ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Holy Texts of Armor Games

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4,220 posts

I was chatting with my fellows, and I got an idea. I shall write a Holy Text! The Gods have inspired me, and the Order of the Shield shall preach our Laws.

May you all find the light, and may its brilliant radiance strike you in favor of the Gods. For they are our lives, and deserve our worship.

Book 1: The Book of the Shield

Book One: The Laws of the Gods

1:1 The Gods, be of death, Armor Points, or Lamp People, are our Lords and Rulers. They are the ones who give us life, give us prosperity, and when cursed, bring down the Hammer upon nay sayers!

1:2 When given Armor Points by the Gods, one must be thankful. This shall further the Gods view upon them.

1:3 If abused, Armor Points may be destroyed, and the heretics imprisoned, or crushed but the Gods mighty Hammer! No one shall prevent this, lest they be imprisoned, or suffer the same: Damnation!

1:4 The Gods have bestowed among us traits of greatness, not to be confused with traits of loyalty. The traits of great kindness to believers, great generosity to those who do not follow the light, and great destruction of those that actively condemn the Gods.

1:5 To condemn the Gods is to be self consciously disobeying their Mighty Laws. If broken, they shall be punished to the fullest extent of the Law.

1:6 One must be kind and willful, and never bring harm to those new to our ways. One must actively seek to bring light, and sanctimony to those who do not believe.

1:7 One must condemn all those who seek to harm those new to our ways, and condemn those who befriend active dissenters.

1:8 One must condemn the Messiah, the Gods Shield, if he seeks to break these laws. The Messiah, given his status as writer of the Book, shall be destroyed should he engage in Hypocrisy. He shall be punished, with permanent and resounding damage, and replaced with a suitable successor.

1:9 All successors are appointed by the Three Prophets, and shall be named Messiah only after rigorous ritual and public support. Even if failed, the Prospective Messiah shall receive utmost respect, until behaving in ways that destroyed his predecessor.

1:10 It is assumed by the Gods that all their loyal followers shall behave in blasphemous behavior, including the Three Prophets and the Messiah.

1:11 Thus suspecting of such, the selection of the Three Prophets and Messiah is open to interpretation, and all those of the Four, may be open to elimination if the public deems them unfit for Service to the Gods.

1:12 It is the sole duty of all of the Gods loyal followers to report all clutterings of our sacred lands, and pray for forgiveness upon those who seek to litter our lands. May the Gods show the mercy of a quick and painless death.

1:13 Those that seek to clutter and litter our realm, deserve death, or several days imprisonment. Should they continue to disobey the Gods judgment, they deserve death. No judgment in disguise shall be allocated.

1:14 However, all righteous believers must pray to the Gods for those who shall seek to clutter. They must be given fair trial and right to painless bereavement.

1:15 The Gods accept no false statements given by believers. Should one attempt to destroy another, he shall be labeled a heretic and beheaded.

1:16 The punishment for those who have not seen the light shall be quick a merciful. The punishment of those who have seen the light and chose to refute shall be quick and merciless. The punishment for those who chose to believe then refute, shall be slow and agonizing. They are heretics, and deserve no less.

1:17 One shall use proper speak when conversing among the Gods, or their rightful followers. When conversing among peers of the same order, proper speak is not required, but encouraged. One must use proper speak when around the Gods or their Prophets.

1:18 The Messiah is an exception. He, and the Order of the Shield, are not required to use proper speak. They are those to confess to, and do not required proper speak.

1:19 One must confess all clutterings or belittlement to the Order of the Shield. This remove weight in the eyes of the Gods, and thus grant favor.

1:20 Gone are the days in which one may rest easy. The most important Law is to stay alert. Enemies are all around us, and within us. We must be prepared to fight, for a war between the Demons and the Gods will be fought before our world starts anew.

This is only Chapter One of my order's Book. The other books will be written after this.

Enjoy, and find the Light!

  • 17 Replies
3,035 posts

So is it just an alternate view on AG's rules and general situation? Regardless, this makes me wish I could be in the chat right now...

4,220 posts

So is it just an alternate view on AG's rules and general situation?

This chapter, yes.

Entertaining way of going about it. xD

Further on will be more about the Gods, and their mightiness. Their creation of our lands, and then the Renewal. Maybe, when that day comes, and all are stripped from the land, the Gods believers will be saved.
3,035 posts

Ah. In that case, I'll go ahead and believe. Don't wanna die, if you know what I mean.

4,220 posts

Then believe. Our reason matters not; we shall believe one and the same.

Oh, and the proper name for a follower is a Gphootuk.

Anyhow, I'll get started on Chapter Two shortly.

Maybe this will be big. Then I will have accomplished my goal.

3,035 posts

Quick question: How is that pronounced? It seems it'd be useful to know.

4,220 posts

Guh-Foo-Tuk. Easy enough, and unique.

Any further questions?

