ForumsArt, Music, and WritingAshes to Ashes (Easier to Read)

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So i made this so it wouldn't have all the little symbols. Also something wierd happened and a large part of the fight between the caravan of toys and ash rats was left out. So just read from this for now on. Please give me some feed back and ideas, thank you.


The house sat silent and sad on top of a small rounded hill which was once covered in green grass and colorful flowers. But now due to the lack of care it was an over grown hill filled with tall weeds and dirt patches. The house was once known as Vladin Manor, but now it was an empty house, burned and ruined, left to rot in the woods it was hidden in. The once white walls were now stained in smoke, and the roof was covered in torn open holes. The house itself was a very big house, fit to hold a family of twenty. But now being so ugly and tormented no one dared to go near it. The rooms were covered in ash and broken objects; the light was very dim in this area due to the fact that tall trees were growing over the house. It looked as if the devil himself had made this house for his very own get a way retreat.

Behind the house there was once a gorgeous garden filled with statues and fountains. But now the hard weather and ashes had eroded the statues away. Their ruined figures laid broken across the gardens floor covering the paths giving off the illusion of destruction and chaos. The garden no longer had fruits or vegetables growing, because now it had thick thorn bushes and tall weeds taking over the land. And in some spots there were no plants at all, just an empty black patch of earth covered in ash. In fact mostly everything was covered in ash and dust making the whole house look like a snowy waist land.

How could there be any trace of life surviving in this house you ask? Well if it was up to them I'm sure that they wouldn't want to be living in this house, but there was nothing they could do about it. They never asked for the destruction of their world, they never wanted this. The muddled world left behind to them was something they didn't deserve, but was now the only thing they had. Oh, so you still don't know what I'm talking about now do you? Well I shall easily inform of you the life living within this house, for they are simply toys. Toys of all kind from teddy bears to G.I Joes, from big collectable action figures to small playful legomen. Now don't go off wondering how could toys survive in this house, or even be living in that manner. Just let your imagination unravel and see what lies hidden in this world. And if you still can't do that then simply have faith in what seems impossible, because once you do that anything is possible.

Chapter I

Joe laid sleeping on his small bed crafted out of tied together pencils and moss. His bed was within his room, and his room was made out of a shoe box with a hole cut into it. The shoe box was small, Joe couldn't even fully stand up in it, but at least it provided him with some sort of shelter. His shoe box gave him comfort and security, even though it was just a cardboard box Joe had found safety out of it.

Joe never knew what life was like before the Great Fire that had destroyed his world. Yet he always thought that that was a good thing because now he never knew what he was missing. Joes name came to him because he was a G.I Joe, but also because he still had the logo G.I Joe engraved across his plastic chest. Most of the toys who had designs and logos no longer had them, not because they got them removed but because the atmosphere that they were in weathered them away. Joe was a lucky toy, he still had his identity of what kind of toy he was before the Great Fire happened, and not many toys had that.

"Hey Joe wake up its almost mid day." Said a toy while opening up the small paper door that covered up the hole in the shoe box. The white faded light from the sun shinning through all the trees and ash crept into Joe's room. The light provided no reassurance to Joe or any other toy. The light was a white dismal color; it only provided calamity and uneasiness to the toys. Joe's eyes opened and he saw Hunter standing at his door holding his cross bow.

Hunter was a type of army figure like Joe, but Hunter was a little smaller and more flexible. Hunter had a rug sack made out of folded together clothe and a bobby pin around his back. There was a needle with a string fastened away at the left side of his rug sack and he had a bottle cap as a helmet covering his head. At the right side he had a small paper clip that held together several straightened staples. Hunter had a wire tied around him as a belt and in the belt there was a piece of class fastened away. Hunter also had on goggles that he made out of clear plastic and construction paper but Hunters most prized possession was the cross bow within his hands.

