Hello everybody! This is the second Fakemon contest!
Yes, that's right. I've decided to return the contest for your greedy needs. I'm going to have updated rules and whatnot, and please, enter. ---RULES---------- 1. This is a PG13 site. Don't be immature and draw immature stuff as immature Pokemon. Immature. 2. They have to be yours. You can't steal anybody else's ideas or Fakemon even with permission. 3. The winner of the round is able to choose a theme, if approved by me first. And if the winner does not respond in 4 days, the 2nd place shall choose. Also, nobody can win 2 times in a row! 4. If you make a Fakemon with "mon" in it's name, you will be disqualified. (for example: Blobmon) 5. The entry can be done in any program, shape, or way. (100% made by you) And yes, the entry can be hand-drawn. 6. STICK TO THE THEME! 7. If you think anybody is stealing someones art, please tell me on my profile and nowhere else. 8. Post one entry per round. 9. You can't choose a theme that someone else has chosen. ------------------------
I think that's everything I want to cover. I'm going to be choosing the first theme. ROUND 1 - Elemental Pig Deadline - Thursday 17th of June
Champion's Exhibit - Bluydee I think it looks pretty sweet, and it wouldn't surprise me if they made a Pokemon similar to that. I don't know what to say about it. The shading is a bit lazy, but it's sorta effective actually. Although, the thingy in the middle looks a bit weird, but it shows that you have actually put some time in to this entry, and you did a good job on it.
Winner - Hullabalo That's some badbutt paint skills you got there! They surpass my skills. I'm honestly amazed that you did that in paint... Or maybe it's just my shaky hands. You probably don't have any shaky hands though. What am I talking about... It greatly resembles a demon. The only real problems I have with this entry is that it doesn't have anything added to it's skull, and its feet look pretty odd.. It would've looked slightly more like a Pokemon if it had something added to its skull, like a gem, or a ring, or some kind of camouflage pattern. But maybe that's just me. Also, the shading is amazing and really effective. That's it. You get to choose the new theme~
-- The rest!
- The "Disoriented Body Parts" Award - GuitarHeroFtw It shows that you actually put some time into this entry. You would've got 2nd place if we had more entries! I like the design and the idea, but the arms are a bit disoriented, and it looks kinda odd. I would have liked it if it had some legs too, and maybe some horns that looked less like a goat's horns. Great job though!
The "Red Pen Screamer" Award - Aknerd It's a shame that you couldn't do the drawing in paint or something, because it's a bit too red for my taste. XD It doesn't really resemble a Pokemon, and it's hands are a bit odd. It reminds me of one of those screamers. I can see that you put a little work in it though.
The "Barney ate a Ghost Pepper" Award - OperationNilo It looks more like a dinosaur or something than a demon, but maybe that's just me. It's a decent entry. The scales of the dinosaur looks like one of those patterns you can choose from in GIMP, which I don't like. The fire looks pretty cool though.