The bright sphere of light,of what you call a sun,was going down behind a big lump of land. The kids where played in the pool,one jumped off a big diving bored. SMACK! The kid broke is leg and died. Afterwords the lifeguard fished it out with a big net thingy,then he he fell in and died.
[quote]Besides, what's worse about this, is that you actually have the ability to make a good story, but you won't. You put 0 effort into it and you give writers a bad name because of it. I won't laugh at something that my friend's 6 year old little sister could have thought of.
But you can make something good! You obviously have the ability to write, and fairly good at that. But you don't want to. You want to take a dump on literacy and then say "laugh at it".
SO I'll say it again: put some effort into it and I'll actually give you the Thoadsy seal of approval.