Ok so its time for my first short story. I may continue with this bit or maybe write a different one but suggestions and comments are welcome.
"This is not what I imangined when I signed up for this sarge" said Private Jones as he walked up to Sargent Springfield. " Well what did you expect Jones? As soon as they gave you your gun you would go and crush the rebellion singlehandly?" said Sgt. Springfield. "Well no" said Pvt. Jones, " But I expected more than just marching around without seeing a single rebel". Does this kid have an off switch ,thought Sgt. Springfield, Hes only been with us for a week and Im already tired of him. Is this the kind of solidiers we have to stop the rebellion with? "Hey quiet down back there!" shouted Lieutenat Perkins. " YOu want every rebel to hear you and start taking potshots at us before we even get to the town?" "No sir I dont want them taking any potshots at us" said Pvt. Jones. This got a bit of a laugh from the rest of the solidiers as they marched onward to the little hamlet of Spatsville. "I got another question sarge" said Pvt. Jones. "yeah you got a question big surprise" said Sgt. Springfield. "How soon are we gonna get those new reavtive armor suits? You know the kind that are made of the same armor as a combat suit and are supposed to stop direct hits from these" he said as he hefted his regulation automatic energy rifle. "Probably when pigs fly" muttered springfield. "What was that sir?" asked Jones. "Probably when these rebels stop ambushing imperial supply lines so dont hold your breath kid." said Springfield. "But how could rebel get behind-" Suddenly the harsh noise of enegry rifles began to fill the air as the column came under fire. "Get that private down now Springfield!" shouted Perkins as he dived to cover. "Yes sir!" shouted Springfield as he tackled Jones behind a large boulder. "First time in combat kid?" asked Springfield. "Uh yeah sir how did you know?" asked Jones. Probably because anyone one with sense gets down when people start shooting at them though Springfield. "I just know these things Jones" said Springfield. " oh okay sir"said Jones still rattled by the tackle. The firefight did not last ong just enough to inflict a few minor casualties and tie up the whole column. "Come on move it men! We have to get moving and secure that town!" shouted Perkins. "Why sir shouldn't we pursue those snipers?" asked Jones. "Where do you think they came from private? Spatsville is the only town for thiry miles. If we are going to find them anywhere they will be there." said Perkins. "Heh he really got you on that one kid" said Springfield with a laugh. " I guess so sarge" said Jones bashfully as the other solidiers joined in the laughter. Only about 5 more miles ,thought Springfield as the laughter died down and the march continued, then I can finally get some rest. Maybe the kid will find someone else to bother too, he thought as he moved up a rise in the road. The sargent would have to deal with JOnes for a bit longer as his next question popped into his head and who better to ask then the sarge?
Okay time for the nest part of the story. This may be the last until monday as it is the 4th of July weekend so I may not be home much but anyways the new characters name is Victor Von Holt. Von Holt is one of the nobles of the former Schizantican kingdom and he wants to regain the power the Platinum Empire took from his family and is using the Shining Hand to do it.
Staring out over the former capital of the Schizantica kingdom Salisaw Victor Von Holt felt again the same rage and helplessness at seeing Imperial solidiers walk the street. Imperial Police keeping the peace. Imperial govenors ruling the land. Nowhere were any Schizanticans allowed to have any of their old postions. The worst of it all, in Von Holts mind, was that the people seemed so resigned to being second class citizens. Only the Shining Hand showed that some remained commited to Schizantican independence. "What are we to do Aldlphous?" said Von Holt with his back turned on the window to his butler "Even if we somehow break free will the people know how to stand on their own again?" " I dont know sir. But I do know that the minute that you give up then the Empire has truly won the war." said Aldlphous. "SOmetimes it seems so hopeless. Sure I provide weapons to the Shinig Hand. That is all I can do with Imperial Police watching me all the time. I dont want to end up like the other nobles who weren't careful." said Von Holt resingdly. "I certaintly dont want to visit another shooting. Heavens knows how many have been killed since the war has been lost." said Aldlphous with the implacable calm butlers always seem to have. "Nothing rattles you eh Aldlphous?" said Von Holt. "NOt when it comes to Schizantican independence it doesn't." said Aldlphous. "Yes its a good thing you are so commited or we wouldn't have been able to find all the listening devices in here and put them on a loop. We would have been killed long ago if not for you" said Von Holt ruefully. "Well I like to keep myself in one piece sir as long as its convienient" said Aldlphous without a change in his expression. "Speaking of independence did you see the new plan some Shining Hand member has come up with?" said Von Holt tossing a folder on the desk between them. "Not yet sir" said Aldlphous. "Well Ill save you the trouble of reading it. He wants me to get him enough explosives to blow up the imperial garrison in Spatsville." said Von Holt. "Really? That would certainly rock the Empire. But what of the consequences for the town?" said Aldlphous always practical. "Probably will get wiped out. But we dont need to tell this zealot about that do we?" said Von Holt. "I suppose not sir" said Aldlphous. "After all casualties are to be expected in a war" "Exactly what I thought you would say so I have already sent the explosives on their way. They will reach Spatsville in little over a week, and now I think its time for a drink Aldlphous." "certainly sir. What vintage do you want?" said Aldlphous. "Break out the 4356. If this kid pulls off his little stunt we will have reminded the Empire we aren't done fighting and we never will be." said VOn Holt. "Certainly sir" said Aldlphous as he left Von Holt to muse over what it would be like to see the EMperors face when he hears what happened to the garrison. "It shall be glorious" said Von Holt raising his glass "A toast to Lee Redem and Schizantican freedom!"
