3rd-party characters may not be represented as accurately as they are!
~*Part 3*~
"What?? How did--" Kyle was speechless. He was focused on the figure drawing ever closer, but also on the lone sonny that still survived.
"Hey. Dude. You can get up now; we are safe." He looked down to see a very petrified Ivan clutching Kyle's leg for dear life, eyes shut tight. Kyle wiggled him off, in which Ivan sat down on the ground and looked in the direction of the mysterious character.
"MOM?!" Ivan vociferated, almost scaring himself out of reality. The thought of his own mother being able to tackle such an extreme number on her own was shocking to say the least. She blew the remaining smoke out her pistols and spoke.
"Yes," the mother said, "Iron Princess Camilla, otherwise known as Setsuka. Tamer of a thousand games and thousands more repeated. Glad I got suited up as much as I could. Are you two okay?
"Er..." Ivan muttered, "No Mom we aren't hurt...no cuts or bruises."
"Good!" She spoke cheerfully, "Even the strongest need help some time or another! Even if they are sonnies. Hey uhh, check your purses! Maybe you have AP already!"
The two both emptied their pockets of their cloth sacks. They had some weight in them. Out came a few coins, octagonal, gold and decorated in the shape of Logo. They were quite heavy, as one coin was half an inch thick and covered three fingers in length. Something was wrong though.
"A few coins?" Ivan asked. "I only remember fighting one sonny..." He kept one and put the rest in his purse.
"Anyone," spoke Kyle, "Who is part of the current battle can earn AP, even if they didn't tame the game. So we both fought 2, and Camilla scored....15?"
"Correct!" Camilla squealed. "You're very knowledgeable Kyle....." She stood there and pondered something.
"Your parents home, Kyle?" She asked.
"No, they have work at this time of day," replied Kyle, "they will be back in a few hours."
"Ah.... Well, perhaps we can tell them how far you progressed later! Right now, we got Ivan's party to attend to!" She motioned for Ivan to walk back. "Come on Ivan, let's go get your party ready for everyone else!"
"Can't Kyle come with us and help if he wants?"
"Sorry dear, Kyle can't co--"
"It's okay Ivan!" Kyle interrupted. "I'll meet you back after the preparations are done." He paused. "That is okay with you, right Setsuka?" His face turned indifferent.
"Yes. That's fine with me!" Her face slowly turned into her usual spirited smile.
Confused, Ivan shrugged off the experience with a farewell. "See you later on Kyle!" He waved off in his direction. Camilla turned 'round and went for the door, but not without a sudden yelp in the middle of the yard. The scoregamites in the garden poked their heads out the leaves to see what's what.
It was midday. Logo was off to the side while the backlight shined on the ground quite bright. Yet with all this brightness and no clouds to cover, a shadow still managed to pop in. A shadow without an owner, it would seem. It leaped from out of nowhere and collided on the lone sonny, still paralyzed from the sound. There was no clear indication of weapons being used or some sort of skill involved, but somehow, after the shadow leaped unto the sonny, it burst into code and shot towards the satellite. The shadow was not finished, as it targeted Ivan and shot towards him while he was trailing halfway up the stairs. With a surprised yelp, Ivan pushed himself towards the wall of the stairs and unsheathed the combat knife, the pointy blade in the direction of the shade. The shade also cornered Ivan's body; two ends of the humanoid shadow's hands protruded a set of knives on each hand and were fixed upon his neck.
The two were inches apart, when the shade began to undergo some changes. The shadow became "diluted" of sorts and began to rain off in droplets, slowly revealing the one behind the shadow. Camilla just watched the whole event, perplexed on what was going to happen. Finally, after the entire shadow was dissolved, the figure could be clearly seen. He was coated in ebony-black leather armor, with short, dark-green hair. The knives were released from Ivan's neck when the change happened. They came to a point than curved off in a semi-circle, making a small 'hook' at the top, then was a normal blade down to the hilt. The man was wearing a black cloth mask, so no one could really see his face all that well, except the blackish eyes, piercing, like an assassin. He took one leg on his knee and put the blades even closer to Ivan's neck.
"I could do it right now if I wished!" he spoke, in a dark, cold manner. "You fought a good first fight, see? I see you are quite skilled! Best if you just disappear, to eliminate the competition!"
"Mom...?" Ivan whimpered, shaking. "DO SOMETHING!"
"Oh, that's nice..." the assassin spoke again, putting his covered hand on Ivan's chest. "Your heart is beating 90. That's a sign of a good amount of fear. Question for you. Whatcha gonna do? How're you gonna escape from this trap, hmm?"
"Alright, alright," Camilla mediated, "You can stop now--you're scaring the poor thing!"
"hohoho, but he hasn't acted upon my confrontation yet. Come on boy, what's the matter?"
"Maybe you didn't hear me the first time. I said stop." commanded Camilla. Her light, but forceful hand was put on the assassin's shoulder, which gave a clear indication that he was going too far.
"O-okay Setsuka," surrendered the assassin, "I give." He lets his blades away from Ivan's skin and sheathed them next to his belt, backing away from the porch steps, closer to Kyle.
"What the hell is this??" Ivan demanded, still clutching one of the railings in fear. He sticks a hand out and points towards his assassin.
"Sorry dear!" Camilla said apologetically. "This is BigJacob, he's gonna be here to help with setting up the party. He just got a liiitle too excited for his own good! Right, Jacob?"
"Y-yes Ma'am," apologized BigJacob, who takes a bow.
"So! While we set up things in the backyard, you go fix yourself up. You smell like zombie."
"No way!" Ivan refused. "There ain't to way that he's gonna be in the same house as me while I'm taking a shower! Don't you see he's trying to kill me!?"
"Oh don't be silly Ivan!" insisted Camilla, "You can't die in Armorgames! You can only die away from it.
"We're 3 miles away fro--"
"Anywhoo go take a shower while we go set up the party! Chop-chop!" She pats Ivan on the back, but wipes the mort flesh on her apron. He summons the courage to get up from the porch and entering the house but not before waving Kyle goodbye.
"Well, I'll see you at the party Kyle!"
"Don't worry, I'll be there!" reassured Kyle.
Ivan and BigJacob walk into the house, Ivan staying quite a ways away from him. He walks upstairs towards his room to take a shower, whilst BigJacob moves into the door that goes out into the back deck. Kyle and Camilla turn opposite ways, both heading towards home, but not before Kyle passes a glance back at her, and Camilla the same.
"You should get back to your parents, Sedes," Camilla suggested. "They may be worried sick about you."
"They'll be back shortly. Besides, I have plenty of people watching me as it is, Setsuka."
"Be sure to bring them our way next time; I have yet to meet them..."
~*Chapter IV End*~