The cross bow was a simple crafted weapon that proved to have powerful killing ability. A Popsicle stick served as a base for the cross bow and when using a few strong bendable sticks along with rubber bands Hunter was able to the bow. Hot glue helped hold it all together and using a repetitive lock system helped make the cross bow a fast firing weapon. Hunter usually used the straightened staples at his side as ammo, but when he needed too he used what ever was around.

"Come on Joe I donât have all day, hurry the hell up will ya?" Said Hunter in his muzzled tone.

Joe sat up in his bed rubbing his eyes trying to wake himself from his tired state. Joe took his rug sack that was professional made and strapped it around his back. Joe then tied on his sturdy tin helmet to his head and put on his own goggles that Hunter had made for him. Joe's belt had been crafted out of a telephone cord and after tying it around his waist he put two paper clips along the side of the cord. A razor blade that had a small sturdy stick handle glued to it was strapped around his back. Thumbtacks were at the right side of Joe, there were about seven of them. The last thing Joe grabbed was his makeshift gun, which wasn't really a firearm but the toys just called it that.

The gun was made out of a small tube and one end was left open but the other end was covered up with sturdy plastic in the shape of a circle. Then there was a handle glued to the bottom of the pipe so that Joe could have a steady grip on it. The gun would be loaded with a thumbtack and Joe would pull back the handle on top on the plastic circle as quickly and forcefully as he could. In a blink of an eye he would let go of the handle and the plastic circle would vigorously thrust the thumbtack out of the pipe and into the target of Joe. Joe had used his gun so much that he could fire and reload and fire in a matter of seconds.

The two toys left the shelter of Joe's shoebox and walked into the ash covered streets of their small village. Piled clothes off in the distance covered in ash looked like white hills, and the over turned furniture and items made the room like a shattered city. Tall sky scraping items soared into the room lingering above the toys; these tall items constantly had ash flow off them so ash was constantly falling upon the room's floor. The village Joe lived in was located in the north western corner of the room underneath a desk and next to the torn open spring exposed bed. The desk was probably the safest place in the room, for it was high above the floor and the guards on top of it had a good eye on the village below. But the unorganized piles of clothes everywhere gave many creatures easy places to hide in the room.

Joe crept under a fallen book and then dusted ash off of his shoulder, Hunter who was ahead of Joe avoided a large chunk of ash falling from the towers above. While walking Joe passed a Barbie doll pushing ash off of a calculated, he stopped to help her for a second but then continued his walk. Joe and Hunter were passing by other shoe box houses and make shift homes, some were made out of over turned books, while others were made out of paper and playing cards. The toys looked tired and weary, sad and depressed as they walked on about the village doing their daily jobs. But they had not given up on hope, they still believed in a change.

"Ah there you two are, I said be here at ten not twelve." Said a small toy duck in a Russian accent.

"Iâm sorry Boris, but Joe here needed his beauty sleep." Replied Hunter.

"Ahh, beauty sleep. Well are you two ready now we have to get going if we want to get to the Eastern Village and back before night fall." Boris was a stuffed duck and also the leader of the caravan party that exchanged good with the village on the eastern side of the room. Hunter and Joe were simply hired guards along with some other toys looking to make some quick coins.

"Yeah weâre good to go."

"Very good, very good. I want you two at the back cart we got some new hired toys coming along and they look very inexperienced, watch over them for me."

Joe and Hunter nodded their heads and then headed to the last cart getting into it. The cart had levers that the toys would pull and push, and this motion would help force the cart along the ground. But to make things faster and smoother Boris usually just attached all the carts together so that as he sat up front steering his cart, all the other carts steered too. There were about 5 carts and a total of ten toys coming along. The first cart had Boris and his two own guards. The second cart had supplies while the third cart had three more toys all of them working the lever helping move the carts along. The fourth cart had supplies and the last cart had Hunter, Joe and two other new toys who were working the lever. With a large quack from Boris the carts began moving.

"Open the gate!" Called out a guard who was near the front gate that was made out a round diner plate. The plate was rolled to the side and the ashy wasteland was opened before the caravan. Once the last cart passed through the large dinning plate was rolled back, the toys were now out of the protection of the city.

