ForumsArt, Music, and WritingCommunity Tile Project - Autumn 2010

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11,891 posts

Welcome to the First Community Tile Project, the Community Tile Project of Autumn 2010!

So what is it exactly?

You, the user, are given a 50 by 50 pixel tile to fill in relating to the current theme of the Project. The theme for this Project is Your Username. Accepted tiles will be added to the image at the bottom of this post. I have already filled in the first tile. The Project will end when there are 100 tiles or at the end of September, whichever comes first. Hopefully we can get as many entries as possible.

There are several things to keep in mind when making your tiles:

-Entries must be 50 by 50 pixels. Smaller entries will need filler to be up to size requirements.
-One entry per user. You may revise your entry at any time before the end of the project.
-Entry must relate to your username. If it isn't immediately obvious, explanation may be necessary.
-Entries should be submitted before October 1st.

Get your entries in before October 1st and we'll see how this turns out. Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the Project.

Community Tile Project - Autumn 2010 - Usernames
NOTE: You may need to hard refresh or clear your cache to view the latest image.

  • 156 Replies
11,891 posts

I should reiterate myself or clearly state that should one use images use images that allows me to reproduce it in the compilation (and in the compilation only). Any licensing issues on unoriginal images not only fall on you, but they fall on me as well. While I'd like information and art to be free forever or at least copyleft if not copycenter, I am a complete tool when it comes to issues like this. Unless it's clearly within fair use, I don't want to touch issues such as these. Even if no actions may be taken the principles still stand and as someone who greatly values creative input and output, I will not cross that line.

This isn't the Armatar Contest and I have no commercial gain from this. It is just for fun. I don't care if the images are not completely original, but please make sure I can use them. I'll read licenses and whatnot and make the necessary inquiries that I know won't be entirely unfruitful. The strictest anyone should go are compatible copyleft licenses. You can argue fair use, but I don't want to. Thank you all for linking to sources.

I am not a lawyer, only fairly familiar with copyright law, patent law, and trademark law because it benefits me to know. If I am wrong about any of the above, someone with greater knowledge of copyright law should inform me.

In Summary: Please make sure I can use the image. If you're not sure, I'll take a look.

13,344 posts

I don't know whether or not my image applies to that long wall of text (which I did read), but if it doesn't, can you tell me what I have to do to make it qualifiable?

5,061 posts

I'm pretty sure mine does, I'm going to go find Word's copyright law now.

11,891 posts

Appended Note to my previous post: If you created your image from scratch, then you should be fine as long as any program you used to create it did not have crazy restrictions on your creations because they want your money. Avoid Crazy EULAs!

If you're paranoid because of my last post and feel like posting what font you used too: Most fonts are free. Common fonts are free. Fonts created in the US are not under copyright and have no copyright.

You can still change it if you like.

If you drew all of it (aside from the name, which looks typed) that shouldn't be a problem.

I don't know if I can get anything on that since it would be a hassle. You're better off creating your own.

That should not be a problem. I'd have like to have had that stated earlier. However, I will not accept it. I'd like a little more creativity than a single keystroke and editing.

I can easily just avoid all of this by requiring all entries be original, but I won't. There are free images, and if you can't find a suitable one, make your own. But please try to put some originality into your entries. (If you used an image, then write your name. If you typed your name, then draw an image to go with it.) Quality is subjective and I don't care if it looks like a four year-old drew it because four-year-old drawings are undeniably awesome, but please put some effort toward the entries. This is the AMW.

Also, don't worry over the submissions. I will state a reason for rejections.

5,061 posts

Well there was more, I'm currently trying to figure out where it is. Apparently something went wrong between my computer and photobucket. :s

815 posts

Resummiting and renaming: Not drawn by a 5 year old.
I got the small man holding the flag from here

tryed to find something on it but couldnt, can you have a look for me please.

5,420 posts

I suppose so long as I'm allowed I will just submit my old logo:

13,817 posts

Thank goodness, something exciting which I can participate in.

I'll be back in a few days with my tile.

5,061 posts

I think I got it know.

11,891 posts

I will save myself the trouble in the future.

Change of plans: Due to licensing issues in general (and potential incompatible licenses), Tiles will be displayed as a Collection, not the front page image, at the end of the Project. I did not do this at first because I did not know it was possible to do so on Armor Games, but apparently I was wrong.

I do not consider the Collection to be a work as a whole. Any artistic effort on my part with respect to the Collection will be limited to my Tile and accepting/rejecting entries based on creative effort. If the Collection itself is still considered a work as a whole, then I will remove it. Individual tiles in the Collection are under their respective rights.

Only tiles that feature only original work will be featured in the image on the front page. Your image will be removed from the image on the front page if you request it. If your tile has been accepted but contains restrictions or licensed work, the position it would've taken will be marked as reserved. I will not do this for any tiles that are not free to use until infinity with specific restrictions or otherwise. Please note that as this is the AMW Forum, and this largely applies to other things as well, unoriginal works should not be a large part of or the focus of your entries or other works in the AMW Forum. I don't know if this has been written anywhere in this forum or if it is an unwritten rule, but everyone should know this.

@BenTheBozer: It should be fine. Also, there is a transparent border on the right and bottom sides of your image so it's actually 49x49. I don't know if the border was intentional.

The image on the front page has been updated.

9,504 posts

Change of plans: Due to licensing issues in general (and potential incompatible licenses), Tiles will be displayed as a Collection, not the front page image, at the end of the Project. I did not do this at first because I did not know it was possible to do so on Armor Games, but apparently I was wrong.

So....what are we going to do with this collection besides place it on the OP? I mean, this is really cool and I plan to be a part of it, but it would be nice to have something else to go along with it, like a temporary background image for AG. Perhaps in the future?

*Gets giddy over ideas spinning in head*
13,817 posts

I was bored, so I....

I made this in GIMP. I am considering taking out the red eyes but I have yet to come to a final conclusion.

I love this project. You are awesome Gantic.

1,739 posts

Change of plans: Due to licensing issues in general (and potential incompatible licenses), Tiles will be displayed as a Collection, not the front page image, at the end of the Project. I did not do this at first because I did not know it was possible to do so on Armor Games, but apparently I was wrong.

How about you add a sort of license to the thread saying:

Any art posted in this thread is subject to usage, change or distribution by the thread owners.

I want to make a tile too...
5,642 posts

Sounds like fun! and I know exactly what to do!

11,891 posts

So....what are we going to do with this collection besides place it on the OP? I mean, this is really cool and I plan to be a part of it, but it would be nice to have something else to go along with it, like a temporary background image for AG. Perhaps in the future?

OP stands for 'original poster' and there's no way I'm tattooing this on myself. The Collection is not the image on the front page. The Collection will be all individual images in one post once the project is over. I don't have the ability to make this into a temporary background image anyway. This is just for fun and for Community.

Any art posted in this thread is subject to usage, change or distribution by the thread owners.

No. If you use any work containing licensed material, the rights to use and distribute the work is limited by the license. If it is original, then I could, which is why only originals will show up on the front page image unless that is not wanted.

#Image updated
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