Hey thanks for the comment. Yeah I considered even having the endurance hit too and then Spalding and McVolt have to make it on foot while they are hunted. Decided they managed to escape instead.
Alright this section is the last part of chapter one. In it we meet a Rudbeckian merchant named Soloman Molgrim who has a very strange, and wealthy, visitor. Soloman Molgrim sat at his desk in his offices in the Rudbeckian capital of Rudbeck working on the paperwork from the latest trading mission. "Hmm" said Molgrim "Once again Imperial raiders hit my caravan as it was returning home. Perhaps I should put in a petition to the Senate or the Consul for protection of merchant caravans." Molgrim was quite the wealthy merchant which was why he could consider petioning the government for help. Even though he was prosperous he still had not lost his whipcord lean body he had since his old army days. "Mr. Molgrim the latest trade reports are in" said his secretary Lulu as she set a stack of paper on his desk. "Thanks Lulu" said Molgrim setting aside his paperwork for the trade report. "Hmm looks like lumber is down. Will have to ditch that. Looks like food goods are on the rise. Those will be a pain to obtain. Hmm." Molgrim thought of what goods to drop and what to replace till nearly mid afternoon."Lulu Im going to grab some lunch. Ill be back soon." said Molgrim as he grabed his coat an headed out. "Very good Mr. Molgrim" said Lulu working on the latest requests on meetings with Molgrim. "Boy the riots have gotten bad" said Molgrim walking to his favorite cafe. Several buildings had been gutted by fire and now stood skeletal and barren. Even buildings that hadn't burned had scorch marks from energy weapons and windows missing. As he stoped at a corner he noticed not all the bloodstains had been cleaned up either. "I hope Jimbos is still open" said Molgrim as he rounded the corner to a shocking sight. Jimbos resturant was boarded up with a flyer attached to the front that read "By the order of the Rudbeckian Consul and Senate this buliding is shut down pending the trail of its owner Mr. Jimbo." "Not Jimbos" said Molgrim as he started back to his office glummly "Maybe I have a sandwhich at the office." He had no sandwhich and had to work on an empty stomach the rest of the day. At the end of the day he got a surprise. "Mr. Molgrim theres someone here to see you." said Lulu. "What?" said Molgrim "I dont have anyone scheduled." "He said he has to see you. I told him to leave but hes been here for over half an hour" said Lulu indignatly. "Fine send him in" said MOlgrim settling back in his chair. "Hello Mr. Molgrim" said the stranger a rather unremarkable man who was the kind who could blend in any crowd and not be noticed. "I have a package I would like you to deliver" he said pulling a wrapped object out from under his coat. "Really? Well where to and when do you want it there? I haven't got all day you know" said Molgrim resigndly. "I need it delivered to the Imperial border. It has to be there in a week from tomorrow" said the stranger. "Hmm that will cost you" said Molgrim running calculations in his head. "Since its got to be there so fast and in such a dangerous place I have to charge 100,000 pounds of gold. Its nonnegotiable." said Molgrim. "Fine" said the stranger not even batting an eye at the cost. "As long as it gets there money is no object" the stranger said signing the contract and providing the account where the gold was located and then walking out the door. "Hm" said Molgrim "Wonder what this could be if hes willing to pay so much" turning the package around to look at it. There was only one marking on it a small one near the corner. "TSPO? I wonder what that means" said Molgrim as he moved to put the package in his safe until he could arragne transpotation.
Well technicly they aren't space but sky ships but I doubt I will get one out today. Allergies are bad today and since I handwrite them first its worse with allergies.