This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
i pull out a comunicator to a space ship and whisper into it then the hill vanishes from under you and is places 30 feet away and i am beamed to the top
please... every single post above mine is fake. you know why. there was really two hills in the begining. mine and the one everyone's been fighting over, destroying and rebuilding and then fighting some more. tbh i've been enjoying the show, relaxing on a nice chair with a nice coke in hand on
I create the HILLCOMBINER and use it to combine my hill with Ghost's hill. Next, I place Ghost in a huge ice ball before pushing it down to crush any enemies below my hill.
i drop the leaning tower of pizza on darkfire's head and then blow up the tower and climb up
uurrhh... imma going to finish that for you. i drop the leaning tower of pizza on darkfire's head and then blow up the tower and climb up on top of the rubble that now resembles the hill.
My hill... well seeing as you didn't finish its actually My Hill
So, if I can't use fire then I can always use darkness.
I use the power of darkness to enter your shadow. Next, I grab you and drag you into the shadows where you will disappear. Now I exit out of the hill's shadow and claim it as my own.
lol here i go my zekrom uses hyper beam the my pignite destorys you with flame thrower and then my togipi plays in your ashes got served and now [b]my hill