Random Boba Fett...I drew pretty much all of him, DarkArgen & pHacon drew Darth Vader...he's supposed to be dead with blood but the picture got messed up by -SOME- people and I had to take the earlier version.
Right, I hereby present the work of DarKArgeN (Soap) and I. This has been stalling for 2-3 days already and it's about time I post this. The following are representations of Graham. All of them are variations of each other, by the way. I just finished the last one a while ago. DarKArgeN and I spent around an hour on these I believe. I would of made more, but he had to leave. D:
Right. DarKArgeN did most of the work, the drawing, while I did most of the coloring. Graham provided the reference image of him and I came up with the idea of doing this.
First image I saved. Head only.
Finished sketch, no color.
Finished with the color. Graham wearing a "I liek unicorns" hoodie.
Eh.... Possum came up with the "Graham for Janitor" idea. DarKArgeN redrew some parts, added the thumbs up and the handwriting and I put in the typed out text.
Hobo Graham wearing a torn up suit. I decided to make it into a memorial thingy. Eh, I ought to make a proper memorial sometime. I'll be sure to have it at hand if Graham dies. I made all the stuff around Graham, DarKArgeN and I made Graham look more like a tramp.
Might be Sexy Danger Man. I love DarKArgeN's glasses.
I believe Holden suggested to open up his mouth, though I might be wrong.
Yeah yeah yeah, I'm running low on time. I have to go in a few minutes.
Hmm.. I've spent the past 15 minutes trying to upload these images and typing out this post.