Welcome to the First Community Tile Project, the Community Tile Project of Autumn 2010!
So what is it exactly?
You, the user, are given a 50 by 50 pixel tile to fill in relating to the current theme of the Project. The theme for this Project is Your Username. Accepted tiles will be added to the image at the bottom of this post. I have already filled in the first tile. The Project will end when there are 100 tiles or at the end of September, whichever comes first. Hopefully we can get as many entries as possible.
There are several things to keep in mind when making your tiles:
-Entries must be 50 by 50 pixels. Smaller entries will need filler to be up to size requirements. -One entry per user. You may revise your entry at any time before the end of the project. -Entry must relate to your username. If it isn't immediately obvious, explanation may be necessary. -Entries should be submitted before October 1st.
Get your entries in before October 1st and we'll see how this turns out. Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the Project.
Community Tile Project - Autumn 2010 - Usernames NOTE: You may need to hard refresh or clear your cache to view the latest image.
I'm pretty concerned about the turnout. We might not reach the target of a hundred. Then again, it's too early to tell.
About time that image updates. I cleared my cache yesterday night and it still didn't appear. Hmm.. I have no idea why I had to wait an entire day.
Some people I've talked to either have no idea what to do with a 50x50 tile at the moment or state that they're horrible at computer art without a graphics tablet.
@knight_34 I started this knowing that it will most likely not reach 100. It's not a bad estimate of how many users are active at peak times. I might have to do a little more "advertising" to get it out there. Your cache may not clear properly even though you cleared it. I had that same problem too. Luckily images clear in 24 hrs. Quality hardly ever stops anyone from entering the ASC or the Armatar Contest. Whether or not it looks good or not doesn't matter. There's only so much you can do at 50x50 px.
This is a replacement for my original. I admit that it is not completely original; the flower is derived from Sakura.svg on the Wikimedia Commons. However, it is licensed under CC0, which waives all right of the creator to the work.
I have no clue what you're asking. The 'u' is not obvious at all. What is obvious is that an 'n' happened to fall over so you just took a picture of it and posted it because flickr is mostly used to share photos. That's why it's all smudgy. That and it's a JPEG.
That should work. No conflicts to be found.
Image updated. So far we are 1/10 of the way there!
I write my U like that. Do you want an original, full size Photoshop format file or something?
I have no clue what you're asking. The 'u' is not obvious at all. What is obvious is that an 'n' happened to fall over so you just took a picture of it and posted it because flickr is mostly used to share photos. That's why it's all smudgy. That and it's a JPEG.
I am confused...
Woah, 10% is good. I can't wait to see the end result of this project.
We're currently basing our number on the normal active users that get on at the moment. We'll probably get really slow at 50 or something.
How many pics wide will the final image be? Like 10 images? We're already there...
The image on the first page is 10 tiles by 10 tiles. We have 30 days left. We need 3 entries a day! or all of them on the last day! Get your friends to participate!
I was joking.
If it is in (I've been waiting to have a legitimate excuse to write 'if it is in'. ) PNG or GIF make sure it does not have transparency or I will have to use a screenshot of the entry, because images with transparency do not transfer well without the original file. I'm not going to ask for the original file. I'm need to take a screenshot of your entry. Is that alright?