The caravan passed by the tall ashy mountains while going under the ruined dirt covered furniture. The whole scenery appealed unsatisfying to those in the caravan looking at the devastated room. It was a wasteland; nothing besides evil creatures lived out here in the decrepit landscape.

The toy next to Hunter was a bobble head and his head constantly bobbled with ever push of the lever. The other toy next to Joe was some sort of action figure; the toy had on robes and had a makeshift gun around his back as he pushed the lever.

â"So you two have names?" Asked Joe as he leaned back looking out at the landscape passing by.

"My names Bob." Said the bobble head.

"My names Luke." Said the other toy who was working the lever.

"So what got you two coming along?" Asked Hunter joining into the conversation.

"Well, I got some friends in the Eastern Village. And this seemed like a safer and faster way of getting over there to visit them. Iâm originally from the nursery room down the hall." Said Bob.

Luke remained quite as he worked the lever, he seemed scared and worried. Luke had never been out into the ashy wasteland, he had never left the safety of his home.

"This place sure as hell isnât like it used to be." Remarked Hunter while looking at a dead rotting corpse of a squirrel. While looking at the dead body the caravan passed under a chair and for a second the white light covering the room was shielded from them.

"Do you remember what life was like before the Great Fire?" Asked Bob.

"Not one freaking bit."

"Me neither." Added Joe.

The caravan came out of the chair and before them was a small over turned cart like their own with the dead bodies of toys. Joe and the others had a grim feeling when passing by the over turned cart, the faces of the toys had been mauled and scratched off.

Joes lightly brushed off some ash that had fallen upon his goggles. Then he turned his attention towards a large dresser that laid across the room beyond the tall ashy mountains. The dresser had a bird cage on top of it along with a wooden ship model. The cage had been bent and twisted in many ways and the ship was covered in ash. Clothes were hanging out of the dresser and made the dresser look like a giant tower with pieces about to fall off. Joe had a shiver go down his spine as he tightened the grip on his gun handle. While looking at the dresser and the cage on top of it large flies hovered around the cage. The flies were most likely picking apart what ever dead toy or creature was on top of the dresser and this gave no steadiness to Joe. The cart rounded a stack of boxes and the view of the dresser disappeared from the sight of Joe. Joe wiped his goggles again while coughing into his sleeve.

"You alright Joe?" Asked Hunter while turning to his friend.

"Something doesnât feel right."

  • 9 Replies
16 posts

Sorry if a miss a few symbols. Also you guys might want to reread this update becuase it is the fighting scene and last time i accidently left out an important part.

Hunter and Joe remained quite for the rest of the trip and so did Bob and Luke. They simply sat down looking around at the wasteland that passed them by. The toys had been working hard on moving the caravan and were now coming close to the Eastern Village. A shredded piece of clothe that was near the caravan on top of a pile of books drifted off from the blowing wind and gently sailed over the caravan dropping flakes of ash as it passed.

For a second it caught the eye of Joe and he passively looked at the sky flying clothe. It seemed majestic on how it smoothly cut through the air sprinkling ashes as it went. But Joe's tranquility and peace of mind forsook him when a shadow off in the distanced dashed through the falling ash seeking cover behind a piece of furniture. Joe stood and tightened his eye sight on the area which he saw the shadow pass.

"You see something Joe?" Asked Hunter who seemed stirred by the sudden movements of Joe. But as Joe focused his concentration trying to receive an answer for Hunters question a beast so vile and merciless filled with hate and anger sprang from a dark corner within the pile of clothes around the caravan attacking the toys.

What is this beast you wonder? Well it was once known as the common rat, but now due the to toxic ash and poisonous fumes floating within the air the common rats no longer seem common as they used to. Mutated and tormented these vile beasts no longer have hair like the used to, their eyes are thick and black and constantly bleed. Their teeth are sharper then a razor blade but jagged and twisted like an unorganized pile of rocks. They have no mercy, and no fear for these rats roam the ash land looking to feast on what ever they can find, these vile beast are known as Ash Rats and normally travel in packs of ten.

