Hello everybody! This is the second Fakemon contest!
Yes, that's right. I've decided to return the contest for your greedy needs. I'm going to have updated rules and whatnot, and please, enter. ---RULES---------- 1. This is a PG13 site. Don't be immature and draw immature stuff as immature Pokemon. Immature. 2. They have to be yours. You can't steal anybody else's ideas or Fakemon even with permission. 3. The winner of the round is able to choose a theme, if approved by me first. And if the winner does not respond in 4 days, the 2nd place shall choose. Also, nobody can win 2 times in a row! 4. If you make a Fakemon with "mon" in it's name, you will be disqualified. (for example: Blobmon) 5. The entry can be done in any program, shape, or way. (100% made by you) And yes, the entry can be hand-drawn. 6. STICK TO THE THEME! 7. If you think anybody is stealing someones art, please tell me on my profile and nowhere else. 8. Post one entry per round. 9. You can't choose a theme that someone else has chosen. ------------------------
I think that's everything I want to cover. I'm going to be choosing the first theme. ROUND 1 - Elemental Pig Deadline - Thursday 17th of June
I don`t think mine looks good. I was going to make it Flying/Grass or Dragon/Grass just because of the name and look, which I got from Snap dragon and Bluejay.I didn`t like that all the new entries are flowers so I just made a flower bird/dragon.
I'm surprised that nobody made a Pokemon with a bush on it that has flowers. Like I've said, I'm going to judge this successful round!
---- Winner - Bluydee! Bluydee, it's unimaginably epic. AHH! IT'S GOING TO EAT ME! It looks so intimidating yet awesome. Excellent job. Although, it'd be a wee bit better with a little shading. -- Moving on, the rest!
Hectichermit Actually, I think it looks pretty nice. I would like a bit more details, but it looks decent. I like the idea!
Parrot I don't necessarily want to be rude, but this looks unfinished without shading. You could've at least had the white a little darker. It looks too much like the "background". And personally, I didn't like the design too much. Still, good job. This couldn't have been the best theme.
Kaccy As lazy as you might have become, this turned out great. I just love the idea of this Pokemon, and the drawing is great! Although, the shading is a bit lazy, indeed. ----
I hope I didn't piss anyone off. Bluydee shall choose the next theme!