Chapter 1 of The Enchanted world of Armonia The Beginning ~
A long time ago, a butcher named Strop, once went into the darkened woods of the Armonia forest, where he found a strange well, he has never seen before. He grabbed a big rock, and threw it into the well. But he never heard the crashing sound of the rock, instead, he saw a bright light, illuminating everything around Strop, the light was so strong, it stunned Strop for some seconds, as he was stunned, he quickly notices that he's falling into something, he screams yelling for help as he falls down, but, after a while of falling, a wind stops him from falling, and he lands on a grassy ground, without getting hurt. He looks around and just see's a forest with huge tree's, although he thought this didn't look like the Armonia forest. He started yelling "HELP!" "ANYBODY HERE?", something from far away shouted "WHO'S THERE?", Strop quickly replies "I'M A BUTCHER", the deep voice yells at him "WHATS A BUTCHER DOING IN THE ENCHANTED FOREST?", Strop stops yelling back at him, and quickly sprints toward the deep voice. He see's nothing but a dead end with a lot of bushes and tree's. He soon hears a voice telling "Welcome to the Enchanted World of Armonia, Strop" Strop get's his pocket-knife and says "Who's there? if someone out there is playing me a prank, you will pay for that!", a fairy rises from a bush and tells him "I'm just a fairy, please don't harm me!", Strop doesn't believe what he's seeing and soon faints, after a while of being unconscious, the fairy he saw before tells him "Hello Strop, my name is Carlie, and i'm a fairy of the world of Armonia! and you are first human to enter our world for the first time", Strop quickly tells Carlie "So where is the city of the enchanted world of Armonia?", Carlie soon tells him "Come with me, and ill show you the way to the great enchanted city of Armonia!"
Carlie takes Strop to the city, the journey of Strop, begins now...
Any chance at all that you got the name "Armonia" from Armenia?
No, it came from an MMO i used to play, a guild was named liked that.
Take it from me, Zanto. I'm just glad the others were so forgiving.
Forgiveness is what i needed.
Sorry guys, I haven't been making new chapters cause i was busy, school just started, and its getting hard, so i only get like 2 hours a day of Armor Games and other stuff. I should have the chapter done by tomorrow, thanks for you're patience!
Chapter 4 of The Enchanted world of Armonia You can only slay ~
Strop and Carlie, as soon as they woke up, they packed their stuff, and started they're journey towards the Dragon's Lair, which is the most feared cave in the whole Armonia, a lot of unexperienced travelers had passed by that cave, lots of them we're never found. Carlie pokes Strop and whispers "Strop, this is the cave...", Strop takes out his claymore out of his backpack, and walks toward the entrance of the cave. Strop stops walking, and then the Dragon roars at him(but Strop doesn't see the dragon, cause the cave is fully darkened), Strop lightens one of his torches, and without knowing he was touching the dragons nose, he accidently burned it and the Dragon enraged with pure ferociousness, Strop grabs his claymore with his 2 hands, and rapidly stabs his sword on the dragons right foot, leaving the Dragon stuck to the ground, the Dragon soon gets the sword out of his foot and flies out of the cave. Strop follows the dragon and tells Carlie "Do you have any health pots?", Carlie said no, Strop soon gets out of the cave with Carlie, and looks at the sky ; He see's the Dragon flying in circles and Strop starts climbing up a tree near the dragon, as soon as he got at the top of tree, he started battling with the dragon, the dragon flamethrows at the tree and the tree burns, making Strop fall to the ground, Strop hits ground unconscious, Carlie soon makes him drink a health pot, Strop retrieves consciousness and said "So... you did have a health pot!" Carlie says nothing. Strop stays on the ground, and the dragon flies towards him, Strop soon gained an incredible power out of nowhere, jumps towards the dragon and stabs him trespassing his head, finally killing the dragon.
After a while, a citizen of the enchanted town of Armonia see's Strops glory for killing the most feared dragon, and shouts with his horn "Everyone of the Enchanted Town of Armonia! this Hero called Strop has slayed the Dragon!!", Strop soon hears the shouts of people in the town saying "All hail Strop!" repetitively. Strop is rewarded with a golden blade, since his claymore was damaged during the battle with the dragon, the King of Armonia, gave him that golden blade.
And then, a fantastic day for Strop and Carlie has ended, both of them go sleep on the King's Kingdom guestroom for the night, who knows what awaits our heroes next...