The beast crashed into the left side of the caravan shaking all the toys and knocking over a few loose boxes of supplies. Another monstrous rodent leaped out of its own cover crashing into the right side of the caravan knocking over some more boxes of supplies while shaking the toys some more. Horror struck the caravan when seeing more of the ash rats spring from their hiding places leaping down upon them ready to kill.

"Hunter look out!" Screamed Joe when seeing an ash rat leap onto the cart they were in. The rodent viciously held onto the side of the cart while raising its sharpened disfigured claw attempting to end the life of Hunter. But Joe wouldn't let his friend die and Joe was quick and strong in pulling back the plastic circle on his gun using its force and pressure to thrust out a thumbtack. The thumbtack lodged into the eye of the rodent and the sharp pin on the thumbtack tore into the rat's skull, lifeless and dead the rat fell off the cart. Joe slid another thumbtack from his side into the pipe within his hands readying to fire his gun again.

"Keep pushing the lever boys!" Screamed Boris who was also fighting off ash rats trying to get onto his cart. The other toys in the third cart weren't having an easy time fighting off their attackers as one of them had already been pulled off the cart and was now being torn apart by the hungry rats.

As one rat was shoved off from the moving carts another three would leap onto it. The rats weren't giving up and were continuously chasing after the caravan with saliva dripping from their chins. The toys were yelling and screaming out for help from one another but it seemed as if help was not going to come with every rat that jumped upon their cart.

Hunter jammed his glass knife into the spine of a rat trying to work its way onto their cart while firing off a sharpened staple from his cross bow into the chest of another ash rat. The ash rat roared in anger and pain and swatted at Hunter almost knocking him over the edge of the cart. Luke was now left in the way of the angry already wounded ash rat and was quick to lift his make shift gun firing off a nail into the stomach of the rat. The force of the nail tore deep into the rats' chest and the momentum lifted the dead corpse off of the cart and onto the side.

Bob was busy pushing the lever moving the caravan along the path trying to escape the horde of ash rats. But sadly as Bob was distracted in pushing the lever an ash rat running from behind jumped upon Bob digging its claws deep into his head.

"Ahhh! Get it off me!" Screamed Bob as the ash rat forcefully pulled on Bobs head tearing it from the rest of his body. Springs from Bob's neck shot out in all directions and plastic that helped hold his neck together shattered and fell off his lifeless body. The ash rat was quick to jump off of the cart holding Bobs frowning head tearing it to bits feasting on it while leaving his motionless body slump over in his seat.

"We're not going to make it!" Cried Luke as he shot off another nail into the side chest of a rat, the rat remained living for a few seconds but then fell off of the cart rolling to the side of the path.

"Shut up and work the lever, we're not going to make it if no body gets us moving." Commanded Hunter who reloaded his cross bow firing off another staple into the side of a rat only wounding it. But with the help of a thumbtack being shot from Joe the rat fell to the ground dead. Joe reloaded his last thumbtack and when taking aim at an approaching rat sprinting after the cart a crayon from a pile of papers that the caravan was passing under somehow got knocked loose and fell upon Joe knocking him off balance making him fall off of the cart he was on. Sadly Hunter was busy fighting a rat trying to get onto their cart so he didn't notice his fallen friend.

Joe laid immobile in the ash covered path for a few seconds comprehending what had happened. Rats sprinting by at fast speed paid no attention to Joe lying there and Joe was sneaky and soundless when scooting over into a small fold between a pair of jeans. Ash covered Joe's body when scooting across the pass and he laid in his hiding spot grimly watching the cart continue off down the path leaving him behind. The cart made no attempts in stopping for Joe when noticing that he was gone because if they were to stop the rats would easily over take them so they had to continue and accept the fact that Joe was dead.

