


The closer you draw to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.

In peace, sons bury their fathers, in war, fathers bury their sons.

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  • Sssssnnaakke Reasons to be an Atheist .
    660 148901
    Made 13 years ago
    1. Choose your own path of life.That right there, makes it worthwhile to just, forget about God, or any other deity, and live my life the w…
  • TheDracomancer What kind of cat do you have?
    21 5610
    The Tavern
    Made 13 years ago
    Don't have a cat, but i like them more than dogs. Dogs are too loud, and they keep me up at night.
  • johnnyboy3636 When will AG3 out?
    11 3656
    News and Feedback
    Made 13 years ago
    Wait... what happend to Cormyn?
  • 99dragonclw why is Armor games boring all of the sudden?
    26 5053
    Support Forum
    Made 13 years ago
    Well, I got an Xbox. That's why I've stopped being active... I still love this site, and a lot of the games, but I think.. A more permanent…
  • tehpwner Is Obama a bad president?
    246 51188
    Made 13 years ago
    Has he caused us to complete go into debt?idk about you guys, but, if 14.5 TRILLION dollars isn't completely in debt.... when will it be? 2…
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