This game i learnt from friends on gaming forums... there are other variations of this game and if there are on this forum then i do apologize. anyway the game goes like this:
There is a hill and you have to do everything and anything to capture it... once you have captured it you simply say "My Hill" Starting....NOW!
I quickly create a pokemon portal to suck in all your pokemons. Next, I eat up all your flames (since I do have control over fire). And now Fire Dragon Fist! *Hand gets cover in fire and I punch you away*
i use a transdimensional portal to move the hill out from underground and to occupy another time and space in another dimension. also i left a little present behind while i stole the hill back. (your were asleep btw).
unfortunately you were stupid enough to dispose of the only one who knew how to work the portal. you thought that simply pushing me off the hill would work while we were inside the portal. you were trapped inside the portal not knowing what to do. luckily i still hold the device and opened another small portal to escape the massive rift the hill occupied. i then open a portal again behind you. i push you off and you fall into the rift, into oblivion. i land do all that stuff i said before ^^ My hill
I create a flood which swallows the land and turning the hill into an island. I also open up a can of KrakCan which unleashes the Kraken who takes you and your supplies of OctoCans down to Davy Jone's Locker.
My Hill!And don't mess with my pet Kraken or else!