ForumsWEPRCreativity OR Intelligence

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1,747 posts

What do you think is more important in ALL aspects?

So meaning you have to weigh each advantage and disadvantage to come up with an answer.

  • 26 Replies
103 posts

I don't think they always necessarily coincide. Nor do I think one is more important overall. However, I think creativity leads to the development of intelligence.

Pure intelligence would afford the person to have no distractions of emotion, art, alternative theory, what-if scenarios, and simply have raw fact and raw data. It would be a separation of the mind from the heart, in a manner of speaking. Unfortunately, this is assuming the person is well-educated in many or all matters of the world and the universe and does not require thinking beyond the information at hand.

Now... let's go back a few thousand years...

How did man evolve? We began with hunting and gathering--man's need to eat, for reproducing, for sticking together with family and friends. The Neolithic Revolution happened--man settled down, began to establish farms and a community because moving around all the time became wearisome.

At that point in time, would you consider it creativity or intelligence? Figuring out how to hunt and kill is trial and error. What fruits, vegetables, and nuts were edible was trial and error. They had to keep track of the good and the bad, so they developed writing.

I think, initially, it begins with creativity and necessity--what do I need and how do I get it. Eventually, as man evolved, it became intelligence, the strong and the smart survived, and learned from one another.

Creativity can be a singular process, but it takes two or more for intelligence. I think intelligence is more complex, but requires creativity and the development of it.

6,672 posts

well this is an interesting topic cause its kinda like this.

intelligence ads to your creativity ie. inventors, musicians, etc.

and creativity can add to your intelligence. so its like, if you have one, you can usually have the other.

im actually a perfect example. im not the smartest person in the world but im very good at problem solving and card games. im also a musician (percussion for 5 years) so my creativity allows me to win card games ie. poker. and my intelligence adds to my creativity in my knowledge of music and language

6 posts

i would rather have intelligence, there are many creative people out there, but far less intelligent ones. supply and demand.

152 posts

Both would be great to have, but I would love to have more creativity
with me.

5,061 posts

Well you can't really make a distinction, they go hand in hand. It's important for a scientist to have creativity, so s/he can work an experiment. At the same time an artist, or a sculptor must have intelligence to be able to paint or sculpt something that isn't a blob.

1,903 posts

Well you can't really make a distinction, they go hand in hand. It's important for a scientist to have creativity, so s/he can work an experiment. At the same time an artist, or a sculptor must have intelligence to be able to paint or sculpt something that isn't a blob.

Hey, Q. Look at this.
Both are important. Without either we'd be a fail society. Scientists needed creativity to break away from the church, and artists need intelligence to be able to paint something other than a brown blob.

I agree with the both wholeheartedly, but I think I would rather my creativity have the edge.
I would much rather have what can be used to gain intelligence, than simply having intelligence.

Hmm... I wonder where curiosity stands?
5,061 posts

Both are important. Without either we'd be a fail society. Scientists needed creativity to break away from the church, and artists need intelligence to be able to paint something other than a brown blob.

Lawl who posted that?

I have to agree to that though, if I had to choose it would be creativity, simply because that would inspire me to create new things. And from there you want to find out how those things work which creates intelligence. Although you (pH) have a very good point, curiosity seems to be behind the whole thing.
1,751 posts

Define exatly what you mean by intelligence
If it is the property of learning and understanding quickly, then lots of creativity can use a little what you have learned, say , in mathematics, and learn by yourself new material. I f you mean data, then creativity can easily beat that.

Creativity is better in my opinion

1,078 posts

I have to agree with everyone who is saying intelligence is required for creativity to go anywhere, and vice versa.

If a scientist is not creative, he/she won't make anything worth caring about, though if a musician does not know everything there is to know about music, then they're screwed.

928 posts

Im all for creative intelligence. If you cant be smart without being creative, then your as boring as everyone in AG. Yeah, you guys are annoyingly boring. The whole reason I like to spam/troll/flame.

4,005 posts

Hmm... I think that either one without the other is useless. Our creativity allows us to apply our intelligence in new ways which leads to new and important discoveries, and having intelligence leads to important and useful applications of our creativity. They are necessary compliments to eachother, and either one alone is near useless.

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