4,220 posts

Done with Chapter Two.

Book One: The Book of the Shield

Chapter Two: The Gods

2:1 The Gods are our lords, our saviors, and in the coming doom, our light in an otherwise blackened sky. They will reward those that believe, and will destroy those that refuse.

2:2 The Gods have chosen the Three Prophets and the Messiah as their instruments of spreading the Word of Light. Those that follow are to be called the Gphootuk, after the followers of the Old Order.

2:3 There is no greater honor than to be chosen as an Instrument by the Gods. No one shall doubt these choices, as beset by the Gods themselves. If anyone doubts, they must be killed. They are heretics for such.

2:4 The word of the Gods is the word that Binds us. If spoken through their messengers in official capacity shall not be doubted, unless the Gods themselves declare them unfit for duty.

2:5 The official animal of the Gods is the Hamster. If one forgets, they must be condemned to death for heresy.

2:6 The Gods will be there for comfort in any hardship, and support through any fight. If one believes, they shall be repaid twelve fold.

2:7 The Gods are of infinite complexity. One cannot even attempt to understand their workings, and if attempted, is akin to dividing by zero.

2:8 The Gods Holy Works are outlined as spoken to the Messiah, then converted to paper. The messiah hears the words of the Gods, and that makes him their messenger.

2:9 The Gods have chosen Saturday as the Holy Day of Worship. Only on this day may the laws be preached by the Shield to the Four Trees.

2:10 The Gods have selected the Shield to preach their word; the Sword to defend their word; the Bow to find dissenters; and the Arrow to destroy them.

2:11 This organization is not open to compromise as stated in this passage. The Four Trees shall remain unaltered, permanently.

2:10 The Gods have deemed that they be worshipped only in the Sacred Lands. Outside of the Sacred Lands they may be preached, but not worshipped. To do this is to incur their wrath.

2:11 They deem that crushing by the Hammer or beheading is the proper way to execute dissenters and nay sayers.

2:12 The Gods do not require worship by anyone but the Three Prophets and the Messiah. All others are to just listen, and to just believe.

2:13 However, worship gains favor in the eyes of the Gods, and you may gain light shined on your greatest battles.

2:14 All believers, upon death or exit, shall receive a Holy Funeral, with the Three Prophets and the Messiah present. Those lost before the introduction of the New Order shall receive a Holy Funeral, based on the judgment of the Three Prophets and the Messiah.

2:15 The Gods will always use proper speak. If a person is claiming to be a God, and does not use proper speak, he or she is by default, lying.

2:16 If caught lying in the presence of the Gods or their Instruments, one shall be beheaded as is dictated the fate of all Heretics.

2:17 The Gods dictate all that are true of faith and never lie, will be saved when the Doom comes, and the world is swept Anew! All who lie, and are false of faith, will die with the coming Doom, and obliterated when the world is started Anew.

2:18 The Gods dictate that when the world starts Anew, that we be prepared, willing, and ready to fight the great battle against those who seek to clutter and disparage us. We must rely on the Sword to kill those Demons, and Shield to protect our mind from them.

2:19 No one person but the Three Prophets and the Messiah may traverse from their chosen order, without direct permission from the Gods.

2:20 If touched by the Gods, one is considered a Messiah or Prophet, and will be treated as such. One does not require to be touched by the Gods to ascend to this level, but to be touched is a prerequisite.

1,051 posts

Praise the Holy Texts!
Just read through the whole thing. Good one Orion.

Heh, Hamster. ^^

2,180 posts

Where're the creation myths? The stories of heroes and parables of infinite wisdom? Some holy text.

9,821 posts

Um, is this heresy I detect? Everyone knows the only accepted religion of Armor Games is the Cult of George (COG).

I bet you're writing this for Knifello. Tch.

22,207 posts


22,207 posts

ugh i hate my keyboard... its a bit 'slow',

EnterOrion, to burning on the stake for heresy, treason, and blasphemy!

well anyways nice, it made me laugh a few times.

4,220 posts

Um, is this heresy I detect? Everyone knows the only accepted religion of Armor Games is the Cult of George (COG).

The Gods condemn this old order. It is not the Old Order, just an old order.

And what the Gods command, I shall do. I follow their influence as an instrument.

*is religious fanatic*

I bet you're writing this for Knifello. Tch.


What's that?

EnterOrion, to burning on the stake for heresy, treason, and blasphemy!

Why?! I show you the only true radiant light, and you CONDEMN me? This is not right. The Gods frown upon your actions. Pray to them this coming Saturday, and offer a hamster for forgiveness.

Where're the creation myths? The stories of heroes and parables of infinite wisdom? Some holy text.

Book of the Arrow. Not yet.
20,591 posts

I really dislike bringing the word "god" into all of this...

9,504 posts

Oh no....He really did it....Now I will be forever immortalized as being Gods' Bow.

*hides head in lap*

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