Joe breathed heavily while hiding, his heart raced and all kinds of thoughts ran through his mind. What was he going to do? How would he survive? After taking a minute of thinking he realized that he had to let the rats pass by and hope to God that the caravan would make it to the Eastern Village. Then he needed to use the cover of night fall and some how get to Eastern Village to link up with the caravan. It was a good and steady plan that he had come up with, but until he could go through with it all he could do was wait.


The dark moon dimly casted a white hazy shadow into the room making the white ashy landscape glow with malice. Wind howling through the large holes in the glass window blew over the harsh landscape picking up ash and random pieces of junk and spreading it across the room. The room looked as if it was in some sort of a blizzard, yet this was no different from any other night because the room always seemed like this when the sun faded.

Joe slowly rolled out of his hiding place and stretched his cramped body; he had been laying there for over five hours now. Looking around the dark and shattered wasteland Joe felt a chill run down his spine; he also felt terror and dread when seeing the ash float around the room limiting his view to only a few inches in front of him. While standing there in the dark misty haze a loud scream rang out and Joe once again took cover in his hiding space in-between the jeans.

Joe no longer had fear for Ash Rats, for they were most likely hiding, hiding from creatures much worse. Possums and raccoons along with hungry bats were no roaming the tattered room. But just like the ash rats these creatures were mutated and disfigured from the toxic and poisonous fumes floating around. They no longer acted and looked as they once looked and acted, they were much worse. Joe knew about these creatures and how much damage they could stir, so he needed to be quick and silent when traveling through the ash land if he wanted to survive.

Joe crept back out of his shelter and crouched along the path he was on. Knowing that he didn't have any more ammo for his gun he slid it around his back while taking hold of his razor bladed weapon. With his melee weapon in his hands he climbed up the pair of jeans he was once hiding under and began cutting across the rigid landscape in attempts of getting to the Eastern Village a lot safer. For the pathway at night time would be crawling with spiders and other mutated insects; insects rarely attacked groups of toys but always attacked a toy if that toy was alone.

Joe jumped down from the pair of jeans he was uneasily walking over and quickly hid under a tip over video game box when seeing the shadow of a flying beast pass him by. The video game was being held up diagonally by a tennis shoe and while Joe hid under it he read the words Metal of Honor across the video game. The shadow passed by and Joe left his hiding spot continuing his journey through the howling ash land.

Joe passed under a sock dangling over the tennis shoe and saw many more shoes lying in front of him. Joe continued his path through the mutedly lit cluster of shoes and socks periodically hiding in the nearest dark spot when hearing a noise or seeing a shadow pass by. When reaching the end of the "Shoe Forest" Joe came to a disorganized stack of books and boxes. Looking up the ash wall he sighed and began his climb up it. It took Joe little effort to reach the top and when seeing a large bat flutter above Joe dived for cover under the pages of an open book. His heart raced when the bat swoop closer and his heart stopped when the bat perched itself on the ledge of books in front of him.

The bat had gnarled teeth and purple rough skin, its eyes were red and its nose was pointed and wounds covered the bats body. The bats wings were scaly and riddled with spikes. Letting out a loud scream the bat took off after a bird it saw flying down the room into the hall way and in great speed caught the bird ripping it apart feasting on its flesh.

Joe once again vaguely made his way out of his hiding spot to only have his heart stop again, yet it wasn't by a creature coming close, it was by the view which was painted before him. He was on a high tower made out of books and boxes looking out into the ash land. He awed upon the other tall towers falling apart, and studied the rugged landscape filled with clothes, fallen books, and over turned furniture all covered in ash.

The room seemed sad and lonely; everywhere nothing but desolate ash blew within the wind. Joe looked to the large dresser he once saw earlier and could see bats perched on top of the cage grooming their wings. Joe then looked towards his home under the desk but due to the blizzard of ash covering his view he only saw the top of the desk his home was under.

