Everything was seeming dark, didn't I die? "wake up legend! LEGEND! LEGEND" people were screaming... I opened my eyes. I look at my hands, my left was... metal?? It was like a machine. "Legend, we couldn't save all of you from there." It was moon fairy. I felt happy she was alive. I looked all over my body, my clothes were torn with a gallon of blood everywhere. "We couldn't save your dad, anyone else we tried to save died." She said. "Dammit!" I hit the bed I was and it smashed as my metal arm hit it. "Oh, and now that arm is like your weapon you always have. It can hold five hammers swing at it. Your arm is awesome in other words." Wait that was Xcal! "your still alive?" I ask "of course! We killed the king! after you should have seen what moon fairy did, she swept all those soldiers away!" Xcal goes nuts.
"I'm going now, I have to clear my name. find those two guys who started this." I say to them. "oh your father... *sob ... left you a dragon outside" moon fairy said.
I went out and saw it. A red horn dragon! I climbed it. It was friendly to the beast family a note said on the dragon.
Me and moon fairy needed money for the whole journey. I went to a bar to bet and she went to sell some of her uneeded items. So as I looked where to gamble, I saw a fighting ring, where warriors would bet on who would win a fight in a cage. I walked over there, and entered as a fighter. I knew with my arm I could knock someone dead.
I went in the ring, I was against a big buff guy. Wow he was big. "Okay Pal, you could win over two thousand ArmorPounds for wining, everyone is betting against you my friend." A guy said to me.
The match started and Muscle went for a first punch on me, I charged two, then grabbed on his shins and tripped him down, he fell with face plant. His teeth were on the ground and blood was splattering from his mouth. He was still down. I jumped and pinned him down, I rose my Gauntlet and smashed it against his face.
He pushed me up, and started smacking on my face, I could feel the blood coming out of me, then he finally does a final smack on my stomach. Suddenly My arm strangles him my Gauntlet grabs his face and I break his face, blood splattering everywhere.
After all that, I get my money and go out of the bar with bruises on my face. I see moon fairy, she snaps her fingers and my face feels better.
"Thanks!" I say. "Let's go, I watched your fight." She replies. and of we go.