And now for a turtle. I did outline of turtle, coloring on shell, sky, and ground. Buenothebear did the coloring on teh turtle himself. pHacon did the face. Crimson did the helmet. Firetail did random lines and teh typing.
Hmm, I found it provoking that I was in chat and I did not see that... Well, we were certainly having an interesting conversation while you two drew cigarettes xD
I drew the ears and the whole original face and body, I also did some coloring and bloody stuff. Xzeno did the ti chi tu and added bloody stuff and suggested we do Hitler. Crimson did some blood stuff and suggested doing the playboy Hitler(accidentally of course). Knight did the bags under his eyes and the darkening and stuff and put most of the pink all ova the place.
A page of craziness. I made most of this, with Xzeno, Graham and Crimson doing the rest. Crimson made the jagged lines and noted that the doodle looked like a notebook page, so he gave me the idea of making it really look like a notebook page (lines and all). Xzeno drew that branch thingy in the top-right. Graham suggested I put a name and date.
Basically, there's a somewhat idealized portrait of myself, two video game console logos, a NES controller, a branch, and random scribbling on a peed upon notebook page which is on fire. DERP! is the work of Crimson.
I feel strange now.
As soon as I get enough time with DarKArgeN, I'll get to that doodle of Graham. As for New Zealand > Australia, I'm joking.