I'm in with you, if you'll have me Thoad, I'm too disciplined to leave my Captain, although I'll leave to KR if it's too unbalanced.
3,550 posts

Well, this makes three people going with you thoad(sy{lol, sorry}) This part sounds lik it shall be interesting.

You know, I never pictured Cen as androgynous.

1,766 posts

"You'll need my help on this treacherous island," 1337 said to Thoad, "I'm coming >:O"

So yeah, I'm with you Thoad. I will be working on my entry today.

13,657 posts

Aw, I can't pick? On the other hand...

except for maybe our slightly indrogenous (sp?) moderator, Cenere,

"Excuse me Thoad, but you ought to read this." Cen stumbled along the oddly girly Thoad, while trying turn a leaf in his book with one hand without dropping it.
"There is no time for reading, Cen!" Thoad snapped, growling in rage and desperate panic.
"No, culture and civilization is the first to get hanged in situations like this." He shook his head, a sad expression on his face at the thought of the dying civil behaviour he was about to witness. "Besides, shouldn't the tanks stay with the squishies?"
Thoad did not reply, but simply yanked him on in his angry search for weapons.
Cen sighed, and read aloud:
"He leapt down from the platform and ran along the beach, paying no
heed to the steady fall of his tears; and until he dived into the forest Ralph watched him."


1,766 posts

Oh Cen. Can I use you in my entry? I would tell you in your comment box, but it's disabled. Well... can I?

13,657 posts

Oh Cen. Can I use you in my entry? I would tell you in your comment box, but it's disabled. Well... can I?

Keep my character IC (in character), and of course.
Considering we have signed up for this, I doubt people actually can say you are not allowed to portray them in your entry, without leaving the OCT.
1,766 posts

Lol, okay. And one more thing, I forgot to mention this in the earlier post... *sigh*. I'm just checking, which side are you going with. Thoad or KR?

13,657 posts

Lol, okay. And one more thing, I forgot to mention this in the earlier post... *sigh*. I'm just checking, which side are you going with. Thoad or KR?

Thoad, since he decided to hijack me.
If I could have picked myself, I wouldn't have picked any, so he is taking his precautions.
5,642 posts

You know, I never pictured Cen as androgynous.

You have not seen the borderline gay-drama me and cen tend to go through in aim.

Don't deny it cen. You know it's true.
"Excuse me Thoad, but you ought to read this." Cen stumbled along the oddly girly Thoad, while trying turn a leaf in his book with one hand without dropping it.

I will use this as an example. Though it's generally way worse in AIM.
Yes, I think that makes 5 for my team,

If someone has any particular objections for being on KR's team, please say so, so we can work something out.

And yes, I am dragging Cen by the wrist. Since I figured he would have preferred to stay alone, so I will destroy those thoughts.
922 posts

Cumulo Nimbus

cumulonimbus, one word.

"What the f--- do you mean there's no bullets? How are we going to survive without bullets? That's impossible! Impossible!"

Oh yeah that's what I'm like.

But can probably also be more strategically better than KR.

Grammar nazi comes in! you can't be 'more ... better'. it should just be 'better' without the 'more'.

Suddenly Cenere chimed in, "Cool, my hardcover copy of 'Lord of the Flies' survived the shipwreck."

lol,that was one of the funniest bits

As for the thing I am with thoad!!
4,196 posts


KingRyan watched some of the crew quickly heading over to stand by Thoadsy...and he smiled. It would be good to not have many 'impulsive' members who made their decisions quickly. And besides, he didn't mind if he just had four in his team. Four was a nice even number...and that one time he had won bingo thanks to the number 4, so he did quite like that number.


Hi all,

Currently on work experience, (AND IM ON A MAC AND IT IS HORRIBLE) and just killing time. Thoad I can't read my emails until I get home which will be in about an hour, so if I have said something wrong in this post than I apologise.

And everyone, don't think I'm entirely old and senile! You can pick me you know...Thoad will most likely end up killing or eating you all...whichever comes first...


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