Everything was seeming dark, didn't I die? "wake up legend! LEGEND! LEGEND" people were screaming... I opened my eyes. I look at my hands, my left was... metal?? It was like a machine. "Legend, we couldn't save all of you from there." It was moon fairy. I felt happy she was alive. I looked all over my body, my clothes were torn with a gallon of blood everywhere. "We couldn't save your dad, anyone else we tried to save died." She said. "Dammit!" I hit the bed I was and it smashed as my metal arm hit it. "Oh, and now that arm is like your weapon you always have. It can hold five hammers swing at it. Your arm is awesome in other words." Wait that was Xcal! "your still alive?" I ask "of course! We killed the king! after you should have seen what moon fairy did, she swept all those soldiers away!" Xcal goes nuts.
"I'm going now, I have to clear my name. find those two guys who started this." I say to them. "oh your father... *sob ... left you a dragon outside" moon fairy said.
I went out and saw it. A red horn dragon! I climbed it. It was friendly to the beast family a note said on the dragon.
Guys the new book has more battle more swear. So if you can't handle that then go die in a hole.
- From the past -
Moon fairy went to east wing town in china. Me? I went down back to Armor Kingdom to see those guys who framed me, who caused this crap. They're dead now that I have thing guantlet of metal.
I have been flying and trying to surive without moon fairy. It was a good thing she came with me. Otherwise I'd be dead. So now I'm now in armorkingdom and don't know where to look. Damn. I go to the palace, some how the whole kingdom fell apart without the king. It felt different. While walking to the palace I had to get to guys off my back. Crushed they're skulls like a load of crap right below a bulls a*s.
When I got to the palace, it looked trashed, now one was inside, and like in anytime in armor kingdom, it's snowing cold.
Then two people, lucky me cuz it's them, Charge and assualt me. It's great how two people can work like both of them. I grab won sword by the blade with my gauntlet arm and suddenly one of them flips into the air and I try and block it with my bare right arm and yes, the sword goes through my arm. Blood gushing my guantlet somehow break the sword grabbed and smacks the guy all the way across the hall way I was in. Ant then the guy who put a whole through me jumps back in a backflip motion.
I go and speed, disapear and re-appear grabbing the guys neck, And we land on the groud really hard bashing the guys skull and making my hand break his neck. I took my hand of and looked at the neck, it was crushed, a bone stabbed from inside of him and pierced out of his neck.
The other guy comes running with another sword. I charge to We both jump and he does a slicing motion towards me and I grab his sword before he gets me, I pull my revolver out and stick it so hard in his head the the gun breaks his skull and stabs like a knife.
I look at my own bloody arm. I tear a part from my long coat and wrap it around the stab.
She was called the queen of magic, and I bet you can see how powerful she can be. Much stronger than I ever will be. She's beautiful, dark brown, almost blonde, maybe dirty blonde. She's wise, and it's great because she still is young. Her powers came from her family, they had been hanged by the kings own orders. That's why shes against the Higher ranks. She had then been brought up by Vinster. Witch I thank him for, I guess some people have good in them, even if they're dominantly evil. Anyway, Moon fairy, I call her "moon" by the way. I'm traveling to our check point, where we will meet.
As cold as it was, I saw a figure moving below. I flew down to see, who it was. It was two figure, I go and help them. I realise, It's knight. "HEY! Knight! is that you" I shout. "Yeah, help me man! I'm alive. I been trying to find you!" He shouts back, hugging himself in the cold snow.
I pick him up on my dragon and of I go. We discuss what had happened, and the big deal.
We get to the checkpoint, I meet with moon. "I found knight" I say to her. "And I found..." right as she finishes I see behind her, Sloth and Xcalibur. I smile in glee and hug my pals. I was happy to see them. After all, Xcal had helped me from the beginning and so did knight. Thank you..
"Well, going to north gate now is useless, I found you guys now!" I say to them. "Yeah and we can help you" Sloth says. "Me and silver Jaw!" suddenly silver jaw pops behind sloth, and licks me happily wagging his gigantic tail. "Hehehe easy boy!" I laugh.
"Wait." We see a dark figure walking towards us. "I'm good now. I swear." It was Vinster. "I have a sword, it can help me, help you guys." He says. "We can trust you?" Knight asks.
I jump and try and punch him, he dodges, and the ground smashes. "Fine, you can come." Xcal says.
After a moment, moon hugs him with tears coming down her face, Vinster was a father to moon. "I thought I lost you, pa." she cries silently, and he says it's okay. "Relax, me die?" he says to her, patting her head. She laughs after he says that.
I look at Xcal and knight. He throws me a cigar. "Well our next stop is, Armor kingdom, again." Knight says. "Hell yeah." Xcal and I agree.