ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Fire Rekindled

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Ok so its time for my first short story. I may continue with this bit or maybe write a different one but suggestions and comments are welcome.

"This is not what I imangined when I signed up for this sarge" said Private Jones as he walked up to Sargent Springfield. " Well what did you expect Jones? As soon as they gave you your gun you would go and crush the rebellion singlehandly?" said Sgt. Springfield. "Well no" said Pvt. Jones, " But I expected more than just marching around without seeing a single rebel". Does this kid have an off switch ,thought Sgt. Springfield, Hes only been with us for a week and Im already tired of him. Is this the kind of solidiers we have to stop the rebellion with? "Hey quiet down back there!" shouted Lieutenat Perkins. " YOu want every rebel to hear you and start taking potshots at us before we even get to the town?" "No sir I dont want them taking any potshots at us" said Pvt. Jones. This got a bit of a laugh from the rest of the solidiers as they marched onward to the little hamlet of Spatsville. "I got another question sarge" said Pvt. Jones. "yeah you got a question big surprise" said Sgt. Springfield. "How soon are we gonna get those new reavtive armor suits? You know the kind that are made of the same armor as a combat suit and are supposed to stop direct hits from these" he said as he hefted his regulation automatic energy rifle. "Probably when pigs fly" muttered springfield. "What was that sir?" asked Jones. "Probably when these rebels stop ambushing imperial supply lines so dont hold your breath kid." said Springfield. "But how could rebel get behind-" Suddenly the harsh noise of enegry rifles began to fill the air as the column came under fire. "Get that private down now Springfield!" shouted Perkins as he dived to cover. "Yes sir!" shouted Springfield as he tackled Jones behind a large boulder. "First time in combat kid?" asked Springfield. "Uh yeah sir how did you know?" asked Jones. Probably because anyone one with sense gets down when people start shooting at them though Springfield. "I just know these things Jones" said Springfield. " oh okay sir"said Jones still rattled by the tackle. The firefight did not last ong just enough to inflict a few minor casualties and tie up the whole column. "Come on move it men! We have to get moving and secure that town!" shouted Perkins. "Why sir shouldn't we pursue those snipers?" asked Jones. "Where do you think they came from private? Spatsville is the only town for thiry miles. If we are going to find them anywhere they will be there." said Perkins. "Heh he really got you on that one kid" said Springfield with a laugh. " I guess so sarge" said Jones bashfully as the other solidiers joined in the laughter. Only about 5 more miles ,thought Springfield as the laughter died down and the march continued, then I can finally get some rest. Maybe the kid will find someone else to bother too, he thought as he moved up a rise in the road. The sargent would have to deal with JOnes for a bit longer as his next question popped into his head and who better to ask then the sarge?

  • 92 Replies
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Well here it is the next section of my story. This time it involves a Rudbeckian sky captain who discovers a new weapon of the Platinum Empire.