"How could this have happened�" Sighed Joe as he grimaced upon the barren ashy wasteland. Joe came to the conclusion that his world was wild and pitiless. The infertile and spiteful landscape was foreign and dangerous to him. His home was no longer his home, and if he did not change his natural instinct of surviving this new world was going to become his resting place.

16 posts

Tell me how you like it.

Joe sat relishing the distraught landscape he was looking at from the ash covered tower he was upon. Sadness stirred within his heart and despair filled his mind, his world was a disgusting mutilated place. Joe couldn't believe in what his world had turned into.

Wiping away the small tears from his eyes Joes began his descent down from the tower he was on, landing on top of an over turned drinking mug. Everything seemed normal to him as he slouched down the side of the drinking mug and when his arm got caught in some sort of sticky substance Joe simply pulled his arm loose thinking nothing of it. And when stepping on some more of the sticky substance Joe cut his leg loose with the large razor bladed weapon he held. His face was the next thing to run into this dangling sticky substance and in frustration of its constant annoyance Joe ripped it off his face throwing it down.

"What the hell is all this stuff?" Angered Joe as he wiped some more off of his leg, he thought it was just some sort of toxic material the ash had created. But when seeing a blood sucked fly hang within the sticky substance Joe quickly realized where he was, in a spider community. Feeling paranoid of the spiders being everywhere Joe raised his ax spinning in all directions making sure nothing was going to sneak up on him, but sadly it already had.

A spider dropping down from a stack of books above Joe tackled him into its web trying to sink its fangs deep into his toy like body. Joe was quick in blocking the fangs of the spider by using his razor blade to steer its attack, and after ten seconds of wrestling with the spider Joe was able to slice its belly open ending its miserable life. But that was not the only spider he had to worry about, for there were many were coming out of their dens looking to feast upon Joe. Joe was quick to get up and cut him self loose and in a desperate act to escape he began sprinting over and through the webs before him luring all the spiders to his location.

Joe ran under a small over turned video game box dodging an oncoming spider. He then jumped over a few spilt pencils avoiding some more spiders coming out of their dens chasing after him. Everywhere he turned more and more spiders would come out after him and it seemed as if the labyrinth of over turned boxes and pencils he was in would never end.

A spider jumping across the boxes over head of Joe leapt down upon him send its fangs into his back causing him to scream out in pain. Joe fell to the floor dropping his razor blade in a tangled web. Luckily the spider attacking Joe had no venom strong enough to harm Joe so he still had a fighting chance. With strength and skill Joe was able to wrestle the spider off of him and after pulling out a paper clip from his side he jammed it deep into the third eye of the spider causing it to hiss out in pain and agony. More spiders from behind plunged into Joe as he scrambled to his feet knocking him over and onto his back. Using the paper clip as a shield he was able to avoid the fangs from the spiders and was able to get up once more, but sadly more spiders had arrived and brought him down once more, but before their fangs could sink deep into his soft plastic skin a loud scream rang out and rattled the webs causing the spiders to freeze.

A large snarling possums stood on a slanted pile of clothes near the dens dripping with drool and filled with hunger. It enviously eyed the spiders grinning mischievously when seeing a large plumb spider try to sneak away, and in one swift leap it and in one big bite the spider disappeared into the possum's stomach. With another loud scream soaring out of the lungs of the possum the spiders scattered in all direction and the possum began leaping around chewing up the most plumb and juiciness spiders savoring their oh so delicate taste.

Joe disappeared from the sight and made his way over a pile of sock tearing off all the webs tangled around him. Joe was exhausted from the struggle he just had but he couldn't stop now, so he continued his journey through the ash land. He had no more weapons with him besides one bent paper clip and needed to reach the Eastern Village. And luckily his journeys had brought him close to the village, so it was only a matter of short time before reaching it. His hard struggles were over yet more were about to come.

4,689 posts

Lucky that possum showed up. Easier to read now thats a plus. Keep up this story!

615 posts

Good story, cant wait for more! well... yes, i can, and, in the mean time, i can write my stories!!

