Who's Your Favorite? Why? Send Me a Reply Of who it is,And a Picture if you want. Mines Eleanor Lamb From Bioshock 2.
Nightmare from soulcaliber
Cole from gears of war
jaster from rouge galaxy or link.
Master chief from Halo
Mine is Master Chief from Halo 3.Epic character.
Commander Shepard [url=http://www.google.hr/imgres?q=commander+shepard&um=1&hl=hr&tbm=isch&tbnid=6hj_3L2cOd2QhM:&imgrefurl=http://www.gizmowatch.com/entry/commander-shepard-is-ready-to-strike/&docid=908_nvrs9DDHDM&w=550&h=603&ei=-1QwTpuoEsnEsgb9poQO&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=258&vpy=306&dur=2647&hovh=235&hovw=214&tx=120&ty=153&age=3&tbnh=160&tbnw=129&start=24&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:24&biw=1024&bih=653]
Mine is Master Chief from Halo 3.
Dante from The Devil May Cry. That ans Subzero/Scorpion =P
LOTR Conquest's Legolas
Ezio from Assassin's Creed. I know it's just a game but jumping off roofs and air assassinating people without dying is pretty epic. Anybody else would be Ghost from MW2. Too bad he died...
Gordon Freeman, the silent hero from the Half Life series.But Lazlo from there is a very memorable character. Don't know why.
Link, From the Legend of Zelda series. He's the greatest silent princess saver ever. He's magical and got items and stuff.
Grovyle from pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky!
Vivi, from Final Fantasy IX. He rocks!
the main dude in assasins creed :P
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