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Armorgames. A gaming and community website that is renowned as "the 225th best place to live", among millions of sites in the entire universe of the World Wide Web. Here, people can enjoy frolicking with hundreds of thousands of citizens. Most chat, have conversations, and play games, whichever game they can find that is. Armorgames has over a thousand species of games that are able to be played. The nature and the mannerisms of each game are for the player to find out.

The year is June 6, 2012. Today is a special day for Armorgames, for the founders have something special planned for his inhabitants:

"Iroot! You look happy today!"

"Well of course Daniel! Today is that special day you know.

"What special day?"

"Today! Didn't you read up above? There's a special event going on today!"

"Okaaay....Well, what's it about?"

"The other developers and I believe it is time to release our research and begin the upgrade. As team head, I myself am especially proud of this accomplishment. Improvements galore!"

"How incredible is it?"

"Many, many changes! The citizens are now able to express EXACTLY how they feel with a certain conversation, instead of pointing out how. Our new system allows citizens to be rewarded AP for taming certain species. The sky will be a different color as well(to impress the stoners)! More buildings, more forums, and best of all--you're not going to believe it-- Logo itself will change!"

"The moon is going to change??"

"Yes! See, here's a rough copy of what it will look like:"

*sweep sweep* *scribble scribble*


"That's...err, amazing! You sure Logo itself will change just like that? And....Why did you just paint on my breastplate?"

"I uhhh, ran out of characters. Anyway, it will be a big achievement, with no bugs foreseen."

"Don't lie to me Iroot, you know I don't like it when you lie "

*ignoring the possible last emoticon ever typed*

"Okay okay, so we need to test it to make sure! We don't want the citizens to revolt again.... took me a week to get the ban juice off my boots."

"So this is the 'special day' eh? When will the actual installing of the new system take?"

"The last time we made a new system, we had plenty of testers and we launched as soon as there were no mistakes reported. This one will take a while, as there is 3x more stuff than now."

"Alright! *rubs hands* I can't wait! Let's start the B--"

*FOOOM* *cchhh...*


"Uhh? And who might you be, son?"

"H...h...HI DANIIIELL..."

"Good grief, get ahold of yourself! Iroot detain this boy before he drools all over my newly-painted-on breastplate!"

"I'm I'm....*slurp* I'm Freakenstein..."
"D*** you're huge... what do you *mmph* want? And how did you get in here most importantly? There were 3 mods on duty!"

"I want to be the first beta tester! I heard you guys overhearing so I jumped the castle walls and opened the door without a handle."

"this is going to be fixed, right Iroot?"

"Most definitely sir."

"Alright, ermm..."


"Yeah! That one. Okay, let me just look you over. Iron lord... lots of forum posts.... little of everything merit...What else have you done?"

"I've written reviews on 20 species of games, and I got one checkmark from a biologist! I also logged in 300 hours of AG into Xfire! I'm ready! I'm ready!"

"okay okay, you're ready. You seem active enough. Iroot, where's the key for the new project?"

"We...erm..haven't made it, Sir. That's the only thing we haven't done yet."

"KONGREGATE! Well, sorry Son, it looks like you're going to have to wait until they make that beta key for you. But I promise, as founder, I'll let you go first! "

"YAAAAY! Okay, I'll see you later!"



"Okay he's gone. Quickly Iroot, prepare the portal and the keys so everyone else who wants to test the new project can get in."


"I now declare Beta OPEN!"

  • 124 Replies
10,816 posts

Being ninja will not stop you from losing the game though....

Oh really now? >

Did you realise that you can simply ignore the rules such than when somebody cites THE GAME, you don't have to admit that you lost?

5,642 posts

Being ninja will not stop you from losing the game though....

Yes, but thinking of cows allows you to not lose the game.
Being a farmer, I am always thinking of cows.
4,196 posts

Being a farmer, I am always thinking of cows.

Yes Thoadsy, we know how much you love cows...*winkwinknudgenudge*
10,816 posts

"It isn't what you think! I thought they was regular magazines!!!"

(yes, we are now bumping Frank's thread by being off-topic.)

4,196 posts

"It isn't what you think! I thought they was regular magazines!!!"

Yea, because 'Zoo Weekly' is definitely the title for a normal magazine...and would have nothing to do with animals...especially cows...
9,504 posts

Well ain't you guys precious....I can practically breathe the love in here. I'll post a chapter if you want me to, but blame JDogg for that Literature Fight XD

9,504 posts

Still trying to summon up the courage to ask.....

NO, it's NOT what you think >_>

Ivan: "Hi guys I'm sleeping right now, but just to let you know, none of this is real, okay? I don't care if you're reading my every thoughts, even if some of these experiences seem like a shred of merit in real life, IT'S NOT REAL. It's a dream, okay? So don't you ask when I wake up! You got it?"