3,386 posts

Nice. Toy Story! lol that is what it reminds of. I like it. Very depressing though... Still good. Keep it up!

676 posts

Its really good. Every chapter i feel myself right next Joe watching him and his adventures.

844 posts

great wwork!I that is the longest stroy ive ever read (not really) but it was very good!If I where a teacher! I give that an A++!!

cant wait for more!
16 posts

Joe was only a few hilltops of clothes away from the village so he no longer had worry about the creatures around him. He was safe; his small journey through the Ash Land was over. His wounds were still left open and exposed but he at least knew that he would be safe in a matter of time. Joe happily jumped up onto a small sock and climbed up a few t-shirts walking across the ash covered clothes, but suddenly he stopped.

A plastic army man torn apart and riddled with all sort of wounds laid before Joe breathing his last breathes of life. Joe was frozen, he had no idea on what to do or what to say, and he just looked upon this toy lying before him. The toy looked back at Joe breathing deeply, helped and understanding was within the eyes of this dying toy. Joe soon popped out of his frozen state and rushed to the aid of the plastic army man ready to pick him up and carry him to the village, but the toy stopped Joe.

"Don't, don't" Mumbled the toy as he pushed Joe back. Then reaching inside a pouch of his the toy pulled out a letter, he then handed to Joe looking at him intensely and with trust while letting go of the letter.

"Take this to a man named James in the Eastern Village. Make sure no one knows that you have this, if the wrong toys know you have it they will kill you." The toy coughed and slurred its voice for a second while looking at Joe then continued speaking. "Make sure you take it to James, say Private Miller says 'Goodbye'. He will understand what has happened." Breathing his lasts breathe the toy repeated a few words reminded Joe not to let anyone know that he had a letter for James, then passed leaving Joe alone in the cold dark room.

At first Joe was going to rip the letter and walk away, he didn't want to be killed for carrying something that didnât concern him. But Joe paused, he remembered the trust within the eyes of the army man, he didn't want the brave toy to die in vain. Joe looked upon its life less body graving over the stranger he had just met, and when finally coming o the conclusion that he would take the letter he set off to the village.

Joe arrived at the village sometime in the earlier morning when the sun was still down so many toys were sleeping. A few guards looked at Joe curiosity but when seeing Joe rush about the streets they decided it was best to leave him alone and continued with their patrolling. The Eastern Village was much bigger then their village back home. Small makeshift houses were everywhere and the toy population was bigger which meant their military was stronger. They had trained guards wandering on top of a large shoe box made wall that surrounded the village and had guards all within the streets. It was a safe secured village that offered the benefits of a rich and populated community. The people were always keeping their houses and streets clean from the falling ash so the city was pure and visible, unlike Joes' village back across the room.

Joe ran down a small street looking around trying to find some sort of a sign offering him guidance on where to go, but find nothing. He was dismayed and lost when discovering no leads on who this James was, he didn't know what to do. When crossing the marketplace Hunter, who was drowning the sorrows of loosing Joe in a bottle of toy alcohol, saw Joe run across his eye sight.

"Joe?" Mumbled Hunter in a confused way, he then looked at the bottle he was drinking and shook his head at it saying, "I really need to stop drinking." But when seeing Joe turn a corner and start talking to another man Hunter knew it was really him.

"Joe! Joe! Holy hell Joe I thought you were dead!" Hunter rushed to the side of his friend while spilling the liquid in the bottle he was holding. Joe looked at him surprised for a second but then gave him a nod and turned back to the man he was talking to trying to gather information regarding to who and where he could find James but got nothing.

"Joe your alive! What, what's the matter you seem so frazzled." Said Hunter confused. Realizing that he could trust his best friend he turned to Hunter explaining what had happened.

"James, well hell I know a James. He is the one of the supply shop owners across town. He is probably still up knowing him." Replied Hunter as he finished off the last of his alcohol.

"Then let's go, it can't wait any long. And by the way, can you cut down on the alcohol Hunter?â

676 posts

THis is such an addicting story. Great work.

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