"Sir new orders have just arrived from the brass" said Colonel Spalding as he brought in new orders and set them on Captain Sam McVolt's desk.
"Thanks Spalding. Ill take it from here" said McVolt as he opened the newest orders for his destroyer the Endurance. "Hmm patrol again? Oh well maybe we will get a chance to give the empire a kick from behind." said the Captain as he got up and moved to the intercom. "Attention crew, this is your captain. Prepare to leave in 20 minutes. That is all" said McVolt as he took his finger off the intercom button.
An hour later over the Rudbeckian and Imperial border the Endurance met with another destoyer class sky ship the Valiant and a cruiser class sky ship the Steadfast. The three ships then moved into a triangle formation with the Steadfast at the front and the destroyers off to the sides.
"Colonel please contact the Steadfast" said Mcvolt as they moved along the border.
"Yes sir" said Spalding.
"This is Captain Mead of the Steadfast. Why are you contacting me Endurance?" said the captain of the Steadfast.
"I am Captain McVolt of the Endurance sir and I was wondering if we see any imperial ships what is to be our response?" questioned McVolt.
"Well since technicly Rudbeckia and the Platinum Empire are at war we are to engage any imperial vessesl attempting to cross the border. Unofficialy the brass doesn't want this flaring up again not with the troubles at home. So to answer your question only engage fighter craft and give their sky ships no reason to fight." said Captain Mead.
"Understood sir I will do so then" said McVolt grudginly. "End transmission Spalding"
"yes sir" said Spalding as he ended the transmission. " But I have a question sir" he said as he turned to the captain.
"Well what is it then Spalding?" said McVolt.
"Why do you want to tangle with the empire in a destroyer? They have problems with their conquered territories and we have troubles in the capital. Neither side wants a the war to begin so why do you?" questioned Spalding.
"Because Spalding I think we could hit them harder now then we ever could. We may have problems but they are only in the capital while the empire has a whole territory that sputters with rebellion." said McVolt.
"I dont know sir. Wouldn't the brass have ordered an attack if they thouhgt we could take them." said Spalding.
"Bah what do they know? They spend all their time at the rear and never see the situation at the front. All they worry about is their HQ in the capital being mobbed." spat McVolt.
"Whatever you say sir" said Splading as he returned to is duties.
The patrol continued unevetnfully for several more hours unitil the Steadfast caught sight of an imperial fighter flying back over Rudbeckian territory.
"sir" said Spalding "Incoming message from the Steadfast"
"Bring it up" said McVolt.
"McVolt this is Captain Mead. No need to launch fighters the Valiant and Steadfast are closer and we will handle it. Its only a Hawk anyways a few Jaguars will take car of it." said Captain Mead who then abrubtly ended the transmission.
"Of course we dont get any action." sighed McVolt "Put the battle on screen Spalding."
As the screen showed the lone Hawk flying as fast as it could away from several squadrons of Jaguars from the Valiant and Steadfast suddenly a strange energy was picked up by the scanners of the Endurance.
"Sir we got some weird readings from below." said Spalding as he tried to find the source.
"COntact Captain Mead. See if he is getting the same readings we are."said McVolt as he turned to the viewing screen.
"This is Mead. What is it McVolt?" said Mead.
"Sir I was just wondering if you detected these same odd readings we did." asked McVolt.
"Yeah we did. Since nothing happend we are going to continue pursuit." said Mead.
"But what if it is and imperial trap?" asked McVolt.
"Nonsense McVolt. Like whatever they have-"
Suddenly the transmission was cut short at the same time as a beam of light stabbed upwards from the ground slicing the Steadfast like bread and continuing through to visit the same destruction on the Valiant.
"What was that?" shouted McVolt as the power of the beam and the destruction of the ships sent explosions that rocked the Endurance.
"we dont know sir" said Spalding as he fought to keep his seat.
"Well get us out of here quick before we go the way of the Steadfast and Valiant." shouted McVolt.
"yes Sir" said Spalding relaying the orders to the helmsman. Boy, thought McVolt, looks like the brass are going to have a war despite the problems at home. With that the Endurance turned and fled dodging one last burst of energy aimed their way, while the Jaguars ,who had not perished as the beam ripped through their squadrons as well, docked aboard the Endurance.

3,937 posts

This is a great story, altough I still not understand, who is fighting who and why?

4,689 posts

Okay Ill make a quick little explanation.
150 years ago the platinum empire conquered the Schizanticas and began a war with the Rudbeckians 50 years ago. So now the Shining Hand fights for Schizantican independence from the Platinum Empire while the Rudbeckians and the Platinum Empire have a sputering border war with each other.
Hope that helps.

182 posts

lol,its funny!!!!make a another one!!!!

182 posts

i hope he makes another one.

4,689 posts

Well you'll have to wait until tomorrow for the next section. Right now I am on the watch for timemu so I can comment first on it.

182 posts

[quote]i like it.

182 posts

i cant stop reading it.I cant help it.its...its...its...its,i cant stop reading it.

1,855 posts

Hahaha i like it! I can see the tension between the sergeant and the private. It needs some punctuation editing, and spelling, but pretty good! It was a great start to a book.

4,689 posts

Yeah I've been working on that and I think the most recent section is my best yet gramaticly and the most action so far.

182 posts

i hope you,commanderdude7.make a new story.i just cant help reading this story that you pun on.peace out.

182 posts

i love action.peace out.

4,689 posts

Ok so I finally came up with a title for my story "The Fire Rekindled". Pretty cool huh? Anyways for todays section we go back to the Platinum Empire and see Lord Wolfwood, head of Intelligence for the Empire, going to meet the Platinum Emperor Tiberius the V.