~*Chapter VI Part 1 The Dream:*~

Ivan's party was near perfection; almost so that he was exhausted. This made him sleep for nearly fourteen hours in blackness. The last two turned into a vivid dream. It wasn't lucid, or so he didn't realize, because he wasn't able to control his own movements. While floating around in blotches of rainbow-like puffs of smoke that pulsated every few seconds, Ivan was greeted by a statue. It was made out of pure gold, but with a smidgen of hard metal so it wouldn't be too malleable. It had many faces stacked on top each other, each signifying a particular event. He peered even more and found that these were games! The popular ones, in fact, were being shown on each face, one for each genre.

The bottom face was that of a turtle, where a man's head was just above, staring at it from his periphery. The next face was Gemcraft's many-crafted gems were dotted along the bottom face, where a tower was dead-center. The next highest face was a young penguin effortlessly gliding along the horizon, with snow-capped mountains in the distance. The next on the list was...zombies? A whole group of them attacking a village with people fleeing. Even higher were people that looked like...mercenaries or something. They each branded a variety of weapons that fired projectiles, something more like what Ivan's mother uses. Still higher was something quite familiar to him: a sculpture of an indestructotank. The second highest pillar was something of a shock. It was this...siege machine and it was throwing cascading rocks or boulders of some sort on this castle. Is this also a game, yet Ivan hasn't experienced yet?

He floated up closer towards the top. This whole statue with many pillars came to be what may have been hundreds of feet. The very top of the statue had a pedestal. On top of the pedestal was a rather-muscular man. He carried a sword in one hand and the other was reaching out for something, his expression something of ambition, hardship, and grueling. Completely naked except for his accessories, the locks of his hair were supposedly blowing in the wind, even though it is hard for molded gold to capture that sort of image. Ivan floated ever higher to the point where he was reaching the top of his head. He calculated the angle at which the man was reaching for, and he turned and saw....a little ball of light, just suspended in air, with no sense of movement. For the small size, about a quarter's diameter from 10 yards away, it glowed with utmost perfection. Why that man is reaching for that light, it must be important to him.

"What is this supposed to be?" Ivan wondered. Indeed, if this is a game, what game is it? If this is a game, what is it depicting?

"Wait a minute," Ivan stopped abruptly. "This is supposed to be a statue of all the popular games in the web of Armor Games...So... This up top is supposed to be a popular game!"

He sped downward to the base of the floating statue. "All of these games.." Ivan paused, "represents one of each genre! It makes sense! Eight pillars to one statue. Eight separate games. But it still doesn't make sense!" He flew back to the top of the statue. "I was expecting an Adventure genre at the top. Where's Sonny? I thought for sure this was supposed to be the most popular Adventure game! So what the heck is this?"

Suddenly, the top of the statue became malleable and retained movement similar to humanoid statures. The man depicted on the top threw down his mighty sword, where it clanged down each pillar and into the abyss of the puffs of smoke. He made ready to jump, but his eyes grew white and shined. A wispy aura burst around him. When followed through, his jump sent him off like a bullet towards that small of light. When he grabbed it with his hand, the whole area exploded with a complete nirvana of brightness. His motions, after, receiving the light, were putting the ball of light in his pocket, was squatting down like he was sitting, while he floated down to where Ivan was.

When he turned his head, however, the golden statue of the man saw Ivan's body and became purple in the face. Sounds of anger and huffing uttered under his breath. He charged after Ivan, the statue's face close to his. He grabbed Ivan's sides and bellowed as loud as he could.


8,051 posts

Ivan should crack an egg over the statue's face and make an omelette.

5,642 posts



9,504 posts

It was supposed to be a warning you idgits XD

13,657 posts

Cue people entering Beta, because on the internet, no one are allowed to tell others what they should or shouldn't do.

909 posts

Frank's just baiting us until he gains the Admins approval to be used.
Good job with the use of suspense in chapter VI. I agree with Ivan though, which game does this golden man with the face that can turn purple supposed to represent?

9,504 posts

Cue people entering Beta, because on the internet, no one are allowed to tell others what they should or shouldn't do.


I agree with Ivan though, which game does this golden man with the face that can turn purple supposed to represent?

You can either search the bowels of the Adventure games for the description of this man.....Or continue the story and ponder until the game reveals itself

Frank's just baiting us until he gains the Admins approval to be used.

So!? XD
13,657 posts

Basically, if you tell someone to &quotlease don't" do something, or even order them not to, 6 out of 5 will be doing just that when they get the chance.
So if guy had been anything but a dream, most users would be ready to jump into beta, just to defy him. Most likely going to add "You are not my dad!!!".

807 posts

is the game one of the submachines

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