The Platinum Palace loomed in front of Lord Wolfwood as he made his way toward it. Covered entirly in platinum and with the rising sun behind it shone with an eye wateringly brillant sheen. It was from here that the Platinum Emperor Tiberius the V ruled on his Platinum throne.
"Why did they have to make the palace so huge?" muttered Lord Wolfwood as he moved up the central staircase toward the gates.
"Hail Lord Wolfwood!" shouted the palace guards as they opened the gates for him.
"Yes yes. Usally though the prescence of the Head of Intelligence is not announced to any who want to knock me off." replied Lord Wolfwood.
"Uh sorry sir" stammered one of the guards as he held open the doors for Lord Wolfwood to enter.
"Just be more careful solidier. We dont want to go losing important heads of state due to carelessness." said Lord Wolfwood as he walked past.
The interior of the palace was just as splendid as the outside with platinum engravings and embossing on all the surfaces. Lord Wolfwood was not one to notice fineraies as he had to meet with the Emperor immediatly. As he arrived at the entrance to the throne room he saw Lord Poffin a rotund man who was perpetually jolly and head of the military department. He also happened to be a childhood friend of Lord Wolfwood.
"Well well" said Lord Poffing "I wonder what reason the Emperor has for both his military and intellingence leaders."
"Probably just a report on the new weapon and its effectivness" responded Lord Wolfwood.
"Well you're probably right. You always were the smart one" said Lord Poffin resingdly.
"Dont sell yourself short Poffin. You are a more than capable general and an important assest to the Empire." said Lord Wolfwood.
"Well thanks for that old friend" said Lord Poffin.
Suddenly a short little man in a extravegant outfit came up to the two lords. "The Emperor will see you now" said the little man whose name was Jenkins and was personal assistant to the Emperor.
"Thank you Jenkins" said Lord Poffin as he and Lord Wolfwood walked into the throne room.
The throne room was the most extravegant of any room in the palace no expense had been spared in its construction. The throne itself ,made of pure platinum, rose ten feet into the air giving the man who sat on it a commanding view of any who came before him.
"All hail Emperor Tiberius the V" said Lord Poffin and Lord Wolfwood as they bowed before the throne.
"Rise honorable Lords so that we may discuss the state of the relam" said the Emperor. "we will start with you Wolfwood. What is the situation with regards to the Shining Hand and our Schizantican territory?"
"well my lord" said Lord Wolfwood "The rebellion of the Shining Hand continues to annoy and peester us. I have however dispatched the Imperial police to deal with these problems and aid the solidiers already there."
"Do you expect the Shining Hand will cause enough problems to threaten our attack on the Rudbeckians?" asked the Emperor.
"I doubt that my lord. From what I have gathered the Shining Hand is a minority and will stay that way unless something changes. The populace has become acustomed to Imperial rule and no longer dreams of independence." responded Lord Wolfwood.
"Excellent" said the Emperor "Now Lord Poffin how did the test of the new weapon go?"
"Just as we hoped it would. The Rudbeckian patrol walked right into the trap and we were able to destroy a crusier and a destoyer in a matter of minutes. unfortunatly one destoyer got away." said Lord Poffin.
"Unfortunate that we could not get all three" said the Emperor "You did deal with the cannon after firing it?"
"yes my lord" said Lord Poffin "We made it look as it the engery discharge melted the cannon so the Rudbeckians have no idea weather the cannon was a prototype or not."
"Excelent" said the Emperor "And you Lord Wolfwood. Did you use our spies in the Rudbeckian capital to spread the rumours of our "failure" with the cannon?"
"Yes the Rudbeckians will assume that we failed in that line of technology. Hopefully that will discourage the from making their own." said Lord Wolfwood.
"Very well. Soon we will strike the Rudbeckians a blow they shall never forget." said the Emperor with glee. "Soon they will feel the power of our newest weapons in action."
"Yes with these weapons we will be able to rock them back on their heels" said Lord Poffin.
"That will be all then. Good luck with the rest of the prepartions" said the Emperor as he rose to leave.
"Yes my lord" said the two lords while they bowed and moved out of the throne room. soon ,thought Lord Wolfwood, soon I will be able to take my revenge on the Rudbeckians for the death of my sweet Maria.

4,689 posts

Yay 500 views!
Though I wonder how many actually read it all...

753 posts

This is very whimsical, I can't quite grasp it's maturity.

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